Student who stole teachers phone,spread nude photos arrested

Not bright enough to destroy the phone means he should probably not be allowed to breed........................

You are in the wrong country for that. Women in western cultural will breed with anyone.
Fascinating, you are fascinating.

Am I wrong?

1 in 3 female online daters report first-date sex

1/3rd of women report it's ok to have sex on the FIRST DATE.

Should I also post the number of women that pick up the check for the date?

The Etiquette of Paying for Dates Today

1/4 of women now pay for their own date.

So let's think about that.... first date, and you pick up the check, and you let the man have sex with you.

Now you tell me that western girls are not easy. Just a messenger. Just passing on information. That's all.
Girls? You are talking pedophilia sad.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.
Not bright enough to destroy the phone means he should probably not be allowed to breed........................

You are in the wrong country for that. Women in western cultural will breed with anyone.
Fascinating, you are fascinating.

Am I wrong?

1 in 3 female online daters report first-date sex

1/3rd of women report it's ok to have sex on the FIRST DATE.

Should I also post the number of women that pick up the check for the date?

The Etiquette of Paying for Dates Today

1/4 of women now pay for their own date.

So let's think about that.... first date, and you pick up the check, and you let the man have sex with you.

Now you tell me that western girls are not easy. Just a messenger. Just passing on information. That's all.
Girls? You are talking pedophilia sad.

Am I wrong? You tell me what information I have passed on here that is actually wrong. Start there. I don't care how sad it is. What happened to the lady in that story was sad.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.
A simple fix would have been to just lock her phone.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.

Yes, people should be more prudent when it comes the internet. A lesson more should heed. Be that as it may, this kid was wrong and the teacher got shafted. lol
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.

Yes, people should be more prudent when it comes the internet. A lesson more should heed. Be that as it may, this kid was wrong and the teacher got shafted. lol
Why did she quit? I would have made them fire me.
You are either trolling for kicks or dumb as toast.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.

Yes, people should be more prudent when it comes the internet. A lesson more should heed. Be that as it may, this kid was wrong and the teacher got shafted. lol
Why did she quit? I would have made them fire me.

She resigned. I would have done the same. A loss of respect is a death sentence to a teacher.
Porn rewires the brain. Apparently yours too.

Debatable. Nevertheless, all of which could have been avoided if he didn't steal someone else's belongings.

At this point I feel like you're disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing.

Yeah, I agree. This specific case, if no one had done anything wrong, nothing wrong would have happened. You are a Jedi Master of the obvious.

My point has always been, yes... the kid did wrong. No duh.... Women should wake up, stop doing dumb things, and stop having porn on their phones.

Because if we could fix the "stealing" problem.... we would have done it. Get a clue. Grow up. Phones can be stolen. Don't have nudes on your phone. It's stupid, and there's no reason for it. Is your husband so pathetic, he can't keep his legs crossed until he gets home?

And sending them to your boy friend.... after the dozens of examples where after the break up the pictures end up all over the place... how many women have to have their lives ruined before we wise up? Cut it out.

Yes, people should be more prudent when it comes the internet. A lesson more should heed. Be that as it may, this kid was wrong and the teacher got shafted. lol
Why did she quit? I would have made them fire me.

She resigned. I would have done the same. A loss of respect is a death sentence to a teacher.
I guess thats right.
The teacher, who is married, and took photos for her husband, brought her phone to school, with photos on it that would have been completely fine except that some asshole stole the phone, and rummaged though it to find them.

And I'm sure the 16 year old boy has seen worse.
Can anyone show there is a difference between a smut magazine and a cell phone photo gallery of nude photos as a pornography delivery device? Bottom line, the teacher broughtporn to school and exposed children to it. Children are curious and will snoop.

Bottom line, the student stole something that didn't belong to them and exposed it. The teacher didn't expose it. That you say children will snoop proves you believe it's the kid's fault.
Well it's obvious the child got into something he shouldn't have, but who is responsible for bringing tit to school? The teacher.

The teacher drives a car to school. If a student steals it, wrecks and kills someone, is the teacher responsible for that?

Sad that you call STEALING getting into something he shouldn't have. Fool.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

Perhaps he'll remember that before he decides to steal and rifle through someone else's belongings.
why are you people in favor of showing porn to minor children? The teacher should not bring pornography to school.

Oh, please. Nobody showed porn to him and nobody is 'in favor' doing so. He stole a phone and happened to see it. Stop trying to make this little sneak thief into some kind of victim.

AvgGuy called STEALING the kid getting into something he shouldn't have. Wonder if a kid came into his house and took something of his if he'd say the same.
That poor little thief. He's the real victim in all this.
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

Perhaps he'll remember that before he decides to steal and rifle through someone else's belongings.
why are you people in favor of showing porn to minor children? The teacher should not bring pornography to school.

Oh, please. Nobody showed porn to him and nobody is 'in favor' doing so. He stole a phone and happened to see it. Stop trying to make this little sneak thief into some kind of victim.

AvgGuy called STEALING the kid getting into something he shouldn't have. Wonder if a kid came into his house and took something of his if he'd say the same.

His response to this story has been a bit odd. lol
He's a minor. Who knows how much viewing the pornography affected him. Viewing porn will "rewire" the brain.

Perhaps he'll remember that before he decides to steal and rifle through someone else's belongings.
why are you people in favor of showing porn to minor children? The teacher should not bring pornography to school.

Oh, please. Nobody showed porn to him and nobody is 'in favor' doing so. He stole a phone and happened to see it. Stop trying to make this little sneak thief into some kind of victim.

AvgGuy called STEALING the kid getting into something he shouldn't have. Wonder if a kid came into his house and took something of his if he'd say the same.

His response to this story has been a bit odd. lol

Apparently he doesn't get that if Action A (theft of phone) doesn't occur, Result B (kid showing pictures) never occurs.
South Carolina Student Arrested for Spreading Teacher’s Nude Photo from Her Phone - PINAC News

GOOD! I have been following this on the local news and the teacher did nothing wrong. Pictures were for her husband on Valentines day on her personal property that this piece of shit stole. I hope he gets all 4 years.


Ok.... .... Yeah...... LEGALLY.... the teacher did nothing wrong. Rationally.... Logically.... YOU DO NOT HAVE NUDE PHOTOS ON YOUR PHONE< YOU STUPID IDIOTIC WOMAN >.


Women today.... Have you chicks lost your mind?? What is wrong you people?

I worked at a phone refurb facility back in 2006 or something. I got phones in, with nude photos on that phone still. I could plastered those photos all over the planet..... with their cell numbers.... and their names... What the heck is wrong with you people? You do not take nude photos on your phone, I don't care what dumb purpose you have for them.

This is like Tara Reid walking around half naked for years, with a million pictures with cloth barely the size of an eye patch covering her parts, and then complaining that a Sky Las Vegas Condominiums ad was "sexually lewd or immoral".

Girls... get a clue. Don't take nude pictures, and be shocked when someone sees them. That stupid teacher of yours, was an idiot, and actions have consequences.

Yet you seem to think STEALING something that doesn't belong to you is perfectly OK. It was private property some little piece of shit took without permission. I guess you think stupid means expecting others to leave your things alone.

Where did I say that stealing a phone was perfectly ok? You worthless trash just make up crap. Can I make up what you didn't say, and attack you for it?

I never said that. I never implied it. I never hinted at it. There was never in any post of any kind, that I thought stealing her stuff was fine. I said openly, that I have no problem with him going to prison.

Quite frankly, you all are lucky as crap that I'm not in charge. I'd have people's hands cut off for stealing. Islamic State is wrong about a million things, but on this I think they have the right idea. I'd have people walking around with only one hand, all over this country.

You people just make up whatever you want, and claim others said it. Grow up.

You blamed the teacher for something that had the theft not taken place wouldn't have occurred.

You can say whatever you want about me. Unlike you, I won't cry like a pussy.

It's a good thing you aren't in charge. You'd have people suffer consequences for actions they didn't commit.

Could of fooled me. You seemed to be crying quite a bit. And making up false accusations against others, while claiming they would make people suffer for actions they didn't do. Hypocrite much whiner?

Do you believe this teacher should have resigned? If so, she did nothing wrong you piece of shit.
I'm sure somehow someway the left will end up defending the kid and making him the victim.
The reactions seem to cross ideological lines in this one.
Those defending the teacher and wanting to punish the student seem to be on both sides of the aisle.
In this thread, it appears common sense has made an appearance.

I think the kid should be punished.

I also don't think the school board was wrong for dismissing this teacher. Right or wrong, her authority in the classroom is finished if every boy in that class now knows what she looks like naked.

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