Student punished for not saying mexican pledge of allegiance TX classroom

It is also the plan of the globalist elite. If you get the people thinking early that their masters are global, democracy means nothing.

Yet another development along these lines is the carving up of American territory as districts for representation of foreign governments by American citizens. As one report noted, "In what experts call an extraordinary step... three Mexicans living in the United States are running for seats in Mexico's Congress. If they win -- and chances are good for at least two of them, in Chicago and Los Angeles -- they will live in the United States and represent Mexicans here."56

That report continued, "The National Action Party recently introduced a proposal in Congress to reserve 10 of the 500 seats for Mexicans abroad, and others talk of slates of United States candidates in the 2003 Congressional elections....If they win, they plan to commute to Mexico at least part of the time Congress is in session -- about six months a year, in two month stretches."57

In 2001, Juan Hernandez, a former University of Texas at Dallas professor, was named the first American to serve in a Mexican president's Cabinet.58 When Mexican President Vicente Fox met with President Bush, Hernandez was there as an adviser to Fox. And when a group of Democrats from the U.S. Congressional Hispanic Caucus met with President Fox, Hernandez was there.

Mr. Hernandez's role is to organize and mobilize Mexican Americans in the United States. What is he mobilizing them to do? In an interview with Ted Koppel on Nightline, he made it quite clear: He wants Mexican Americans in the United States to think "Mexico First...I want the third generation, the seventh generation, I want them all to think 'Mexico first'."59 Americans, on the other hand, might well be excused if they wonder why one of their fellow citizens is legally entitled to work in and for a foreign government advocating that Americans put another country first.

Another example of this kind of outreach is the setting up of a 120-member "advisory council" made up of American citizens of Mexican descent.60 The report notes that the candidates must be at least age 18, Spanish speakers, Mexican citizens, and Illinois residents with no criminal record. They must also submit a petition with at least 50 signatures in support of their candidacy. That means there will be a campaign, as well as an election -- yet another way by which to organize the attention and interests of Mexican Americans toward their "home" country.

Recruiting Americans to serve in "home" country governments is not the only method that foreign government use to foster identifications with and attachments to those countries. Last year, President Leonel Fernandez of the Dominican Republic visited his fellow countrymen and women in New York, which has the largest concentration of Dominicans in the United States. Among the ideas under discussion at the town meeting were, "a Dominican Peace Corps that would bring young Dominican-Americans back to their roots."61 It's a laudable idea in many respects, but wouldn't young Dominicans and their chosen country benefit from having them involved in the American domestic versions of the Peace Corps like Teach for America?

The major issue in many of these cases is, to repeat, the question of conflict of interest, focus, understanding, and above all, attachment. We enact conflict of interest laws in the United States precisely because individuals are not the best judges of what they will be able to separate into separate spheres, and how well they will be able to do so. Individuals may well not see any disadvantages to representing foreign countries and the United States at the same time, but in many ways their views are the least reliable on these matters.
Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

She failed the alternate essay, kid. No, she should not have been let back in the class without an apology for being such a dipshit. She should apologize for her parents who failed to instruct her better about her responsibility.

This is nothing more than reactionary nonsense that will not fly in the GOP anymore.

An apology for refusing to sat the MEXICAN pledge?? Here's your apology, bitch! KISS MY ASS!! This is fucking AMERICA, we don't pledge to a different country!! YOU should fucking apologize, you putrid excuse for an American!

One, your type does not pass muster as an American anymore.

Two, the student failed an alternate assignment.

Three, you are the weakest link here. Move along.
Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

The article states she received a failing grade with regard to the alternative assignment, not because of her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity, consequently this has nothing to do with an equal protection violation.

She wasn’t penalized for refusing to say the pledge.

The student failed the course because she was not allowed back into class, in the context of school disciplinary policy – again, having noting to do with her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity.

As for the First Amendment claim, the district’s policy to excuse students from saying the pledge of allegiance if they object was administered consistently as the student was not compelled to ‘pledge’ to another country, hence the alternative assignment.

I will bet you dollars to dog turds she failed the 'alternative' assignment SOLELY because of the vindictiveness of her Reconquista teacher. THAT is why her grade was changed to passing AFTER THE FACT.

Imagine how mad that bitch teacher was, a Hispanic girl refusing to pledge allegiance to Mexico. I'll bet they had to MEDICATE her.

Your vindictiveness is not wanted in the GOP. Step along, son.
Why is any school in tge US requiring or assigning students to recite the pledge of allegiance for another country? What a stupid fucking assignment that accomplishes nothing. Focus on teaching US students to read, write, and think Critically. Think the Chinese are requiring their students to recite something out of North Korea? The McAllen School District ought to shelf the lesson plan from La Raza.

You have never been to that part of Texas, have you? You sound stupid, so clearly and evidently stupid. Go try that in McAllen, numb nuts.
You can say the pledge of allegance of the US, or you can remain silent. Whoever made her recite the mexican pledge should be fired immediately.
You can say the pledge of allegance of the US, or you can remain silent. Whoever made her recite the mexican pledge should be fired immediately.

Read the thread before you reveal your innate stupidity.
She failed the alternate essay, kid. No, she should not have been let back in the class without an apology for being such a dipshit. She should apologize for her parents who failed to instruct her better about her responsibility.

This is nothing more than reactionary nonsense that will not fly in the GOP anymore.

An apology for refusing to sat the MEXICAN pledge?? Here's your apology, bitch! KISS MY ASS!! This is fucking AMERICA, we don't pledge to a different country!! YOU should fucking apologize, you putrid excuse for an American!

One, your type does not pass muster as an American anymore.

Two, the student failed an alternate assignment.

Three, you are the weakest link here. Move along.

Hey Fakey.....

An apology for refusing to sat the MEXICAN pledge?? Here's your apology, bitch! KISS MY ASS!! This is fucking AMERICA, we don't pledge to a different country!! YOU should fucking apologize, you putrid excuse for an American!

One, your type does not pass muster as an American anymore.

Two, the student failed an alternate assignment.

Three, you are the weakest link here. Move along.

Hey Fakey.....


:lol: epic melt down by GP
Since when should an American citizen pledge allegance to a foreign country? That could - and should - be considered an act of treason.
This is not reciting a peom in a foreign language class; it is a vow to align ones self with the government of a foreign country.

OK, she was not forced to comply - she was given an alternate written assignment. The teacher failed her on that assignment but was it worthy of failure? Her grade was later changed - so apparently it was a vindictive act by the teacher against a "disruptive influence" in her class. The "disruptive influence" of a young girl who would not take a vow to be a Mexican because she was an American citizen. She pledges her allegance to America and not to Mexico - is that wrong?

It is my opinion that this teacher's curriculum is suspect at the very least and verging on treasonous to abuse her power to make students pledge their allegance to Mexico when they are American children. What place does this have in a Spanish language class?
One, your type does not pass muster as an American anymore.

Two, the student failed an alternate assignment.

Three, you are the weakest link here. Move along.

Hey Fakey.....


:lol: epic melt down by GP

If that is an "epic meltdown" I'd hate to think what you'd call it if I got angry.

You're such a pussy little bitch, Fakey, that I find myself laughing at you instead.

Fortunately, that is a very easy thing to do.

I can't wait for your next post, Fakey. Make up something else, would you?
Since when should an American citizen pledge allegance to a foreign country? That could - and should - be considered an act of treason.
This is not reciting a peom in a foreign language class; it is a vow to align ones self with the government of a foreign country.

OK, she was not forced to comply - she was given an alternate written assignment. The teacher failed her on that assignment but was it worthy of failure? Her grade was later changed - so apparently it was a vindictive act by the teacher against a "disruptive influence" in her class. The "disruptive influence" of a young girl who would not take a vow to be a Mexican because she was an American citizen. She pledges her allegance to America and not to Mexico - is that wrong?

It is my opinion that this teacher's curriculum is suspect at the very least and verging on treasonous to abuse her power to make students pledge their allegance to Mexico when they are American children. What place does this have in a Spanish language class?

Again, the curriculum ought to come under scrutiny. Look, learning to speake Spanish is a good thing. Making students recite a pledge of allegiance for another country serves no purpose unless your objective is indoctrination because your heart lies with that country. McAllen is right next door to Mexico. Maybe the teacher needs to go there and teach the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance. That would be fine and appropriate.
Those doing a little research on this know the school district is out of control under the influence of ungrateful and congenitally resentful anti-American immigrant scum. Take a look at Latin America. Not a lot of desperate traffic headed in that direction. How could it be different where ever that kind of cultural failure is concentrated among Americans too stupid to require allegiance to the US?

Respecting shit for brains cultures is the signal failure of human potential fueled liberal idiocy. Cultural failure is what it is and everyone sees it. Pretending it is somehow equal to US culture is... interesting - in its flagrant dishonesty.

Neither political party has a rational answer here, but this is perhaps the area in which the "flyover America" nutball element holds the higher ground.

What tickles me is this fits in so well with the nutball secessionist element in Tejas. Two fairly large groups resent Washington, nutballs with at least the vestiges of good reason, but the ingrate parasitic immigrant community has taken a quantum leap into a better world yet - like nutballs - fantasize different results under their degenerate leaders; in the case of the Mejicans, that McAllen would have similar infrastructure had not Manifest Destiny run its course.

Been to Matamoros/Brownsville/Reynosa/McAllen. Not much question that if there was some way to force Mejico to take the Brownsville area back, most US taxpayers would benefit and then filthy lowlife scum like the school board there could really get down with their anti-American bullshit.

Hilarious. On all counts.
Last edited:
Hey Fakey.....


:lol: epic melt down by GP

If that is an "epic meltdown" I'd hate to think what you'd call it if I got angry.

You're such a pussy little bitch, Fakey, that I find myself laughing at you instead.

Fortunately, that is a very easy thing to do.

I can't wait for your next post, Fakey. Make up something else, would you?

Au contraire, little one, we are laughing at you and the likes of the big rebs, etc.

Our country is so much more wonderful than the musings of the pitiful few like you.

We will be here long after you are gone. :lol:
:lol: epic melt down by GP

If that is an "epic meltdown" I'd hate to think what you'd call it if I got angry.

You're such a pussy little bitch, Fakey, that I find myself laughing at you instead.

Fortunately, that is a very easy thing to do.

I can't wait for your next post, Fakey. Make up something else, would you?

Au contraire, little one, we are laughing at you and the likes of the big rebs, etc.

Our country is so much more wonderful than the musings of the pitiful few like you.

We will be here long after you are gone. :lol:

Fakey, you are nothing but an anti-American 'one-worlder' if you support the shit described in the OP.

Therefore your 'opinion' isn't worth the powder it would take to blow it to the next county.

You want to recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance, MOVE TO MEXICO!
Hopefully her parents sue the shit out of those morons. Stupidity should be painful.
Those doing a little research on this know the school district is out of control under the influence of ungrateful and congenitally resentful anti-American immigrant scum. Take a look at Latin America. Not a lot of desperate traffic headed in that direction. How could it be different where ever that kind of cultural failure is concentrated among Americans too stupid to require allegiance to the US?

Respecting shit for brains cultures is the signal failure of human potential fueled liberal idiocy. Cultural failure is what it is and everyone sees it. Pretending it is somehow equal to US culture is... interesting - in its flagrant dishonesty.

Neither political party has a rational answer here, but this is perhaps the area in which the "flyover America" nutball element holds the higher ground.

What tickles me is this fits in so well with the nutball secessionist element in Tejas. Two fairly large groups resent Washington, nutballs with at least the vestiges of good reason, but the ingrate parasitic immigrant community has taken a quantum leap into a better world yet - like nutballs - fantasize different results under their degenerate leaders; in the case of the Mejicans, that McAllen would have similar infrastructure had not Manifest Destiny run its course.

Been to Matamoros/Brownsville/Reynosa/McAllen. Not much question that if there was some way to force Mejico to take the Brownsville area back, most US taxpayers would benefit and then filthy lowlife scum like the school board there could really get down with their anti-American bullshit.

Hilarious. On all counts.

You hear La Raza and other Leftist latino groups demand that the US give back California, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona. What would Mexico do with it? Keep a thriving middle class???? This would be like the dog that chases the care and finally catches it......he does not know what to do.
:lol: epic melt down by GP

If that is an "epic meltdown" I'd hate to think what you'd call it if I got angry.

You're such a pussy little bitch, Fakey, that I find myself laughing at you instead.

Fortunately, that is a very easy thing to do.

I can't wait for your next post, Fakey. Make up something else, would you?

Au contraire, little one, we are laughing at you and the likes of the big rebs, etc.

Our country is so much more wonderful than the musings of the pitiful few like you.

We will be here long after you are gone. :lol:

Gotta love the sig.
'Beware all thieves and imitators of other peoples' labour and talents," Durer, 1511
Looks like you dont care for taxing the rich to give to the poor. Good on ya!
The woman, who is of Latino descent, and speaks fluent Spanish, etc., has already filed suit and the filthy god damned scum on the school board are in full legal retreat - all the while proclaiming the human-potential righteousness of their acts against the United States.

It would be great if the lawsuit somehow bankrupted the jurisdiction and so became an object lesson to other open borders enthusiasts undermining the health and integrity of the United States.
Those doing a little research on this know the school district is out of control under the influence of ungrateful and congenitally resentful anti-American immigrant scum. Take a look at Latin America. Not a lot of desperate traffic headed in that direction. How could it be different where ever that kind of cultural failure is concentrated among Americans too stupid to require allegiance to the US?

Respecting shit for brains cultures is the signal failure of human potential fueled liberal idiocy. Cultural failure is what it is and everyone sees it. Pretending it is somehow equal to US culture is... interesting - in its flagrant dishonesty.

Neither political party has a rational answer here, but this is perhaps the area in which the "flyover America" nutball element holds the higher ground.

What tickles me is this fits in so well with the nutball secessionist element in Tejas. Two fairly large groups resent Washington, nutballs with at least the vestiges of good reason, but the ingrate parasitic immigrant community has taken a quantum leap into a better world yet - like nutballs - fantasize different results under their degenerate leaders; in the case of the Mejicans, that McAllen would have similar infrastructure had not Manifest Destiny run its course.

Been to Matamoros/Brownsville/Reynosa/McAllen. Not much question that if there was some way to force Mejico to take the Brownsville area back, most US taxpayers would benefit and then filthy lowlife scum like the school board there could really get down with their anti-American bullshit.

Hilarious. On all counts.

You hear La Raza and other Leftist latino groups demand that the US give back California, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona. What would Mexico do with it? Keep a thriving middle class???? This would be like the dog that chases the care and finally catches it......he does not know what to do.

They call it Aztlan...


They need to learn this...


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