Story about Biden and 14 year old girl debunked by ABC News

There was zero corroboration and he technically didn't even do anything. Yet he was called a rapist.
Go whine to the person that called him a rapist, then. I think he is more of a failed rapist, myself. Do I think it happened? yeah, probably.
I find it suspicious that none of this came out before both Kavanaugh and Biden decided to accept/run for their respective positions.
I don't, with Kavanaiugh. had YOU ever heard of him? Nope. with Biden, yes, it's a bit more suspicious. These things happen when people step into the spotlight. Old truths come flying out. had you ever heard trump on tape brag about grabbing pussy before October, 2016? nope.
He ran for multiple circuit judge positions and garnered them so someone would have dug this up, especially with Democrats in charge. Plus a video surfaced of Ford and her attorney discussing how this was all about Roe vs. Wade. Ford lied. IDK about Reid but I find it difficult to believe that this just comes out now. Fishy. He didn't brag about it grabbing. You lie once more. Your lies and fantasy world you live in are indeed interesting.

So you believe Ford and do not believe Reid. LOL

I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
But Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

And what does that have to do with his sexual assault on his own staffer?


Lame attempt to say “hey look, Joe isn’t guilty of a crime no one took seriously anyway, so maybe he’s not guilty on the credible accusation.”

Not really. It shows one claim completely debunked.

Tara Reade's claim is on shaky ground credibility wise.

A tweet that doesn't exist shows that?

An article in Fox News confirmed Biden was not at the event in question.

Blasey-Ford couldn't even say when it happened or where it happened. Who's more credible?

I think an investigation, perhaps the FBI, should be done to establish all the events where the two might have been together.

Why? Is Biden being confirmed for a lifetime appointment? If not then, let’s get tbe FBI investigates Trump too and kill two birds with one stone, right?

Remember, kids -- Democrats never sexually assault people. Just ask 'em!

Neither do Republicans.

There are scumbags of all political stripes. Some people just prefer to pretend the ones on their side are innocent angels.

Yes. Something we can agree upon. Scumbaggery is a bipartisan affliction.

Not really. For every Republican scumbag there are 10 Democrat scumbags. Just consider all those scumbags on the democrat impeachment committee.

Scumbags would be what trump surrounds himself with because they're a reflection of him.


Well, lets see about that.

Is Michael Cohen (personnel lawyer of trump) a scumbag?

It's irrelevant. Xi and the CCP know that Biden has no chance against Trump. Biden was always a placeholder. There's no telling who the nominee will be
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV
A grown woman said that when she was 14 Biden said nice breasts at a dinner party.
By Biden was recovering from surgery, not at a dinner, ABC News reports.
They're just throwing shit and see what sticks..

Good information. Thank you.

Except it's bullshit.

Your own link says as much....."may have....." Yeah and I may have gotten some respect for you....NOT.

That was BEFORE they got the letter from the Gridiron Dinner people. You have to purchase a ticket to attend. He was not there, they said. .
I think it likely happened. She just mixed up the events.

Um, yeah, you should probably know which event you were at. The thing is, this Gridiron event only happens once a year, and she said she SPECIFICALLY identified the one that happened when she was 14. The one when she was 14 was the one where Biden wasn't there. the one the next year, Biden wouldn't have been at because he was Vice-President then. The one the previous year he wasn't at, either.

Also, when you add in her Aunt who took her is a fringe Republican activist, it's pretty unlikely she'd have been at a Democratic event.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV
#2. the event and date she claimed it occurred at...Biden wasn't there. She fished around and said maybe it was the year before. Oops. He was in Iowa then. She also happens to be a former political opponent. Imagine that.

Sounds a lot like Ford's 'faulty' memory, which didn't seem to cause Democrats to hesitate for 1 second in declaring Kavanaugh to be 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent' and in attempting to completely DESTROY him and his family...
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Last edited:
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.

Your vision will always be impaired when you're going :lalala:

That of course is your problem, not mine.
  • Thanks
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I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
Then why do you consistently exit our debates half way through? Please explain that.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
Then why do you consistently exit our debates half way through? Please explain that.

I don't recall that we've had any "debates". All I see is hapless trolling. Here being an example --- I admonished a totally different poster for presuming to tell me what I think and you came waddling in with "get a TV". I dunno maybe you're brain damaged or whatever but that ain't "debate". It's hapless trolling.

As I said ---- don't waste my time.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
I've seen no evidence of it.
I love how the left posts wholesome pictures of a father loving his daughter as some kind of twisted shit. I suppose most of them were raised by sad little queers and that kind of wholesomeness is fucking kryptonite to them. Sad.
More excuses. Biden didn't divorce 2 wives for a younger woman. trump hung out with Jeffrey Epstein. But you guys are willing to believe trumps story about that relationship.

Pretty sure Biden also didn't make up a fake press agent (TWO of them) for the purpose of calling tabloid rags to plant salacious stories about how his own philandering. Pretty sure he didn't also deny having done that after it was already on the record from court deposition.

Maybe Joe's just not that creative :dunno:
He's creative enough to hire fake Twitter supporters.

Liberal citizen journalist finds ‘thousands’ of fake Twitter accounts are boosting Biden
Its not that creative. The mentally ill president already does it.

I've just read Dave's link. It says there's an analyst who claims to have found evidence (while showing none thereof) of fake Tweeter accounts. But nowhere does he say or prove Joe Biden set them up. That's why I keep saying reading is a lost art. Art says that too.
I just talked about that. Your candidate -- rather, the candidate you've been told to support -- has no idea what he's doing. His staffers hire the fakes. Idiots like you don't care.

Whelp, since I don't support any of them thar candidates, I guess we know who the idiot is.
You will do as you're told, and you will pretend you arrived at the decision on your own.

Typical Rhetorical Fascism. "Don't you tell me what you think, *I* will tell you what you think".

If you don't like me pointing it out, learn to think for yourself.

As I've always done. That's *MY* decision, not yours. Remember that.
Get a TV

I've got one of those too, Boozeman61. Cuppla days ago I posted a simple link to a source article with no comment, just the link for easy access. Sure enough he hunted it down for a red mark. These guys must think they're Catholic school nuns.

Wonder if they really don't realize we don't even click on those notifications. I just skip right by. Why waste time on something that has no meaning beyond "waaay, I'm butthurt". Visually represented as:

You mean a TV...oh no you don't have one of those. Sigh...

I POSTED NOTHING ABOUT FUCKING "TV", Dumbass. Learn how to fucking READ.

Yes I saw that you did but it was irrelevant to anything here so ignored it as it deserves. Quit trying to derail.

Too easy. I love it. So you derail my posts and that is OK with you....hypocrite.

Go fuck yourself. I'm starting to recall why I had you on Ignore so long, and walking over to get the key to let you back in.

You are correct that I don't have a TV. I can't see the sense of actually PAYING somebody to bring me propaganda, maybe you can but I shook that shit off years ago. NONE OF THAT HOWEVER has jack frickety shit to do with a third poster, who isn't even you, trying to tell me what I think. Maybe if you minded your own fucking bidness you wouldn't have fallen into the position you're in right now, ya shitbrained little freak.
Per your friend rightwinger

"Pussies put people on ignore"

Take his comment how you like.

So you're also incapable of distinguishing between people with different names huh. That must make it hard to get through the day.

Those I put on Ignore are those who waste my time because they have no points, nothing to say and no reason to read. That's why you were there before and if you still haven't learnt to make a point, it's why you'll go back there. That's up to you. Don't waste my time.
Then why do you consistently exit our debates half way through? Please explain that.

I don't recall that we've had any "debates". All I see is hapless trolling. Here being an example --- I admonished a totally different poster for presuming to tell me what I think and you came waddling in with "get a TV". I dunno maybe you're brain damaged or whatever but that ain't "debate". It's hapless trolling.

As I said ---- don't waste my time.
Of course not. How about this. I'll keep tabs going forward as your MO is consistent.

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