Student who stole teachers phone,spread nude photos arrested

South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.

4 years is a bit much. THis crime does not seem like the one that should get the maximum.

And I'm sure he will NOT get the maximum.

But yes, he needs to be taught that his behavior was a crime and that he is the criminal.

As does the rest of the students in that school.

The administrator needs to be blackballed from the industry.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
The teacher, who is obviously a whore, brought pornography to school. Makes no difference if it was a magazine or on a picture viewing device like a cellphone. Think about the child who was exposed to this smut.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.

4 years is a bit much. THis crime does not seem like the one that should get the maximum.

And I'm sure he will NOT get the maximum.

But yes, he needs to be taught that his behavior was a crime and that he is the criminal.

As does the rest of the students in that school.

The administrator needs to be blackballed from the industry.

4 years isn't near enough. Do you think this teacher will ever get hired anywhere else? She could be the best teacher in the school and will not get hired somewhere due to something totally unrelated to what she does.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
The teacher, who is obviously a whore, brought pornography to school. Makes no difference if it was a magazine or on a picture viewing device like a cellphone. Think about the child who was exposed to this smut.

That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
Damn I would have loved that job! LOL
Yeah, your spank bank would never be depleted!
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.
The teacher, who is obviously a whore, brought pornography to school. Makes no difference if it was a magazine or on a picture viewing device like a cellphone. Think about the child who was exposed to this smut.

The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.

4 years is a bit much. THis crime does not seem like the one that should get the maximum.

And I'm sure he will NOT get the maximum.

But yes, he needs to be taught that his behavior was a crime and that he is the criminal.

As does the rest of the students in that school.

The administrator needs to be blackballed from the industry.

4 years isn't near enough. Do you think this teacher will ever get hired anywhere else? She could be the best teacher in the school and will not get hired somewhere due to something totally unrelated to what she does.

I don't know that that it true. If I was hiring I would not consider this reason to not hire her.

The kid certainly did wrong and needs punished. BUt the overreaction of the school is not his fault.
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.

Did you ever go though a teachers stuff while they were out of the room?
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.

What the kid did was wrong, he deserves to be arrested. She didn't expose anything some little twit stole the phone and shared private personal information
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South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.

Yet you seem to think STEALING something that doesn't belong to you is perfectly OK. It was private property some little piece of shit took without permission. I guess you think stupid means expecting others to leave your things alone.

Where did I say that stealing a phone was perfectly ok? You worthless trash just make up crap. Can I make up what you didn't say, and attack you for it?

I never said that. I never implied it. I never hinted at it. There was never in any post of any kind, that I thought stealing her stuff was fine. I said openly, that I have no problem with him going to prison.

Quite frankly, you all are lucky as crap that I'm not in charge. I'd have people's hands cut off for stealing. Islamic State is wrong about a million things, but on this I think they have the right idea. I'd have people walking around with only one hand, all over this country.

You people just make up whatever you want, and claim others said it. Grow up.
I haven't really looked into this story as I've been busy with stuff, but I read somewhere, (the article got buried somewhere in all the political BS on my FB page, sorry) that the super was saying she had routinely given her phone to the students to use, so his argument was roughly that she was reckless with her naked pictures.

I was wondering about that. The story didn't say exactly how long she left the room. But it didn't seem long. I was wondering to myself, how the kid seemed to know the pictures were there, and upload them, before the teacher returned. Why would he risk being caught with the phone, unless he knew what the phone contained.

My guess... and this is ONLY a guess, is that the kids knew she had naked photos on the phone before hand. That's how he was able to get the phone, find the picts, and upload the photos, before she got back to the class room.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.

4 years is a bit much. THis crime does not seem like the one that should get the maximum.

And I'm sure he will NOT get the maximum.

But yes, he needs to be taught that his behavior was a crime and that he is the criminal.

As does the rest of the students in that school.

The administrator needs to be blackballed from the industry.

Are you nutz? This kid ruined that woman's career, and now naked photos of her are circulating around the world.

4 years is nothing. He should get 10 years.
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.

Did you ever go though a teachers stuff while they were out of the room?

No, I had parents that taught me stealing was a sin to G-d. I don't have illegally stolen pirated software, movies or music. Do you?

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