Student Suspended For Sexual Harrassment - Wearing A Costume To Another School's Prom

Kathianne said:
I agree with you. But I do not think you are so 'exceptional' that other kids cannot benefit the way you did. Forewarned is forearmed. That was my point from the beginning. It's what I tried to give my kids and do as a teacher too.

Some of my kids have homelifes that stink, to put it mildly. If I don't tell them that that does not condemn them and their children to the same, who will? To ignor kids whose mom is a hooker, who's parents are into drugs, sorry, I can't do. I would never tell the kids I KNOW that, just that, "Many of us have homelifes that are not what we would wish. We need to grab ahold of those that will help up get out of this and then deal with other family members." Oftentimes, my students are the oldest of many siblings. Sometimes they are basically trying to 'raise' their siblings. Not possible at 13 years old, without adults helping.

Yeah, I'm nothing special, and that's what I keep trying to convince people of. I keep hearing that "kids will be kids" and "they'll do it anyway," and I think that shows an extreme lack of confidence in the kids. I say that they can do it, and will if you just tell them to instead of assuming they won't listen.
Hobbit said:
Yeah, I'm nothing special, and that's what I keep trying to convince people of. I keep hearing that "kids will be kids" and "they'll do it anyway," and I think that shows an extreme lack of confidence in the kids. I say that they can do it, and will if you just tell them to instead of assuming they won't listen.
Kids will reach for the 'better' when presented with it. I'm (truly) shocked by how much the kids want to hear of God, the Good News, and the higher plane. They thirst for it, but their parents don't seem to realize is. That is one of the benefits, (one of the few), of teaching in a parochial school.
dilloduck said:
A village teaches YOUR kids---A village raises money for OUR army--A village gets together to help people in need etc etc. What fantasy world do you live in, Mr. "I do it all myself" ?
Boy are you in left field, glad I don’t live in a village. I think maybe you should ask yourself about that fantasy world, Dillo.
Kathianne said:
Hobbit, in a way you are making my points for me. We as a society have choices to make. We can turn it 'all over to the government', which I would not be willing to do or we can educate our children to defend themselves and reach for the higher goods. My oldest was born in 1981, youngest 1985. They all listen to music and watch videos that I wouldn't, but they didn't as early teens. They all are successful young adults, they dress appropriately, are kind to others, are active in their communities.

Most of my students don't join in to the 'current annihlism culture' either-as they are early teens. They choose to be 'cutting edge' by the parameters that are set by their parents, including the parochial school they are attending. However, even in our school, we have parents that fully knowing that cleavage, tight pants, R lyrics are not allowed at a 'casual dress event' they will allow their kid to dress like that. Then they are outraged when said student must call them to bring a change of outfit. Weird thing, they never pull the kid from the school. We think that would be a clearer message. :rolleyes:

There are problems in parenting across the board. Some is neglect, some is parents that want to be 'hip.'

The current culture is way too sexual and decadent, but so it was in the 20's and 60's. I don't think that is the decisive factor, rather giving kids a grounding and alternatives. You are proof positive of that.

I will concede the roaring twenties was a sexual revolution...but not the sixtees...I grew up as a young adult in the sixtees....Graduated from HS 1962 went to college 1963-1964...went into the Army 1964...did not see anything but normal until about late 1967 early 1968 then the sexual revolution took hold...hippies went amuck about I would categorically say most of the sixtees were were the left over years of "Happy Days"! :happy2:
archangel said:
I will concede the roaring twenties was a sexual revolution...but not the sixtees...I grew up as a young adult in the sixtees....Graduated from HS 1962 went to college 1963-1964...went into the Army 1964...did not see anything but normal until about late 1967 early 1968 then the sexual revolution took hold...hippies went amuck about I would categorically say most of the sixtees were were the left over years of "Happy Days"! :happy2:

Did it ever occur to you that 'you' may not have been the be all and end all of whatever time frame or postion of employment one is speaking of? There were millions of others alive, thousands doing the same job? You are one of many...
Kathianne said:
Did it ever occur to you that 'you' may not have been the be all and end all of whatever time frame or postion of employment one is speaking of? There were millions of others alive, thousands doing the same job? You are one of many...

it has occurred to me...however I was in this time were not...the sixtees that is! except for maybe being in diapers about then...just gave my point of view from my period! :2guns:
archangel said:
it has occurred to me...however I was in this time were not...the sixtees that is! except for maybe being in diapers about then...just gave my point of view from my period! :2guns:

Not in diapers, but not fatiques either. In any case, neither of us by our existence can speak to the era. That is my point.
Kathianne said:
Not in diapers, but not fatiques either. In any case, neither of us by our existence can speak to the era. That is my point.

you being a teacher and all...if it isn't in a book it does not exist...carry on teach! :whip:
archangel said:
you being a teacher and all...if it isn't in a book it does not exist...carry on teach! :whip:
Sorriest post I've ever seen from ya! I have a few post numbers here that dispute that! :laugh:

Face it, you just tried to turn it all about you, it isn't.
Kathianne said:
Sorriest post I've ever seen from ya! I have a few post numbers here that dispute that! :laugh:

Face it, you just tried to turn it all about you, it isn't.

I am comfortable with who and what I am...just give my opinions based on frame...not everyone needs a book or link to make their opinion more arguing now...just give my opinions nothing else...not writing a thesis here...maybe ya are...good for you! :2guns:
archangel said:
I am comfortable with who and what I am...just give my opinions based on frame...not everyone needs a book or link to make their opinion more arguing now...just give my opinions nothing else...not writing a thesis here...maybe ya are...good for you! :2guns:

Again, what are you speaking of?

Here's what I posted:

Originally Posted by Kathianne
Hobbit, in a way you are making my points for me. We as a society have choices to make. We can turn it 'all over to the government', which I would not be willing to do or we can educate our children to defend themselves and reach for the higher goods. My oldest was born in 1981, youngest 1985. They all listen to music and watch videos that I wouldn't, but they didn't as early teens. They all are successful young adults, they dress appropriately, are kind to others, are active in their communities.

Most of my students don't join in to the 'current annihlism culture' either-as they are early teens. They choose to be 'cutting edge' by the parameters that are set by their parents, including the parochial school they are attending. However, even in our school, we have parents that fully knowing that cleavage, tight pants, R lyrics are not allowed at a 'casual dress event' they will allow their kid to dress like that. Then they are outraged when said student must call them to bring a change of outfit. Weird thing, they never pull the kid from the school. We think that would be a clearer message.

There are problems in parenting across the board. Some is neglect, some is parents that want to be 'hip.'

The current culture is way too sexual and decadent, but so it was in the 20's and 60's. I don't think that is the decisive factor, rather giving kids a grounding and alternatives. You are proof positive of that.

Here's your response, on the 7th page of a 'debating thread', which has little to do with anything other than the 60's reference:

I will concede the roaring twenties was a sexual revolution...but not the sixtees...I grew up as a young adult in the sixtees....Graduated from HS 1962 went to college 1963-1964...went into the Army 1964...did not see anything but normal until about late 1967 early 1968 then the sexual revolution took hold...hippies went amuck about I would categorically say most of the sixtees were were the left over years of "Happy Days"!

Really Arch, nothing to do with you or me. It was a 'topic', nothing to do with 'research' or academia. A topic. Clear enough?
Kathianne said:
Again, what are you speaking of?

Here's what I posted:

Here's your response, on the 7th page of a 'debating thread', which has little to do with anything other than the 60's reference:

Really Arch, nothing to do with you or me. It was a 'topic', nothing to do with 'research' or academia. A topic. Clear enough?

I just played upon your statements...I will go play with Bonnie and Kurtsprincess...they have a better sense of not take themselves sooo serious! :2guns:
archangel said:
I just played upon your statements...I will go play with Bonnie and Kurtsprincess...they have a better sense of not take themselves sooo serious! :2guns:

That would be fine.
Ok, back on topic, seems that to a greater or lesser degree, most of us are in agreement that parents are the bastion of first resort. Schools a second. Does society have a roll to play? Dillo seems to vote yes, but he is free to add what all he wishes. Anyone else?

To my way of thinking, it would be great if society in general put down those like the Larry Flints of the world. Fine to say they have the 1st Amendment, but then let's identify them as the scum we think they are. Let the kids know that we think they are lowlifes.

I dont believe we are that far off after reading your posts. You just have a way of generalizing disasters where none exist.

Society has a responsibility to protect people from other people. What that means is that we have laws against murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child rapists, etc. If they are caught, they goto jail and/or are executed. Thats the extent of societal responsibilty. We stop those that commit these crimes or are in the process of committing these crimes and enforce the punishment so that these crimes are less likely to be committed.

Where we reach a grey area is when we try to say that society has to become the parent and tell everyone what is and isnt good for them. Some try to use society as a broad brush and paint its moral good across the whole group. One person's moral good might be higher then the next person's though. So to one person, looking at porn but teaching their kids its dangerous values is morally good. To the next person, all porn is evil and must be destroyed. Still to the next person, Porn is something that they don't care if their child looks at. Society can not be the parent for all these people.

Ultimately, the correct way to raise your children is the way you choose. If the parent of the child is a complete idiot and teaches their kids that porn is ok and violence is ok, then thats the way that parent raises their kids. If that kid breaks any of society's laws when they become an adult (or sometimes when their young) then they will be punished accordingly. Society can not intervene on behalf of the child based on what we perceive is bad parenting. Society does have a responsibilty to punish those that commit crimes against other people. So it lies in the hands of the parents to establish a good foundation for a child to grow on. They must be the ones to create a moral compass in the child because society's compass can not cover everyone's morals.
archangel said:
I am comfortable with who and what I am...just give my opinions based on frame...<b>not everyone needs a book or link to make their opinion more arguing now...just give my opinions nothing else...not writing a thesis here...maybe ya are...good for you! :2guns:</b>

Dude. You need to just stop. You're a pompous, self-involved asshole, who clings dearly to the term "sense of humor" to bail his ass out of anything that makes him look like an idiot, and then cries "picking on me!" when called on it.

<b>You're not funny. Knock it the hell off, and stop being such a prick to people. You're not God, you don't know it all, and contrary to your own self-pumped ego, you haven't done it all, and you don't know the answer to everything.</b>.
Now, run along and email your two little buddies to ding me.. I don't care. Have a nice day.

Shattered said:
Dude. You need to just stop. You're a pompous, self-involved asshole, who clings dearly to the term "sense of humor" to bail his ass out of anything that makes him look like an idiot, and then cries "picking on me!" when called on it.

<b>You're not funny. Knock it the hell off, and stop being such a prick to people. You're not God, you don't know it all, and contrary to your own self-pumped ego, you haven't done it all, and you don't know the answer to everything.</b>.

wonderful insight as to my physic...have a nice night!
Shattered said:
Now, run along and email your two little buddies to ding me.. I don't care. Have a nice day.


That is cool, temporary is good. It was nice having a couple hours to actually discuss, actually thrash out a point of view on a topic. I miss that around here too often!

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