student beat up teacher so he can put video on line

Instinctively, I do. Yes. There's probably a long history there, and the kid reportedly threatened to rape the teacher's daughter. Should Hosinger have done it? No. Would I have done it? No. Can I understand how he could? Definitely.

[IMG alt="Mac-7"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedOct 9, 2019Messages44,911Reaction score31,863Points3,565

My only comment on Mike Hosinski is that I wish him well

but I cant help notice there are cameras in the school recording the children

our public school teachers posting here claim that is against the law

what gives?

if we can record students in the hallways we can record them in the classroom also

[IMG alt="DGS49"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedApr 12, 2012Messages13,320Reaction score9,180Points1,265LocationPittsburgh
So...I wonder if any of the Leftists posting here can point to any pedagogical improvement that can be attributed to the elimination of corporal punishment in the schools. Or in the home.

I won't hold my breath.

That slap was nothing. Got of few of those growing up. It is simply the punctuation of verbal communication.
[IMG alt="theHawk"][/IMG]


Registered Conservative​

JoinedSep 20, 2005Messages45,230Reaction score40,931Points3,605LocationArizona

If the kid threatened to rape his daughter, yea.

Nothing wrong with a good old fashioned slap, if it is well deserved. But America is pussified now so everyone has to act outraged.

[IMG alt="Flash"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedDec 8, 2014Messages56,960Reaction score44,512Points3,645LocationFlorida

If the "child" is a piece of shit then yes.

I am a Boomer. I had a couple of teachers slap the shit out me growing up. I deserved it. I learned lessons. I also got my ass kicked by my parents when they heard about it.

The Sage of Main Street

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JoinedSep 15, 2016Messages12,465Reaction score2,533Points170LocationAll in your mind

Any Real Father Would Have Shaken the Teacher's Hand

Why did you raise your kid to be a rapist?

Do I really need to go on?
So, a handful of posters commented in a thread where a student threatened to rape a teachers daughter, and got a slap? That’s what you equate to a teacher getting put in the hospital?
You really think those two incidents are equal?
So, a handful of posters commented in a thread where a student threatened to rape a teachers daughter, and got a slap? That’s what you equate to a teacher getting put in the hospital?
You really think those two incidents are equal?
So you think it is ok for a teacher to punch a child and bounce his head off the wall. You claimed no one on this forum thought that was ok, then when I show you what do you come back with?
So you think it is ok for a teacher to punch a child and bounce his head off the wall. You claimed no one on this forum thought that was ok, then when I show you what do you come back with?
Stick to this thread…
Probably no father figure.

Father, no father, doesn't matter. Ignorance, hatred, running on raw emotion, violence, disregard of common decency, manners and so on aren't something most of them are taught at all by anyone around them. It's their culture.

That's why when you look at any black country in the world throughout history how many of them are first world countries or even second world countries?

Look at their music in America.

Even look at their spokes people like singers, comedians and so on. Most of them "talk black" all the time, raise their voices a lot, don't speak very good English and so on.

Most, not all, are natural born savages.

Sure they aren't all that way. But for every Morgan Freeman or Thomas sowell you have 10,000 ghetto pieces of shit that ruin it for the rest of them.
Father, no father, doesn't matter. Ignorance, hatred, running on raw emotion, violence, disregard of common decency, manners and so on aren't something most of them are taught at all by anyone around them. It's their culture.

That's why when you look at any black country in the world throughout history how many of them are first world countries or even second world countries?

Look at their music in America.

Even look at their spokes people like singers, comedians and so on. Most of them "talk black" all the time, raise their voices a lot, don't speak very good English and so on.

Most, not all, are natural born savages.

Sure they aren't all that way. But for every Morgan Freeman or Thomas sowell you have 10,000 ghetto pieces of shit that ruin it for the rest of them.
History shows you are the most savage folks the world has ever seen. You are the number one consumer of black music, don't you act white all the time? Unfortunately racist, white trash like you is alive and well.
Father, no father, doesn't matter. Ignorance, hatred, running on raw emotion, violence, disregard of common decency, manners and so on aren't something most of them are taught at all by anyone around them. It's their culture.

That's why when you look at any black country in the world throughout history how many of them are first world countries or even second world countries?

Look at their music in America.

Even look at their spokes people like singers, comedians and so on. Most of them "talk black" all the time, raise their voices a lot, don't speak very good English and so on.

Most, not all, are natural born savages.

Sure they aren't all that way. But for every Morgan Freeman or Thomas sowell you have 10,000 ghetto pieces of shit that ruin it for the rest of them.
if anything the blm riots taught disrespect for authoriti9es. watching thier parents,murder and beat up and destroy cops and other s buisnesses. they got back to school and sdo the same to teachers. they are not makingf points with anyone acting the way they did and do.
I have been saying:

This is pervasive. It is not just black kids. It is not just in urban schools.

We think it's fine for most kids--but especially special needs kids--to put other kids and teachers in urgent care and even the hospital. "All behavior is communication", see. But also, "when you see something, say something".

"Hey, yeah, I saw a teacher get her hair pulled, get absolutely demolished in my classroom today?"

"Yeah but that didn't count because 'all behavior is communication'. That kid was just having a hard time."

Right. Then that kid turns into a school shooter and everyone says, WOW, how did we not see this coming?

We're a really stupid society. I mean it. Really stupid.
Nah. That's just fourth world normal.
if anything the blm riots taught disrespect for authoriti9es. watching thier parents,murder and beat up and destroy cops and other s buisnesses. they got back to school and sdo the same to teachers. they are not makingf points with anyone acting the way they did and do.
Do you ever read the racist babble you post, come to think of it probably not. Nobody else can read that mumbo jumbo either.
I have been saying:

This is pervasive. It is not just black kids. It is not just in urban schools.

We think it's fine for most kids--but especially special needs kids--to put other kids and teachers in urgent care and even the hospital. "All behavior is communication", see. But also, "when you see something, say something".

"Hey, yeah, I saw a teacher get her hair pulled, get absolutely demolished in my classroom today?"

"Yeah but that didn't count because 'all behavior is communication'. That kid was just having a hard time."

Right. Then that kid turns into a school shooter and everyone says, WOW, how did we not see this coming?

We're a really stupid society. I mean it. Really stupid.

Here's how you stop him from being a school shooter.

Don't sell him a gun.

See. Problem solved.

I'm going to just throw this out there.. that school isn't for everyone. You see, it used to be that if a kid didn't want to be in school, we let him drop out some time in High School. And then he would drift into menial jobs, or maybe prison, or maybe they'd get their shit together and get a GED.

The problem with the special needs kids is that we try to mainstream them. So the kids who are not going to be working menial jobs are bored while the teacher tells Corky that 2+2 doesn't equal Potato. Corky is frustrated because he has no idea what is going on. The teachers are frustrated because the parents aren't making the little darlings take their SSRI's to make them more manageable.
Here's how you stop him from being a school shooter.

Don't sell him a gun.

See. Problem solved.

I'm going to just throw this out there.. that school isn't for everyone. You see, it used to be that if a kid didn't want to be in school, we let him drop out some time in High School. And then he would drift into menial jobs, or maybe prison, or maybe they'd get their shit together and get a GED.

The problem with the special needs kids is that we try to mainstream them. So the kids who are not going to be working menial jobs are bored while the teacher tells Corky that 2+2 doesn't equal Potato. Corky is frustrated because he has no idea what is going on. The teachers are frustrated because the parents aren't making the little darlings take their SSRI's to make them more manageable.
nope then he will get one on the street. their are more illegal guns then legal guns in this country.
Maybe mama should have raised the shit better...

There lies the problem...then they go off about how he's a good boy. No he's not, you failed as a parent
I doubt that's true.

Hey, were is this "illegal gun factory" that makes all these illegal guns?

Good gawd, moonbat. You don't know the first thing about guns, start with ghost and stolen guns...then get educated.

I mean really, you constantly look a dumbass
Good gawd, moonbat. You don't know the first thing about guns, start with ghost and stolen guns...then get educated.

I mean really, you constantly look a dumbass

There are very few "ghost guns", and only 380,000 stolen guns a year. Out of 300 million guns out there. So less than 1%.

Now, let's remember, the original statement was "

nope then he will get one on the street. their are more illegal guns then legal guns in this country.

But clearly, there are more legal guns than illegal ones...

So if you stop the sale of legal guns, you'd reduce crime.

Thanks for playing.
There are very few "ghost guns", and only 380,000 stolen guns a year. Out of 300 million guns out there. So less than 1%.

Now, let's remember, the original statement was "

But clearly, there are more legal guns than illegal ones...

So if you stop the sale of legal guns, you'd reduce crime.

Thanks for playing.

Sit down. I take no leftist moonbat seriously. You people lie your Potato

Besides that the thread is about some ill raised kid doing stupid shit
Sit down. I take no leftist moonbat seriously. You people lie your Potato

Besides that the thread is about some ill raised kid doing stupid shit

Right. Kids do stupid shit. It's why they shouldn't have access to guns. Glad we agree.

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