Strictly my opinion as to how long Trump will last.....

Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.

Total LLL fantacy. Just Pupps opinion of your opinion.

You don't recall the midterm election of 2010? Hmmm....Fascinating.
Just take all those Tea Party protesters in 2009 who stormed the townhalls and complained about Obama and take those silly hats with the dangling tea bags off their heads. Now, change the wording on the signs with correct spelling, put them on the left/liberal side and you got history repeating itself all over again, baby.

The only thing you'll be getting is kicked to the curb harder.

You fail to see that this is only the beginning of your end. That was the beginning of the sea change in American politics back to conservatism. Keep your same shit up. We love the contrast between you and us. So does the majority of electoral votes.

You're pretty generous in your prediction but I think Trump isn't going to last the year. This whole Russia situation isn't going away. More and information is coming out about his cabinet links to them.

Its only a time before something big is revealed that will call for Trump's impeachment.


I mean, you've correctly predicted everything so far!

You are the amazing super hero BUTTHURT BOI, after all! :thup:
Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.

Total LLL fantacy. Just Pupps opinion of your opinion.

You don't recall the midterm election of 2010? Hmmm....Fascinating.
Just take all those Tea Party protesters in 2009 who stormed the townhalls and complained about Obama and take those silly hats with the dangling tea bags off their heads. Now, change the wording on the signs with correct spelling, put them on the left/liberal side and you got history repeating itself all over again, baby.

Still don't understand the tea party eh?
Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.

Total LLL fantacy. Just Pupps opinion of your opinion.

You don't recall the midterm election of 2010? Hmmm....Fascinating.
Just take all those Tea Party protesters in 2009 who stormed the townhalls and complained about Obama and take those silly hats with the dangling tea bags off their heads. Now, change the wording on the signs with correct spelling, put them on the left/liberal side and you got history repeating itself all over again, baby.

Still don't understand the tea party eh?

Swooshed right past his pointy tin foil hatted head. America has awakened and does not like the RaTz and their twisted self serving agenda
I'm sure that when our economy improves after manufacturing jobs return to the U.S.,
violent crime rates and welfare spending for illegals goes down as the wall and deportations go up,
terrorists are blocked from coming into the country,
taxes come down,
spending comes down,
wages go up,
Trump will be toast. :lol:
People are protesting too early and over too little (except for a couple that had a focus). The Democrats are losing their grip and to my mind, they aren't learning their lesson from what just happened. How does ANYONE lose to Donald Trump? Jesus Christ.
Continuing on the path of anti-Trump will keep losing. There has to be an affirmative message by sane people and I'm not hearing a lot of sane right now.

Protesting over too little? You must be on Medicare. Protesting the repeal of the ACA is not exactly peanuts.
How does anyone lose to Donald Trump? You must be fucking kidding. There's only ONE of him and over 65,000,000 that did NOT vote for him. Just as Trump was able to pull the GOP out of their hole, now he's going to be dragging them right back down into it again.
I don't like the ACA. I wanted universal healthcare and was very disappointed with what we got. It's DYING, and it should be allowed to die with dignity. I'm uninsured. I'll fight for universal health care, but not this half-breed garbage.
And no, I don't understand how the Democrats had no one on their roster who could beat Donald Trump. He's a fucking crass brainless idiot of an old fart with peculiar ideas and friends in his cabinet that make me shudder. I really don't like Hillary Clinton, either, and Sanders scared me. Elizabeth Warren is like nails scratching a blackboard. I'm not your enemy; I'm just not going to pretend I like what I'm seeing right now.

You're pretty generous in your prediction but I think Trump isn't going to last the year. This whole Russia situation isn't going away. More and information is coming out about his cabinet links to them.

Its only a time before something big is revealed that will call for Trump's impeachment.


I mean, you've correctly predicted everything so far!

You are the amazing super hero BUTTHURT BOI, after all! :thup:

People are protesting too early and over too little (except for a couple that had a focus). The Democrats are losing their grip and to my mind, they aren't learning their lesson from what just happened. How does ANYONE lose to Donald Trump? Jesus Christ.
Continuing on the path of anti-Trump will keep losing. There has to be an affirmative message by sane people and I'm not hearing a lot of sane right now.

Protesting over too little? You must be on Medicare. Protesting the repeal of the ACA is not exactly peanuts.
How does anyone lose to Donald Trump? You must be fucking kidding. There's only ONE of him and over 65,000,000 that did NOT vote for him. Just as Trump was able to pull the GOP out of their hole, now he's going to be dragging them right back down into it again.
I don't like the ACA. I wanted universal healthcare and was very disappointed with what we got. It's DYING, and it should be allowed to die with dignity. I'm uninsured. I'll fight for universal health care, but not this half-breed garbage.
And no, I don't understand how the Democrats had no one on their roster who could beat Donald Trump. He's a fucking crass brainless idiot of an old fart with peculiar ideas and friends in his cabinet that make me shudder. I really don't like Hillary Clinton, either, and Sanders scared me. Elizabeth Warren is like nails scratching a blackboard. I'm not your enemy; I'm just not going to pretend I like what I'm seeing right now.
Yet he did. Your party is corrupt to its core - that is the reason. Leave them and join us. We really are the Big Tent Party and are for all Americans.
The ACA accomplished very little. Swapped one group of uninsured for another and added new folks to the potential medicaid rolls for states that bought in. It did not make it affordable, but did make it mandatory. Forced coverages that didn't have to be that way.

Be an exchange, open up new choices, make it more a la carte and provide incentives to participate. Then pass separate legislation to create internet access to quality and pricing of doctors and hospitals, cap law suits and allow patients to sign off on testing designed to protect from suits than make a necessary diagnosis.
I'm sure that when our economy improves after manufacturing jobs return to the U.S.,
violent crime rates and welfare spending for illegals goes down as the wall and deportations go up,
terrorists are blocked from coming into the country,
taxes come down,
spending comes down,
wages go up,
Trump will be toast. :lol:

If congress gets off its ass and gets to work
Of course, right wing morons on here will post "'re opinion is worthless"...But this forum is either based on people's opinions or ....for right wingers....whatever Hannity tells them to spew.

Anyway, Trump's demise will be after the mid-term elections, when some right wingers who are currently hunkered down in their DC bunkers because of fear of town halls participants' ire, will get the boot.

Other current right wingers in congress who are not up for least in this cycle....will learn the candid lesson that to back a charlatan may not be "healthy" for their sorry asses.

The only caveat is that protests have started a bit too early, and had these protests been in the summer of 2018, GOPers would be in a worse panic than they are now. Hopefully, Trump will piss off people throughout the next 20 he has done in just ONE month.
What was your opinion on Trump ever getting into the WH ?
You're pretty generous in your prediction but I think Trump isn't going to last the year. This whole Russia situation isn't going away. More and information is coming out about his cabinet links to them.

Its only a time before something big is revealed that will call for Trump's impeachment.

From your typing fingers to God's ears.....for the country's sake.
That was the beginning of the sea change in American politics back to conservatism.

It is the REAL right wing idiot that actually "thinks" that the Trumpster is a conservative......But, morons like to conserve such "wonderful" American traditions as segregation, xenophobia and gay bashing.
You're pretty generous in your prediction but I think Trump isn't going to last the year. This whole Russia situation isn't going away. More and information is coming out about his cabinet links to them.

Its only a time before something big is revealed that will call for Trump's impeachment.

From your typing fingers to God's ears.....for the country's sake.

The country in question being being Iran, gnat?
That was the beginning of the sea change in American politics back to conservatism.

It is the REAL right wing idiot that actually "thinks" that the Trumpster is a conservative......But, morons like to conserve such "wonderful" American traditions as segregation, xenophobia and gay bashing.

Please link to Hellary's inauguration speech.

TIA !!!

That was the beginning of the sea change in American politics back to conservatism.

It is the REAL right wing idiot that actually "thinks" that the Trumpster is a conservative......But, morons like to conserve such "wonderful" American traditions as segregation, xenophobia and gay bashing.

It's a REAL Communist fucktard who actually "thinks" that the mindless hate he continually spews amounts to a "prediction."
I predict USMB rules will be minimized in order to preserve lefty posters from getting themselves banned. That or even more rules to create a safer environment for them. :dunno:
I predict USMB rules will be minimized in order to preserve lefty posters from getting themselves banned. That or even more rules to create a safer environment for them. :dunno:

Hmmm, maybe CK SHOULD create a safe space for our snowflakes? They don't do well at all out here in the open forums....
That was the beginning of the sea change in American politics back to conservatism.

It is the REAL right wing idiot that actually "thinks" that the Trumpster is a conservative......But, morons like to conserve such "wonderful" American traditions as segregation, xenophobia and gay bashing.

Your race card is broken. Didn't you notice?

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