Strike for $15.00 an hour, Sub shop fires everybody

Anyone who works for minimum wage is to understand this job is not to be there career.
They need to apply themselves to a better higher rewarding career.
This use to be something very doable in the USA.. Times change and the blame for loosing higher paying jobs to other countries (like when I talk to my bank and can not understand the Pilipino language.) Falls directly on to much government.
It was predicted a great future for Americans if they can keep the government from taking there labors under the pretense of taking care of them THOMAS JEFFERSON AND ME.
Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".
Actually you have tunnel vision. Back then there was little competition for those American goods, Europe and Japan were rebuilding. And there were so many loopholes that no rich person payed those high tax rates. Minimum wage has teeth wherever it is applied, and those teeth often bite those that need jobs the most.
When that shop reopens the owner will have to "scramble" for all of 10 minutes to hire a new staff.

Likely the applications are piling up right now. IF they plan on hiring staff at all.

In the 50s much of the restaurants were automated. Horn & Hardart was the biggest chain restaurant in the nation. It was called the automat. There were very few employees, I think the one we went to had two who cleaned off the tables when the diners didn't clean away their own trays.

As prices rose, automated food service became impractical because the machines didn't take paper money. When prices rose to require paper money, they had to have a cashier. The minimum wage was low enough to make employees the more practical alternative for fast food. It's not like we need new technology. It's always been there. Now vending machines not only take paper, but debit cards are used more than money. Make it expensive enough to pay employees and they will price themselves out of the market.

The Automat didn't survive because it was crappy service. You had no idea how long that food had been in their.

I should also point out that eliminating the casheir probably doesn't eliminate more than one employee.

24 hrs a day 7 days a week with benefits ,why you think we have ATM???
And do not tell me what benefits all employees have benefits that are more than there pay that the Gopverment and insurance companies get.
When that shop reopens the owner will have to "scramble" for all of 10 minutes to hire a new staff.

Likely the applications are piling up right now. IF they plan on hiring staff at all.

In the 50s much of the restaurants were automated. Horn & Hardart was the biggest chain restaurant in the nation. It was called the automat. There were very few employees, I think the one we went to had two who cleaned off the tables when the diners didn't clean away their own trays.

As prices rose, automated food service became impractical because the machines didn't take paper money. When prices rose to require paper money, they had to have a cashier. The minimum wage was low enough to make employees the more practical alternative for fast food. It's not like we need new technology. It's always been there. Now vending machines not only take paper, but debit cards are used more than money. Make it expensive enough to pay employees and they will price themselves out of the market.

The Automat didn't survive because it was crappy service. You had no idea how long that food had been in their.

I should also point out that eliminating the casheir probably doesn't eliminate more than one employee.

Yet, the concept was very popular! Very successful. You don't know how long those burgers have been under the heat lamp either.

The Fast-Food Restaurants That Require Few Human Workers : All Tech Considered : NPR

"The fight for $15 is a fight against technology, not management — and that's a fight that these union-organized protestors can't win. Instead of securing a bigger paycheck, the less-experienced employees demanding a more than 100 percent pay increase will find their jobs replaced by less-costly alternatives," Michael Saltsman, research director at EPI, said in a statement.

Today, Amsterdam's Febo chain of stores feature only vending-machine service for burgers, fries and more. A few employees are responsible for stocking the items behind the machines but way out of customer view, so you can walk up, drop in your coins and get a hot meal after a long night out without talking to anyone face-to-face.

Japan also has a version of automats, known there as shokkenki. There, you choose the meal you want and purchase a ticket for it, then you hand in your ticket to the cook behind the counter. I guess this eliminates the role for the person who takes your order at the register.

There is no need for such automated food service in the US, UNLESS employees become too expensive to maintain.
I don't eat fast food but if it ever does go automated I may start doing so. That way I don't have to look at zits, getting the order wrong or worry about hepatitis.
Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".
Actually you have tunnel vision. Back then there was little competition for those American goods, Europe and Japan were rebuilding. And there were so many loopholes that no rich person payed those high tax rates. Minimum wage has teeth wherever it is applied, and those teeth often bite those that need jobs the most.

Europe and Japan were largely rebuilt by 1955, that doesn't cut it.

And today, Europe and Japan have prosperity because they kept their unions, strong minimum wage laws and high taxes on the rich.
Companies that are closing for remodelling are usually failing to start with.

Now they've got the reputation of being anti-worker in a union town. That ain't gonna fly.
It's would be difficult to remodel a food service company while open. As far as his reputation goes, it won't mean squat. If he has good food for good prices people will vote with their wallets.

I'm afraid these kids got caught up in socialist bs and overvalued their worth. What about their reputation and trying to find work when you tried to put your employer out of business?

The problem with liberals is that they believe in a top down economy. Prices can be set (government does it best) and it all falls into place. Reality doesn't work that way. Yes, it's tough now, and it sucks. But if we went back to a more fiscally conservative economy (pro business, small government) it would get better and employers would have to beg good employees to stay, like not long ago.

Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".

Now post the percentage of women in the workforce during those prosperous times.

Let's get this all out on the table.

Do you really want to go back to those days?

And here I thought you were a progressive. Sounds regressive to me.

Oh well.
It's would be difficult to remodel a food service company while open. As far as his reputation goes, it won't mean squat. If he has good food for good prices people will vote with their wallets.

I'm afraid these kids got caught up in socialist bs and overvalued their worth. What about their reputation and trying to find work when you tried to put your employer out of business?

The problem with liberals is that they believe in a top down economy. Prices can be set (government does it best) and it all falls into place. Reality doesn't work that way. Yes, it's tough now, and it sucks. But if we went back to a more fiscally conservative economy (pro business, small government) it would get better and employers would have to beg good employees to stay, like not long ago.

Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".

Now post the percentage of women in the workforce during those prosperous times.

Let's get this all out on the table.

Do you really want to go back to those days?

And here I thought you were a progressive. Sounds regressive to me.

Oh well.

Or we could just pass equal pay laws... that would do it.

Here's the problem. Progressives really think women in the workforce is a positive thing.

I'm not so sure, especially women with children of pre-school age.

Of course, back in those unionized days, Mom could stay home if she wanted to. Mine did until we were old enough to go to school. And then she taught at the school we went to.
Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".

Now post the percentage of women in the workforce during those prosperous times.

Let's get this all out on the table.

Do you really want to go back to those days?

And here I thought you were a progressive. Sounds regressive to me.

Oh well.

Or we could just pass equal pay laws... that would do it.

Here's the problem. Progressives really think women in the workforce is a positive thing.

I'm not so sure, especially women with children of pre-school age.

Of course, back in those unionized days, Mom could stay home if she wanted to. Mine did until we were old enough to go to school. And then she taught at the school we went to.

With fewer in the work place, wages increase on there own. Simple economic truth. Unions had little to do with that prosperity. Consumerism with new products appearing daily, with fewer in the workforce was the driving force of that prosperity. Unions were a small part of the larger picture.
Actually, the country had its greatest prosperity when we had a mostly unionized workforce, the rich paid high tax rates and the minimum wage had teeth.

Even Republicans saw it that way, hense, "Eisenhower Republican".
Actually you have tunnel vision. Back then there was little competition for those American goods, Europe and Japan were rebuilding. And there were so many loopholes that no rich person payed those high tax rates. Minimum wage has teeth wherever it is applied, and those teeth often bite those that need jobs the most.

Europe and Japan were largely rebuilt by 1955, that doesn't cut it.

And today, Europe and Japan have prosperity because they kept their unions, strong minimum wage laws and high taxes on the rich.

Europe is failing and each country realizes that it has run out of other people's money. Japan is still trying to undo the damage of the lost decade when it decided that high taxes was the way to prosperity.

If you think they have prosperity, you dreamed it last night along with Santa.
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

Did you read the OP?

The restaurant closed because it lost business to competitors.

Employees lost their jobs.

The restaurant will reopen, employees MIGHT get another job.

With fewer in the work place, wages increase on there own. Simple economic truth. Unions had little to do with that prosperity. Consumerism with new products appearing daily, with fewer in the workforce was the driving force of that prosperity. Unions were a small part of the larger picture.

What escapes you is that the reason why Unions maintained prosperity is that they prevented recessions from becoming firing sprees.

There were three recessions in the Eisenhower years. but because the Minimum wage was strong and the unions were strong, what you didn't have is what we had going on in 2008-2009, companies fall all over themselves to lighten payrolls. Therefore, the recessions were short and history barely remembers they happened.
Good .Now I wonder if the Unions who put this in their heads will help them out. My guess is NO

Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

With fewer in the work place, wages increase on there own. Simple economic truth. Unions had little to do with that prosperity. Consumerism with new products appearing daily, with fewer in the workforce was the driving force of that prosperity. Unions were a small part of the larger picture.

What escapes you is that the reason why Unions maintained prosperity is that they prevented recessions from becoming firing sprees.

There were three recessions in the Eisenhower years. but because the Minimum wage was strong and the unions were strong, what you didn't have is what we had going on in 2008-2009, companies fall all over themselves to lighten payrolls. Therefore, the recessions were short and history barely remembers they happened.

You seem to discount the reality of my earlier post. It is much tougher to fire employees when there are far fewer workers to replace those fired.

That is economic reality
Who won?

Sub shop loses business while they scramble for new employees, employees go get another low paying job

The sheep who listened to the union unicorn piss purveyors lost, the purveyors will move on and pretend they zip to do with this and the owner will hire new folks, being a bus. person I am sure he understood his lost days without help are a necessary time the AstroTurf unicorns show up I bet the employees then tell them no thx I want to keep the job.
Actions have consequences. A sub shop in Chicago was the target of a recent protest of workers wanting $15.00 an hour. The shop fired everyone, three days before Christmas, en masse, everyone got the can.

That's the way to deal with these kinds of protests.

Chicago sandwich shop fires all its staff in an EMAIL just days before Christmas | Mail Online

A Chicago sandwich shop has fired all its employees over email just days before Christmas.
Staff at Snarf's Sub Shop in River North received the bad news on Sunday night in a group email notifying them that the drastic action was effective immediately.
The company blamed 'increased competition and losses' for the firings.
Director of operations Doug Besant said in the email the restaurant will likely close for a month as they remodel and reconcept the business into a burger joint.

The River North Snarf's shop was closed for four days, from December 5 until December 8, as employees went on striking for higher wages and better benefits.
They joined workers of fast-food chains like McDonald's, Subway, Potbelly and others in a broader strike orchestrated by the Worker's Organizing Committee of Chicago.

The owner is a scumbag to do that right before Xmas.
Firing all of the protesters, to me, only makes the person in charge of the place look worse than before. I wouldn't want to work for a person like that and if enough people in the area of that place were to share my opinion, it would be even harder for the person in charge to find new people to replace those who were fired.

God bless you and them always!!!


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