Stormy Tales; “I Stared At The Ceiling Wondering How I Got Here”

I don't care. What would make you think I do? Child advocates and persecution of pedos offend you?

In the grand scheme? You're a pimple on a gnat's ass in importance to me
You spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about children, not your own. You appear to be fixated on things. It's an unhealthy obsession. It's like paranoia and shit. You have a sick mind so your perceptions are skewed. sad really sad
You spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about children, not your own. You appear to be fixated on things. It's an unhealthy obsession. It's like paranoia and shit. You have a sick mind so your perceptions are skewed. sad really sad

GFY. Of course I worry about children, I'm worried about you sleazes being around them.

Save your bs, you will never influence me, not now not ever. Now sit down
GFY. Of course I worry about children, I'm worried about you sleazes being around them.

Save your bs, you will never influence me, not now not ever. Now sit down
It's an unhealthy obsession. Lost of people suffer it. But as a society we have places and medications for folks like you.

take care

seek help

it can get better
Of course lost in all of this is the central question...

Do we really want a President who engages in this sort of behavior? Is he still pretending he never had sex with her and doesn’t know her name?
I do. I find his behavior refreshing.

All aboard...

trump train.jpg

Stormy Tales;​

Where is this quote? The title makes it sounds like that's what she was doing during the fornicating. Does it actually refer to sitting alone in her house and just reflecting?

“I Stared At The Ceiling Wondering How I Got Here”​

This quote is not in your link. Please point it out. Thx
He didn't violate campaign finance laws, and even the prosecutions own witnesses spelled that out.
Ridiculously false
And for the rest of your BS, Trump isn't running for a popularity contest,
If he’s having to pay a whore for sex and he’s a billionaire, I would hope not. Billionaires usually don’t have problems getting laid. Seems your blob is the exception there if he’s paying for it.
and he didn't commit a felony.
Never said he did. It’s just incredibly distasteful for people to support this despicable pervert and try to pass themselves off as being religious. Its something you’ll have to explain to your lineage. Not me.
He didn't violate campaign finance laws, and even the prosecutions own witnesses spelled that out.

And for the rest of your BS, Trump isn't running for a popularity contest, and he didn't commit a felony.
I'm pretty sure that Bill Clinton was your man in his second term....hypocrite much?
Argue with the grand jury, the DA, and the judge. He is going to be convicted, I think, after following the transcripts. He is dead in the water, unless he has an Alexander Hamilton on his defense team. Ah, I checked: that is a nope.
After being asked if she felt anything "unusual" during her sexual encounter with Trump, Daniels said she was staring at the ceiling wondering how she got there, and trying to think of something other than what was happening.

Prosecutor Hoffinger then asked Daniels if he was wearing a condom.

Daniels replied, “No.”

Asked if that was concerning to her, Daniels said, “yes,” but she did not say anything about it to Trump, and that the sex itself was brief.

Daniels testified that Trump did not ask her to keep their sexual encounter confidential.

“He didn’t give me anything, he didn’t offer to pay me or give me his cell phone number or anything like that," Daniels said.

Daniels went on to say that Trump also did not express any concern about his wife finding out.

I wonder if Barron will ask him about when he shows up for the graduation ceremony?
What is the point of all this testimony? It’s irrelevant to the case.
What is the point of all this testimony? It’s irrelevant to the case.
I wondered the same thing. Why didn't Trump's lawyers ask her about those 34 documents. If she had no knowledge, her testimony is irrelevant to the charges at hand.

I guess this is just how kangaroo courts are.

Argue with the grand jury, the DA, and the judge. He is going to be convicted, I think, after following the transcripts. He is dead in the water, unless he has an Alexander Hamilton on his defense team. Ah, I checked: that is a nope.
Being that this is a kangaroo court, I too, believe he will be convicted, there is no doubt in my mind. But, the smart money is
on it getting overturned in the appellate court.....johnny
I wondered the same thing. Why didn't Trump's lawyers ask her about those 34 documents. If she had no knowledge, her testimony is irrelevant to the charges at hand.

I guess this is just how kangaroo courts are.
The campaign finances did not record them.
Being that this is a kangaroo court, I too, believe he will be convicted, there is no doubt in my mind. But, the smart money is
on it getting overturned in the appellate court.....johnny
Your opinion about kangaroo court is noted. It might be overturned, but I would not bet the family fortune on it.
We’ve had 44 men who have held the office. What % do you think slept with someone they paid for sex? Extra marital affairs are one thing. Marriages are tricky and complicated...paying someone...disgusting.
Don't know very much POTUS history eh?

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