Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3, Obama Out!

Strike 1, Strike 2, Strike 3, Obama Out!

  • Yes, Obama Out and Good Riddance!

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • No, Obama & his Lemocrats will Destroy the Republic

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The Democrats have become the party that believes whatever they are told to believe. There is a name for such people. Lemmings. At last year's WH Correspondence dinner, Obama's speech included jokes which were more likely encrypted messages to be deciphered after he had left office and set up a shadow government designed to destroy the Republic and create a Communist State. With card carrying Communist Clinton stepping into the oval office, the final nail in America's freedom would have been a certainty.

He hinted that this could be the "last" WH Correspondence dinner and that the end of the Republic never looked better as his audience laughed and applauded him. He said that he and Michele would be staying in D.C., living 2 blocks away from the White House in order to allow their daughter to finish school.

Again his adoring audience applauded! Little did they realize that Obama would be setting up headquarters for the destruction of our Republic, working with Valerie Jarrett to assist Hillary Clinton in the final "Communist transformation" of America.

What Obama didn't know was that Queen Khaleesi (his name for Hillary Clinton) would not ever make it to Westboro (his name for fundamentalist Christians in America) to bring her brand of vengeance.

God decided that Donald Trump would be the next president and anyone who thinks they are going to undo what God has done is in for a very rude awakening. As if Obama hasn't already had one! But some folks don't wake up until they've gone too far. Which is presently where Obama is going. Which will be Strike 3 for him and then as he said at his final Correspondence will be "Obama Out."

Given this heads up, will the "Lemocrats" still believe that Obama and Valerie Jarrett can work the neighborhood and bring down the Republic and a US President because they have the MSM in their back pocket? Did anyone ever bother to factor in that the MSM has lost it's relevance? That would be strike two for Obama.

And Strike three?
That will be Obama's self fulfilling prophecy about himself, "Obama Out."

Should Democrats following Obama to their own destruction be called Lemocrats? I say yes. Because Lemocrats are also known to rush to their own destruction and we already know that Trump is not going anywhere.

It is self evident that Trump has proven Obama wrong. There is a man in the oval office. Not a woman. The future of the Republic has never looked better! The closest "Queen Khaleesi" will ever come to a throne is her own toilet ( I'm told that is what some call it) and the destruction Obama has planned for our President and our country will be his final undoing - the big Strike Three.

Obama out. It's coming! Do you agree or disagree?

Yes or No

Please feel free to tell us why. Thank you for your participation!
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Reviewing Obama's final words about America. It's an eye opener! This is how this Communist really thinks, folks. Watch his closing, "Obama Out." For once? He got it right. He is out and he is going to be kept out.
Let's not forget his "anger translator"... keep in mind that when someone pretends they are joking, there is some truth in there somewhere about how they think, what they think....
Trump needs to realize this is a slow motion couple d'etat and that Obama, Comey and Clapper are guilty of sedition and should be charged as traitors
you were the one that stated Obama would not leave the white house in 2017
I said I believed he would not leave because he would not want to give up his power as President. I said I believed his plans were for the destruction of America. I still believe this. He is acting as a President in exile trying to overthrow an elected President in order to force his way back into power.

Wait for it. He has set up headquarters a couple of blocks from the White House brewing his Coup d' etat with Valerie Jarrett.

To understand the deranged mind of Obama one must recollect what he said about his job as President. He said, I'm not quitting. I'm being forced out of the White House.

That is what he is selling to the Lemocrats. That he has been forced out of his job but he never quit. That Trump is illegally in the White House sitting in his seat! In his eyes? He's still the real president. In the Lemocrat's eyes? He's still the real president. In MSM's
eyes? He's still the real president.

Pay attention, Guno. You'll see what I am talking about in due time but let me tell you right now that the Lemocrats will not see Obama back in the oval office nor will they see Queen Khaleesi take the throne and wage war on Westboro (code for born again Fundamentalist Christians who were depicted as bigots through the Communist front "church of Westboro") This has all been carefully orchestrated. Obama's big mistake? God is on the Throne and He decides who will win and who will lose. Not him, not the MSM and certainly not the Clintons!

Trump will remain in the oval office. Those of you who persist in trying to cause him trouble? You are working toward your own demise. Stop listening to Obama, Lynch, Jarrett and co and go live a quiet life.

The alternative is not an alternative. It's a dead end Warning sign posted before a Grand Canyon sized Cliff!
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Obama had more staff while president and accomplished little. Not worried now.
poor jerry ... and the Russian-Wingers whine about butt hurt snowflakes.
Let's not forget his "anger translator"... keep in mind that when someone pretends they are joking, there is some truth in there somewhere about how they think, what they think....

During the WH Correspondence Dinner skit between Obama and his alter personality, Obama points to the California Drought - No Water In California - proves he is right about Climate Change............

God sends a 2,000 mile long rain Super Soaker Rain (can you say "Buckets"?) straight down on California proving Obama to be a liar and Climate Change to be a joke. God gets the last laugh:

Why California’s 2,000 Mile ‘Super Soaker Storm’ May Be A Prophetic Warning

Did he get anything right at all? Oh yeah........

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