Student proposes white student union at GSU

If it's for white rights but not a hate group, I'm all for it. If it gets shot down we should definately step up cause it would be racist not to allow it.

You feed into the race pimps' cages when you even feel the need to qualify your support. No one says "It's cool to have a (black, jewish, women's, homosexuals, etc.) student union, so long as they not are about hate".

I'm sorry but this kind of half-hearted castrated support does little good, but it does continue to follow the template that any white pride is potentially dangerous.
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This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.
This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

How long are whites going to be castigated for the sins of their ancestors?


Racism is racism.. PERIOD! :hmpf:
Formation of such a group sounds like a fun experiment in pushing The Law to its limits.

Do precedents still exist beyond academia, for whites-only or blacks-only or whatever?

Do such organizations exist elsewhere - within the State of Georgia or indeed anywhere else in the Union - on campuses of schools that derive much of their support from State or Federal government tax money?
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This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

key word: wasn't

This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

key word: wasn't



Almost 50 years of Affirmative Action (since the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act) is enough.

The playing field has been leveled sufficiently by now to begin treating all groups as Equal once again.

Time to end such preferential treatments and to put everyone at par.

Such grass-roots initiatives as the one being discussed now may (or may not) prove to be a good way to begin that transition.
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Blacks can become the president
Blacks can become the DOJ
Blacks can become mayors
Blacks can become senators
Blacks can become congressmen
Blacks can become sec of state
Blacks can become sec of nasa
Blacks can become anything!!!

I support and root for all good blacks that advance in life. Just not at the price of someone else that is more credited.
If it's for white rights but not a hate group, I'm all for it. If it gets shot down we should definately step up cause it would be racist not to allow it.

You feed into the race pimps' cages when you even feel the need to qualify your support. No one says "It's cool to have a (black, jewish, women's, homosexuals, etc.) student union, so long as they not are about hate".

I'm sorry but this kind of half-hearted castrated support does little good, but it does continue to follow the template that any white pride is potentially dangerous.

I never said I thought it's "cool" to have these groups. But they exsist and whites are having their rights trampled on. These groups exsist everywhere in our society. Are you saying that the NAACP is wrong? How about NOW, LGBT,ADL?

It's about time we stood up and said affirmative action is racist. it's time we stopped this race card shit everytime a white happens to get in a scuffle with a black. What if Whites did the same thing EVERYTIME a black person committed a crime against a white. The Zimmerman case highlighted how ridiculous it is. FYI It pisses me off everytime the race card gets played needlessly because it takes away from actual race crimes. I'm tired of the double standard for whites. You don't want the word ****** used, don't say it yourself. Geez white people can't even hang Halloween decorations without fear being accused of being racist. It's Bull shit.

As long as there is no violence and everybody conducts themselves in a respectful manner it should be allowed.

[QUOTE:"I'm sorry but this kind of half-hearted castrated support does little good, but it does continue to follow the template that any white pride is potentially dangerous.":QUOTE]

Are you saying whites having pride is dangerous? I hope not because whites shouldn't stand by and become the worlds doormats because of the absurdity of PC white guilt? I'm not lesser because I'm a woman and I'm not a racist because I'm white. I do think if I pass a test for a job and get a better score than a black person I should get a job, not turned down because I happen to be white. Somebody has to stand up and say it and numbers get noticed so this type of group is nesscessary.
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They can start a Young Republicans union

Same thing
This is the thing you conservative white people don't get. Black/Hispanic/Asian organizations were traditional created because white america wasn't ( and to a lesser degree today) so accepting of minorities.

There is no need for all white clubs because society already gives you all benefits and you are never excluded.

key word: wasn't



Almost 50 years of Affirmative Action (since the 1964 passage of the Civil Rights Act) is enough.

The playing field has been leveled sufficiently by now to begin treating all groups as Equal once again.

Time to end such preferential treatments and to put everyone at par.

Such grass-roots initiatives as the one being discussed now may (or may not) prove to be a good way to begin that transition.


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