Stormy Tales; “I Stared At The Ceiling Wondering How I Got Here”

After being asked if she felt anything "unusual" during her sexual encounter with Trump, Daniels said she was staring at the ceiling wondering how she got there, and trying to think of something other than what was happening.

Prosecutor Hoffinger then asked Daniels if he was wearing a condom.

Daniels replied, “No.”

Asked if that was concerning to her, Daniels said, “yes,” but she did not say anything about it to Trump, and that the sex itself was brief.

Daniels testified that Trump did not ask her to keep their sexual encounter confidential.

“He didn’t give me anything, he didn’t offer to pay me or give me his cell phone number or anything like that," Daniels said.

Daniels went on to say that Trump also did not express any concern about his wife finding out.

I wonder if Barron will ask him about when he shows up for the graduation ceremony?
Yes. How on earth could a sex worker end up on her back?
Being that this is a kangaroo court, I too, believe he will be convicted, there is no doubt in my mind. But, the smart money is
on it getting overturned in the appellate court.....johnny
But will that be before the election?
We’ve had 44 men who have held the office. What % do you think slept with someone they paid for sex? Extra marital affairs are one thing. Marriages are tricky and complicated...paying someone...disgusting.
I'm so glad that you have scruples. :abgg2q.jpg:
A one night fling is bad, but an ongoing affair is okay. Got it. :rolleyes-41:
Maybe it had nothing to do with campaign finances? Just an obvious guess.
They were used to pay for them.


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