Story about Biden and 14 year old girl debunked by ABC News

And Hilary for even longer. So what?

Are you suggesting presidential candidates should now be investigated by the FBI?
you had no problem with them investigating the president

You do realize there is a difference between the President and a candidate? (Maybe I am overly optimistic here)...

At any rate, if a crime was committed, file a report and let the police handle it, which by the way is what Ford should have done.
It's amazing how you have all this criticizm for Ford 18 months after the fact.
Do you want me to repeat what I said about Ford for tbe memory impaired?
Who cares what you're saying now? I'm virtually certain you defended her to the hilt when the Kavenaugh hearings were in session.
Oh? I defended her and Kavanaugh.

FYI Maryland doesn't have a statue of limitation she could have filed a police report if it was true
"Contemporaneous local news reporting shows Biden may have been out of commish for the "remainder of the week," according to his then-spox."

You shitstains can't even read your own fake news. He obviously wasn't "out of commish" for the "remainder of the week" or they would have offered proof of it. Soooooo.... he may have been sexually assaulting a minor.

It's actually more proof that he DID do it. You're not doing your Dear Leaders any favors.

this story has not been debunked and is VERY credible

please God, let the Dems keep Biden for the election...
If Biden did talk about a 14 year old's tits at least it wasn't his daughter:

Ahhhhhh. Cheat sheet. If you can't trust cheatsheet who can ya trust?

Dimwitocrats are stuck with Biden. Good.
He will be the next president of this country.

It must have happened at a different event. Sometimes memories can be a little off after so many years. We should give her the benefit of the doubt and look into this more.

Um, no. First, the story is questionable on its face. The woman in Question is the niece of famous Teabagger Christine O'Donnell... you know, the person who became a laughingstock in 2010 when it was discovered she dabbled in Witchcraft. When they straight up cited a specific event and then it turns out, after research, Biden wasn't there because he was recovering from an operation, your credibility goes out the window.
It must have happened at a different event. Sometimes memories can be a little off after so many years. We should give her the benefit of the doubt and look into this more.

Um, no. First, the story is questionable on its face. The woman in Question is the niece of famous Teabagger Christine O'Donnell... you know, the person who became a laughingstock in 2010 when it was discovered she dabbled in Witchcraft. When they straight up cited a specific event and then it turns out, after research, Biden wasn't there because he was recovering from an operation, your credibility goes out the window.
I posted a link from the New York times reporting on bidens surgery. When did the girl say it happened?
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

And what does that have to do with his sexual assault on his own staffer?


Lame attempt to say “hey look, Joe isn’t guilty of a crime no one took seriously anyway, so maybe he’s not guilty on the credible accusation.”

Not really. It shows one claim completely debunked.

Tara Reade's claim is on shaky ground credibility wise.

Hmmm...but you believed Blasey Ford? She was definitely on shaky ground. Hypocrisy 101.
It must have happened at a different event. Sometimes memories can be a little off after so many years. We should give her the benefit of the doubt and look into this more.

Um, no. First, the story is questionable on its face. The woman in Question is the niece of famous Teabagger Christine O'Donnell... you know, the person who became a laughingstock in 2010 when it was discovered she dabbled in Witchcraft. When they straight up cited a specific event and then it turns out, after research, Biden wasn't there because he was recovering from an operation, your credibility goes out the window. believed Blasey Ford as well. Talk about hypocrisy. Then again, “hypocrite” should be your middle name. #Believe all Women...nope.
It must have happened at a different event. Sometimes memories can be a little off after so many years. We should give her the benefit of the doubt and look into this more.

Um, no. First, the story is questionable on its face. The woman in Question is the niece of famous Teabagger Christine O'Donnell... you know, the person who became a laughingstock in 2010 when it was discovered she dabbled in Witchcraft. When they straight up cited a specific event and then it turns out, after research, Biden wasn't there because he was recovering from an operation, your credibility goes out the window.
Believe all women! *

* Until the lying dog-faced pony soldiers accuse a democrat
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

And what does that have to do with his sexual assault on his own staffer?


Lame attempt to say “hey look, Joe isn’t guilty of a crime no one took seriously anyway, so maybe he’s not guilty on the credible accusation.”

Not really. It shows one claim completely debunked.

Tara Reade's claim is on shaky ground credibility wise.

A tweet that doesn't exist shows that?

An article in Fox News confirmed Biden was not at the event in question.

Blasey-Ford couldn't even say when it happened or where it happened. Who's more credible?

I think an investigation, perhaps the FBI, should be done to establish all the events where the two might have been together.

Why? Is Biden being confirmed for a lifetime appointment? If not then, let’s get tbe FBI investigates Trump too and kill two birds with one stone, right?

Remember, kids -- Democrats never sexually assault people. Just ask 'em!

Neither do Republicans.

There are scumbags of all political stripes. Some people just prefer to pretend the ones on their side are innocent angels.

Yes. Something we can agree upon. Scumbaggery is a bipartisan affliction.

Not really. For every Republican scumbag there are 10 Democrat scumbags. Just consider all those scumbags on the democrat impeachment committee.

Scumbags would be what trump surrounds himself with because they're a reflection of him.

Ok, so the creepy old man who grabs, hugs, sniffs, fondles., kisses, gropes, and - allegedly - sexually assaults women and children was not at the event and thus did not mention 'breasts' to a 14yo on the specific night she (mis-)'remembers...

1. That doesn't mean the action did not take place. Perhaps she just has the date wrong. People forget things - ask Joe. He will tell you.

2. The '14yo's mother(?) corroborated her daughter's story (according to 2 articles I read). If this whole thing is fake, she has some 'splaining to do....

3. This does not mean Reade's story is not true.
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

And what does that have to do with his sexual assault on his own staffer?


Lame attempt to say “hey look, Joe isn’t guilty of a crime no one took seriously anyway, so maybe he’s not guilty on the credible accusation.”

Not really. It shows one claim completely debunked.

Tara Reade's claim is on shaky ground credibility wise.

A tweet that doesn't exist shows that?

An article in Fox News confirmed Biden was not at the event in question.

Blasey-Ford couldn't even say when it happened or where it happened. Who's more credible?

I think an investigation, perhaps the FBI, should be done to establish all the events where the two might have been together.

Why? Is Biden being confirmed for a lifetime appointment? If not then, let’s get tbe FBI investigates Trump too and kill two birds with one stone, right?

Remember, kids -- Democrats never sexually assault people. Just ask 'em!

Neither do Republicans.

There are scumbags of all political stripes. Some people just prefer to pretend the ones on their side are innocent angels.

Yes. Something we can agree upon. Scumbaggery is a bipartisan affliction.

Not really. For every Republican scumbag there are 10 Democrat scumbags. Just consider all those scumbags on the democrat impeachment committee.

Scumbags would be what trump surrounds himself with because they're a reflection of him.


Well, lets see about that.

Is Michael Cohen (personnel lawyer of trump) a scumbag?
Ok, so the creepy old man who grabs, hugs, sniffs, fondles., kisses, gropes, and - allegedly - sexually assaults women and children was not at the event and thus did not mention 'breasts' to a 14yo on the specific night she (mis-)'remembers...

1. That doesn't mean the action did not take place. Perhaps she just has the date wrong. People forget things - ask Joe. He will tell you.

2. The '14yo's mother(?) corroborated her daughter's story (according to 2 articles I read). If this whole thing is fake, she has some 'splaining to do....

3. This does not mean Reade's story is not true.

#2. the event and date she claimed it occurred at...Biden wasn't there. She fished around and said maybe it was the year before. Oops. He was in Iowa then.

She also happens to be a former political opponent. Imagine that.
Hmmm...but you believed Blasey Ford?
Absolutely. Sounded like something a stupid, drunk frat boy idiot would do. But he could have still handled it with grace without denying it happened. What really disqualified him was his embarrassing, childish behavior in the hearings.
Talk about stereotyping. Was it not a HS party? How would him joining a fraternity matter? So without witnesses or credible evidence you believed her. Hmmmm....but you don't believe Tara? Pretty credible evidence there too. I believe both Kavanaugh and Biden are innocent until proven guilty. I am consistent. You're a fraud.
Was it not a HS party?
I believe it was. He was still an idiot little frat boy. And you know what I mean when I say that. They travel in groups, sniffing butts and egging each other on. And they do things in these groups, while intoxicated, that they would likely never do otherwise. It's very easy to believe Kavanaugh did this, and I think he could have handled it with grace without denying it. I am sure he probably would not remember it regardless.

It was his embarrassing, childish behavior at the hearings that should have immediately disqualified him.

Why am I a fraud? What are you crybabying about now?
Was it not a HS party?
I believe it was. He was still an idiot little frat boy. And you know what I mean when I say that. They travel in groups, sniffing butts and egging each other on. And they do things in these groups, while intoxicated, that they would likely never do otherwise. It's very easy to believe Kavanaugh did this, and I think he could have handled it with grace without denying it. I am sure he probably would not remember it regardless.

It was his embarrassing, childish behavior at the hearings that should have immediately disqualified him.

Why am I a fraud? What are you crybabying about now?
Nope. You're stereotyping. There was zero corroboration and he technically didn't even do anything. Yet he was called a rapist. I believe ALL people are innocent until proven guilty. I find it suspicious that none of this came out before both Kavanaugh and Biden decided to accept/run for their respective positions. I would have behaved worse. He prayed for her. I would have called her a lying psychopath and sued her for defamation.

Only pussy around here is you. I would wager you never won a real fight in your cowardly life.
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

And what does that have to do with his sexual assault on his own staffer?


Lame attempt to say “hey look, Joe isn’t guilty of a crime no one took seriously anyway, so maybe he’s not guilty on the credible accusation.”

Not really. It shows one claim completely debunked.

Tara Reade's claim is on shaky ground credibility wise.

A tweet that doesn't exist shows that?

An article in Fox News confirmed Biden was not at the event in question.

Blasey-Ford couldn't even say when it happened or where it happened. Who's more credible?

I think an investigation, perhaps the FBI, should be done to establish all the events where the two might have been together.

Why? Is Biden being confirmed for a lifetime appointment? If not then, let’s get tbe FBI investigates Trump too and kill two birds with one stone, right?

Remember, kids -- Democrats never sexually assault people. Just ask 'em!

There are scumbags of all political stripes. Some people just prefer to pretend the ones on their side are innocent angels.

Nice petard, Dave. Do you sing a sea chanty when you hoist?

"There are scumbags of all political stripes."

I said that. You didn't. You're too busy pretending.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.
There was zero corroboration and he technically didn't even do anything. Yet he was called a rapist.
Go whine to the person that called him a rapist, then. I think he is more of a failed rapist, myself. Do I think it happened? yeah, probably.
I find it suspicious that none of this came out before both Kavanaugh and Biden decided to accept/run for their respective positions.
I don't, with Kavanaiugh. had YOU ever heard of him? Nope. with Biden, yes, it's a bit more suspicious. These things happen when people step into the spotlight. Old truths come flying out. had you ever heard trump on tape brag about grabbing pussy before October, 2016? nope.

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