Story about Biden and 14 year old girl debunked by ABC News

I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
Then why do you consistently exit our debates half way through? Please explain that.

I don't recall that we've had any "debates". All I see is hapless trolling. Here being an example --- I admonished a totally different poster for presuming to tell me what I think and you came waddling in with "get a TV". I dunno maybe you're brain damaged or whatever but that ain't "debate". It's hapless trolling.

As I said ---- don't waste my time.
Of course not. How about this. I'll keep tabs going forward as your MO is consistent.

You keep tabs on anything you want. For that matter my post history is freely available, knock yourself out. Should you find anything that you think you can put legs on, bring it forward in a new thread.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
Then why do you consistently exit our debates half way through? Please explain that.

I don't recall that we've had any "debates". All I see is hapless trolling. Here being an example --- I admonished a totally different poster for presuming to tell me what I think and you came waddling in with "get a TV". I dunno maybe you're brain damaged or whatever but that ain't "debate". It's hapless trolling.

As I said ---- don't waste my time.
Of course not. How about this. I'll keep tabs going forward as your MO is consistent.

You keep tabs on anything you want. For that matter my post history is freely available, knock yourself out. Should you find anything that you think you can put legs on, bring it forward in a new thread.
Will do
He ran for multiple circuit judge positions and garnered them so someone would have dug this up, especially with Democrats in charge
Not necessarily. Just as Biden has been fully betted many times, and the Reade allegation is new. And the metoo movement is new. Todays circumstances are just different.

Trump absolutely bragged about grabbing pussy. There is really something very wrong with your brain if you cant come to terms with that fact.
our guy who grabs 'em by the pussy is bad, but yours is worse

so what is the greatest good or the greatest harm?

Biden is likely to do more good for women than his competition, the worst president in the history of the Republic. Compared with the good Biden can do, the cost of dismissing Tara Reade...and, worse, weakening the voices of future worth it, my friends!
He ran for multiple circuit judge positions and garnered them so someone would have dug this up, especially with Democrats in charge
Not necessarily. Just as Biden has been fully betted many times, and the Reade allegation is new. And the metoo movement is new. Todays circumstances are just different.

Trump absolutely bragged about grabbing pussy. There is really something very wrong with your brain if you cant come to terms with that fact.
Both women are liars. He did not . He bragged that women LET him grab the pussy. Not the same thing. Stop being dishonest.
News papers are dying, mega corporations own the major media, they don't supply us with facts they supply us with opinions & any thing that hypes up their audience. the only goal is money & power.
He bragged that women LET him grab the pussy
Hahaha.. Right, totally different. Good god, man...trump has really done a number on you.
It is. It shows consent. He didn’t say he grabbed it as that is assault. Major difference and don’t run and hide. Do you agree that both Reade and Ford are likely lying?
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.

Your vision will always be impaired when you're going :lalala:

That of course is your problem, not mine.
Really? I can still see if I put my fingers in my ears. You can't?
Biden wants a guilty until proven innocent standard. A view shared my most in the Dem party, as highlighted in the Kavanaugh hearings. Why not insist Joe lead by example and step down?
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.

Your vision will always be impaired when you're going :lalala:

That of course is your problem, not mine.
Really? I can still see if I put my fingers in my ears. You can't?

Look closely --- dat li'l guy has his eyes closed. You can't close your ears with no hands.
Biden wants a guilty until proven innocent standard. A view shared my most in the Dem party, as highlighted in the Kavanaugh hearings. Why not insist Joe lead by example and step down?

"Step down" from ---- what?
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.

Your vision will always be impaired when you're going :lalala:

That of course is your problem, not mine.
Really? I can still see if I put my fingers in my ears. You can't?

Look closely --- dat li'l guy has his eyes closed. You can't close your ears with no hands.
I know. I was just playin'. :biggrin:
Biden wants a guilty until proven innocent standard. A view shared my most in the Dem party, as highlighted in the Kavanaugh hearings. Why not insist Joe lead by example and step down?

"Step down" from ---- what?

As presumptive nominee. Let Sanders take the nomination as 2nd place finisher.
Doesn't matter, really. The Dems have nobody who can beat Trump.
Biden wants a guilty until proven innocent standard. A view shared my most in the Dem party, as highlighted in the Kavanaugh hearings. Why not insist Joe lead by example and step down?

"Step down" from ---- what?

As presumptive nominee. Let Sanders take the nomination as 2nd place finisher.
Doesn't matter, really. The Dems have nobody who can beat Trump.

At this point a broken lampshade could prolly beat Rump.

Let's check the numbers --- currently at 51.3% Disapproval vs 45.3 Approval. And that's been consistent.

Let's check that infamous trio of states that he edged out an EC win by a razor-thin margin, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. He couldn't win a majority of the state vote in ANY of them. Nor in this state, nor in Florida, nor in AridZona, nor even in freaking Utah. Rump could not win freaking Utah with an R after his name. Doesn't get much more vulnerable than that.

This comparison, whether Biden or any other candidate, is like the punch line to that old joke about the campers and the bear. "I don't need to outrun that bear --- I only need to outrun YOU".
Biden wants a guilty until proven innocent standard. A view shared my most in the Dem party, as highlighted in the Kavanaugh hearings. Why not insist Joe lead by example and step down?

"Step down" from ---- what?

As presumptive nominee. Let Sanders take the nomination as 2nd place finisher.
Doesn't matter, really. The Dems have nobody who can beat Trump.

At this point a broken lampshade could prolly beat Rump.

Let's check the numbers --- currently at 51.3% Disapproval vs 45.3 Approval. And that's been consistent.

Let's check that infamous trio of states that he edged out an EC win by a razor-thin margin, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. He couldn't win a majority of the state vote in ANY of them. Nor in this state, nor in Florida, nor in AridZona, nor even in freaking Utah. Rump could not win freaking Utah with an R after his name. Doesn't get much more vulnerable than that.

This comparison, whether Biden or any other candidate, is like the punch line to that old joke about the campers and the bear. "I don't need to outrun that bear --- I only need to outrun YOU".
Ooooh. Polls.

Polls also said there was no way Hillary could lose. How'd that work out?

And before you reply, just know that NO THIS TIME IT'LL BE DIFFERENT PINKIE SWEAR is not a rational rebuttal.
Ooooh. Polls.

Polls also said there was no way Hillary could lose. How'd that work out?

And before you reply, just know that NO THIS TIME IT'LL BE DIFFERENT PINKIE SWEAR is not a rational rebuttal.

Well, no, the thing is, the polls usually get these things right... and they weren't that far off.

This time, Trump will be running with a record that includes impeachment, failing in a national emergency AND Great Depression 2.0.

He's fucked.

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