Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job
The business owner won obviously. He/she 'got rid' of a bunch of semi literate drop outs who demanded to be paid what the business owner did not think was in his businesses' best interest. It's simple.
The 'loss' his business will suffer will be written off for years and the owner will actually make money on his 'loss' tax-wise'.
Don't worry about the owner finding replacement employees. He'll put a sign in the window "Help Wanted" and get a thousand applications of which he will choose the 20 employees with the very best employment records. Win-win.
As an aside re employees. The very best employees like to work with other excellent employees. Makes the work easier when you don't have to work beside a whining/ stoned/drunk/illiterate/Liberal 'male who pees sitting down' 'Metro' all night.

You do realize you are talking about minimum wage employees don't you?

The owner fires everyone and has to spend a week hiring and training new employees. The fired employees spend a week looking for a new low paying job

Nobody wins
Apparently you are not familiar with the tax code. Any 'loss' a business incurs, including shutting down and having to 're-jig' the business is a tax write-off. The 'loss of income' can be and is claimed over a number of fiscal years depending on when the business owner's tax attorney/accounting firm feels it's most financially beneficial. In virtually every case, if the owner looses say ten grand having to shut down the business he will over the next few years 'write-off' substantially more than ten grand.
I know a business owner who once literally had to spend thirty grand within a week in order to sneak under some sort of 'tax code' dead-line. He was running all over town buying crates of dishes/stoves/commercial kitchen utensils etc etc. In the following fiscal year most of that junk somehow got 'stolen' from where he was keeping it and so he was able to claim most of the thirty grand as a 'loss' and therefore a tax-write-off over the next few years.
And the 'low-information' minimum wage illeterates wonder how and why certain 'business decisions' are made. LOL
The shutdown had nothing to do with employees wanting higher wages

The sub shop is shutting down for a month and coming back as a burger joint. Of course they are firing their employees
Does anyone bother to read the links before they start a thread?

Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email
They were notified the drastic action was effective immediately
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they reconcept the business into a burger joint

It comes less than a month after Snarf's workers rallied for higher wages

Read more: Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online
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Being laid off due to job lose is not being fired.
The shutdown had nothing to do with employees wanting higher wages

The sub shop is shutting down for a month and coming back as a burger joint. Of course they are firing their employees

being fired is not the same as being laid off due to job lose. NICE TRY.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

You do realize you are talking about minimum wage employees don't you?

The owner fires everyone and has to spend a week hiring and training new employees. The fired employees spend a week looking for a new low paying job

Nobody wins

Does anyone bother to read the links before they start a thread?

The shutdown had nothing to do with employees wanting higher wages
The sub shop is shutting down for a month and coming back as a burger joint. Of course they are firing their employees

Watching a LOLberal figure out beasic reading comprehension. Fascinating.
It was just coincidence that the mass firings came right after the strike.

The sad part is, most of the strikers were likely paid union protesters and not employees of the shop at all.
The shutdown had nothing to do with employees wanting higher wages

The sub shop is shutting down for a month and coming back as a burger joint. Of course they are firing their employees

being fired is not the same as being laid off due to job lose. NICE TRY.

Why did the OP lie?

To try to sell this as a retaliation for demonstrating for higher wages when it happened a month before?

The place is closing down to convert from a sub shop to a burger joint

Why is katzendogs so deceiptive?
It was just coincidence that the mass firings came right after the strike.

The sad part is, most of the strikers were likely paid union protesters and not employees of the shop at all.

Did you read your link?

Why did you lie?
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

And now the owner(s) needs to recruit, check the backgrounds of and train new staff who in short order will demand a fair wage and some benefits. Actions do have consequences.
The workers joined a strike demanding 15 bucks an hour to make a sammich?

Give me a break. Some of these illiterates think that making a sammich is a career job. Some jobs aren't worth 15 bucks an hour including making a sammich.

Stay in school, get your education, lay off the drugs and grow a set of testicles. Life isn't fair, never has been never will be. Stack the deck in your own favor by getting an education. The rest will work out on its own.

Silly liberals.
The shutdown had nothing to do with employees wanting higher wages

The sub shop is shutting down for a month and coming back as a burger joint. Of course they are firing their employees

being fired is not the same as being laid off due to job lose. NICE TRY.

Why did the OP lie?

To try to sell this as a retaliation for demonstrating for higher wages when it happened a month before?

The place is closing down to convert from a sub shop to a burger joint

Why is katzendogs so deceiptive?
Was there a strike?

I also read this from the supposed email from the company

Signing off, Besant said in the note: 'Keep an eye out for the grand opening of the new store. Ownership appreciates your service and wish you well in your new endeavors.'

Read more: Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online
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What company is going to invited former employees that they just terminated to keep an eye open for the new store opening. That's bad PR and no company is going to do that.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

So obviously you didn't read the article...or choose to ignore what the employees did to him.
They all walked out and held nasty signs for FOUR DAYS - so THEY closed his shop for four days completely disregarding the fact that he was already in financial trouble. The owner said they were aware of LOSSES he was sustaining before they went on strike. Which was stupid and showinh complete lack of concern about the place they were working.
If you were the owner, and were closing the business to re-concept - WOULD YOU HIRE THESE PEOPLE BACK??
Of course you wouldn't. They are all jerks for walking out on an owner that was struggling.
If I owned a small business I would automatically pay my workers $1 over the prevailing rate. It would cost me $8 a shift

When you go to many of these places, the workers are disinterested, tattooed and pierced, rude and lazy. If I went to one of my competitors establishment and found they had workers I liked, I would hand them a card and offer them a dollar more.
Both the workers and the employer should shoulder some of the blame. While the current business model wasn't very successful, the protest was ill-timed. Demanding more money from a business that is already in a state of turmoil is always a bad idea. As TakeAStepBack said, many of them may be recruited when the business reopens, but it would be ridiculous for them to expect $15 an hour.
The email from the business used the word "terminated". The dictionary defines "terminated" as being FIRED!
No one with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread believes part of the new 'business model' was not to 'get rid' of the pain-in-the-ass barely sentient 'agitators'.
Gee I wonder what they'll tell any new potential employer? "Well me and all the other employees went on strike where I worked making sandwiches last month for higher minimum wage and the business owner shut the place down and "terminated" everyone. BTW his business and your business are pretty much the same so I'd have no problem learning how to make a sandwich.".
Someone else said it right: When the new burger joint opens it's doors 100% of the staff will be Latin Americans.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

So obviously you didn't read the article...or choose to ignore what the employees did to him.
They all walked out and held nasty signs for FOUR DAYS - so THEY closed his shop for four days completely disregarding the fact that he was already in financial trouble. The owner said they were aware of LOSSES he was sustaining before they went on strike. Which was stupid and showinh complete lack of concern about the place they were working.
If you were the owner, and were closing the business to re-concept - WOULD YOU HIRE THESE PEOPLE BACK??
Of course you wouldn't. They are all jerks for walking out on an owner that was struggling.

He paid low wages and his business was failing. Was he going to pay his workers while he changed from a sub shop to a burger joint? Workers were leaving anyway
If I owned a small business I would automatically pay my workers $1 over the prevailing rate. It would cost me $8 a shift

When you go to many of these places, the workers are disinterested, tattooed and pierced, rude and lazy. If I went to one of my competitors establishment and found they had workers I liked, I would hand them a card and offer them a dollar more.
I did this exact thing when I opened a small business. When it came time to hire employees I literally went into every local business selling what I was selling. I 'head-hunted' every one of the staff. I identified the person I wanted to offer a job to. When that employee was off the competitors property I approached each potential employee. I 'accidently 'bumped into them' at the grocery store or gas station:'Howdy. You work at Acme right?. I was in there a couple of days ago. Hey. I'm about to open a new business in a few weeks selling what ACME is selling. I'm looking for someone to do to what you do at ACME. I don't know what they are paying you but whatever it is I'd do better and we can talk about some other employees perks I can offer. Here's my card. If you're interested in having a sit-down somewhere just let me know. Sooner than later would work for me."
I hired a first class team of motivated responsible employees and paid an average of two dollars more an hour to start. As the business grew I had regular staff meetings and literally opened the books to them and we as a team decided how to grow the business and be able to pay the employees what was possible.
The staff themselves over time decided who would be let go and on many of their personal recommendations I hired people they knew would work out. It was their reputation on the line if I hired their brother-in-law and he turned out to be an ass hole.
If I owned a small business I would automatically pay my workers $1 over the prevailing rate. It would cost me $8 a shift

When you go to many of these places, the workers are disinterested, tattooed and pierced, rude and lazy. If I went to one of my competitors establishment and found they had workers I liked, I would hand them a card and offer them a dollar more.
Just a dollar more?
What about benefits?
Retirement package?
Profit sharing?
I want two weeks paid vacation
Obama is glad they got canned. Now, they can become more dependent on the gubernment and collect their unemployment and food stamps. The owner's actions just insured another handful of democrat voters as that is what they like/need. Free handouts.

Pathetic on the part of the employees.

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