Stu Varney: 'People will start unloading stocks' if it looks like Biden will defeat Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”

This is a problem that President Trump faces, as it can spiral out of control. Because if the market starts sinking because of Biden's perceived ascendency, it can cause Biden to rise even further in the polls.
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”
There's little doubt the economy would collapse along with the nation. The only question is which would die first the country or its economy. It's a chicken and egg kinda thing.
The price of gasoline will go to $5.00/gal within a year
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”
10% of Americans own 85% of stock market shares, and they are better off financially today than they were in March. Compare that to tens of millions of Americans facing evictions and bankruptcies they were blind to in March.

Common Stock Market Scams
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”

This is a problem that President Trump faces, as it can spiral out of control. Because if the market starts sinking because of Biden's perceived ascendency, it can cause Biden to rise even further in the polls.

Not sure I follow this logic, are you saying that if investors pull out of the market cuz they think Biden is going to win, thereby triggering a selloff that other people will blame Trump for that? Or give Biden credit? Actually, I can see the MSM rolling with that story, they'll be quick to blame Trump for anything.

And I do agree with Varney, if Biden wins the stock market will tank. I have no doubt that almost all business people and investors know that Biden's policies will definitely not be pro-business.
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”

I was wondering when Trump supporters would get around to throwing the longest Hail Mary's. But, may as well, nothing else is sticking at the moment. I'm sorry to disappoint you Virginia, but the stock market will not tank if Biden's elected. I have a 401K and am well diversified. My investments have weathered Republican and Democrat presidents. Economic booms and recessions. I'm not worried. Stu has just about as good a track record at predicting things as his buddy Larry Kudlow (memba when Larry said the US wouldn't go into a recession in 2008?).

What goes down, will come back up. That's why you invest for the long haul. And I wouldn't worry too much Biden's policies. The policies of the current administration especially their inept and incompetent response to the virus outbreak is the main thing that could kill the stock market (it's already killing the economy). If the shit show drags on into the fall and Biden wins, he's going to be saddled with trying to get the US out of a bigger hole than Barack Obama had to after GW's administration.

But, that's been the MO of Republicans and conservatives over the last four decades. They fuck the economy up and a Democrat has to come in and fix it.
I think any right-winger in this forum could have told you that. Biden has already announced plenty have agenda items that are economy killers. Anyone with a 401K would be crazy to vote for this moron.

Fox Business Network host Stu Varney appeared on "Fox & Friends" Monday, saying that if presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the 2020 presidential election the stock market will “go straight down.” “A major loss in the stock market if Joe Biden wins,” Varney said. “If he looks like he’s going to win before November 3, people will start unloading their stock holdings.”

I was wondering when Trump supporters would get around to throwing the longest Hail Mary's. But, may as well, nothing else is sticking at the moment. I'm sorry to disappoint you Virginia, but the stock market will not tank if Biden's elected. I have a 401K and am well diversified. My investments have weathered Republican and Democrat presidents. Economic booms and recessions. I'm not worried. Stu has just about as good a track record at predicting things as his buddy Larry Kudlow (memba when Larry said the US wouldn't go into a recession in 2008?).

What goes down, will come back up. That's why you invest for the long haul. And I wouldn't worry too much Biden's policies. The policies of the current administration especially their inept and incompetent response to the virus outbreak is the main thing that could kill the stock market (it's already killing the economy). If the shit show drags on into the fall and Biden wins, he's going to be saddled with trying to get the US out of a bigger hole than Barack Obama had to after GW's administration.

But, that's been the MO of Republicans and conservatives over the last four decades. They fuck the economy up and a Democrat has to come in and fix it.

How do you figure that Reparations and the New Green Deal, and massive new giveaways are going to be great for the economy?

Do you really think that Biden can bring peace and balance the budget? Cure the economy and find a vaccine for COVID?

I just don't think Sleepy Joe is that with it. I hope I'm wrong if he is mistakenly elected or they rig the election with the help of Red China.

But I don't think so.

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