Student who stole teachers phone,spread nude photos arrested

South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.

4 years is a bit much. THis crime does not seem like the one that should get the maximum.

And I'm sure he will NOT get the maximum.

But yes, he needs to be taught that his behavior was a crime and that he is the criminal.

As does the rest of the students in that school.

The administrator needs to be blackballed from the industry.

He should get a separate sentence for each photo he shared, served consecutively. Lock him up until he is 100...make an example of him.
By the way... nearly all of the cell phone service resellers... if you get a phone through them, you are getting a pre-owned phone.

Boost Mobile
Consumer Cellular
ect ect....

All of them get used phones from the major companies, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, refurb and sell them at a discount.

The major companies sell you a phone under contract. When you turn that phone in for an upgrade, that phone is sent to a refurb, where it is then sold to a reseller like T-mobile for a discount, and they sell the phone locked to their service, to their own customers. Having the phone locked to their service, is the substitute for the contract.

So just remember if you turn in your phone, and the screen is broken.... that phone is going to go to a small warehouse, with a bunch of high school and college students, working for $8/hr. And the first thing they are going to do is plug in a new screen, and check to see if all the functions of the phone works.... and that includes voice mail, text messages, camera, and.... pictures.

So ladies if you start snapping pictures, and you got your ta-tas flapping in the breeze, and have your legs letting the wind blow through, just know... I've seen it happen... your pictures will end up on some dark web site on the other side of the planet.

"But its only for my boy friend!"... now it's for everyones boy friend.

You mean there are people that DON'T wipe the phone before trading it in?
By the way... nearly all of the cell phone service resellers... if you get a phone through them, you are getting a pre-owned phone.

Boost Mobile
Consumer Cellular
ect ect....

All of them get used phones from the major companies, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, refurb and sell them at a discount.

The major companies sell you a phone under contract. When you turn that phone in for an upgrade, that phone is sent to a refurb, where it is then sold to a reseller like T-mobile for a discount, and they sell the phone locked to their service, to their own customers. Having the phone locked to their service, is the substitute for the contract.

So just remember if you turn in your phone, and the screen is broken.... that phone is going to go to a small warehouse, with a bunch of high school and college students, working for $8/hr. And the first thing they are going to do is plug in a new screen, and check to see if all the functions of the phone works.... and that includes voice mail, text messages, camera, and.... pictures.

So ladies if you start snapping pictures, and you got your ta-tas flapping in the breeze, and have your legs letting the wind blow through, just know... I've seen it happen... your pictures will end up on some dark web site on the other side of the planet.

"But its only for my boy friend!"... now it's for everyones boy friend.

You mean there are people that DON'T wipe the phone before trading it in?

Most don't. Especially when you give your kids a phone. Kids don't think. Parent: "I trust my kids" you are an idiot. But even adults don't.

And then also you have a problem that often the phones break. Even if you are one of those people that wipes absolutely everything the moment you can.... what happens when the phone breaks and you can't wipe it?

I'll give you an example. We had a fish bowl phone come in (polite way of identifying a phone dropped in a toilet). We disassembled it, tossed all the shell parts, speaker and mic, and rinsed the main board, and assembled it into a new phone. As soon as the phone turned on, naked girl friend was the background homie placed on his phone. We didn't even have to open the pictures slide show, it was the default background he picked before turning in the phone.

The phone was dead. He couldn't wipe it if he wanted to. I didn't see the pict, and I don't know if my co-worker saved it to his phone or not, but I wouldn't have been too surprised.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

Perhaps he'll remember that before he decides to steal and rifle through someone else's belongings.
why are you people in favor of showing porn to minor children? The teacher should not bring pornography to school.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

Perhaps he'll remember that before he decides to steal and rifle through someone else's belongings.
why are you people in favor of showing porn to minor children? The teacher should not bring pornography to school.

Oh, please. Nobody showed porn to him and nobody is 'in favor' doing so. He stole a phone and happened to see it. Stop trying to make this little sneak thief into some kind of victim.
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.

Bottom line, the student stole something that didn't belong to them and exposed it. The teacher didn't expose it. That you say children will snoop proves you believe it's the kid's fault.
Well it's obvious the child got into something he shouldn't have, but who is responsible for bringing tit to school? The teacher.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
Damn I would have loved that job! LOL

Yeah, but I'm a Christian. I have no desire to see anyone naked unless I'm married to them. I hate porn, and I never look at, or watch, or have any movies, dvds, or even magazines of anything like that. Even so, with my complete inexperience, most of the chicks that had photos were bad photos... or they were not very good looking. And some were guys too. You'd be checking to clear off all data, and next thing you know, you are staring some guys wang hanging out.

Besides that, you'd get in trouble if they caught you. They won't fire you on the spot for happening to see it, but you were expected to punch in the full wipe phone code, the moment you found it containing data. And you better be careful if you intend to keep those pictures. Unless you have the knowledge to pass those photos on untraceable, if the person finds out, you'll be more than fired. You'll be in jail.

(fyi, the reason you didn't do the wipe phone code at the start, is because the phone would be locked up for sometimes hours.. and also sometimes techs would send notes on the phone saying what was wrong with it).

BTW, people routinely saved their sexting and voice mails too. Which also was gruesome.

I suppose some guys might get a kick out of it. Not for me though. It was an easy job, and an easy paycheck.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
The teacher, who is obviously a whore, brought pornography to school. Makes no difference if it was a magazine or on a picture viewing device like a cellphone. Think about the child who was exposed to this smut.
^ Here's the lefty calling the kid a victim.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.
Not bright enough to destroy the phone means he should probably not be allowed to breed........................

You are in the wrong country for that. Women in western cultural will breed with anyone.
Fascinating, you are fascinating.

Am I wrong?

1 in 3 female online daters report first-date sex

1/3rd of women report it's ok to have sex on the FIRST DATE.

Should I also post the number of women that pick up the check for the date?

The Etiquette of Paying for Dates Today

1/4 of women now pay for their own date.

So let's think about that.... first date, and you pick up the check, and you let the man have sex with you.

Now you tell me that western girls are not easy. Just a messenger. Just passing on information. That's all.

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