CDZ Students Demand Removal of White Authors; Why is this not Condemned as Racist?

fellow cyber idiots------it has been determined that ANYONE CAN CLAIM ANY RACE------when I was a kid------arabs were WHITE. I knew lots of arabs and they
were all white. "INDIANS" ----ie the hindu kind from south east asia were WHITE------I knew lots of south east Asian hindus-----ALL WHITE. -----the persons who were "colored" -----were persons who were from sub-Saharan Africa-------by ancestry. -----INTERESTINGLY---I lived in a white toast protestant town-----invented PRE REVOLUTIONARY------and jews were-----well----sorta not white. The English have a term for "not quite white"--------like JOOOS and Hindooos and-----middle easterners------THEY IS "BROWN PEOPLE" My major as an undergraduate was----(gawd help us) BIOLOGY-------I was a good student---with a
STUPENDOUS GPA-----------I got news------race is a fake construct for the SPECIES-------""""HUMAN BEAN"""" -----more---I went on to neuroscience-------more bad news-------AIN'T NO DEIFFERENCE BETWEEN DA BRAINS of this or that
thanks for making up so many things about me!
Just one thing: you have never read african literature. Are you saying you have? No. So, you have nothing to complain about.

What African lit have you read?

What would you recommend, and why?

City of God by Augustine of Hippo is considered to be classical African literature. Hippo is an African city.

what does "considered an African country" mean? I is a biology major------anyone who divides the idiot concept of race by continent IS A MORON
fellow cyber idiots------it has been determined that ANYONE CAN CLAIM ANY RACE------when I was a kid------arabs were WHITE. I knew lots of arabs and they
were all white. "INDIANS" ----ie the hindu kind from south east asia were WHITE------I knew lots of south east Asian hindus-----ALL WHITE. -----the persons who were "colored" -----were persons who were from sub-Saharan Africa-------by ancestry. -----INTERESTINGLY---I lived in a white toast protestant town-----invented PRE REVOLUTIONARY------and jews were-----well----sorta not white. The English have a term for "not quite white"--------like JOOOS and Hindooos and-----middle easterners------THEY IS "BROWN PEOPLE" My major as an undergraduate was----(gawd help us) BIOLOGY-------I was a good student---with a
STUPENDOUS GPA-----------I got news------race is a fake construct for the SPECIES-------""""HUMAN BEAN"""" -----more---I went on to neuroscience-------more bad news-------AIN'T NO DEIFFERENCE BETWEEN DA BRAINS of this or that

Sounds like PC pseudoscience to me
fellow cyber idiots------it has been determined that ANYONE CAN CLAIM ANY RACE------when I was a kid------arabs were WHITE. I knew lots of arabs and they
were all white. "INDIANS" ----ie the hindu kind from south east asia were WHITE------I knew lots of south east Asian hindus-----ALL WHITE. -----the persons who were "colored" -----were persons who were from sub-Saharan Africa-------by ancestry. -----INTERESTINGLY---I lived in a white toast protestant town-----invented PRE REVOLUTIONARY------and jews were-----well----sorta not white. The English have a term for "not quite white"--------like JOOOS and Hindooos and-----middle easterners------THEY IS "BROWN PEOPLE" My major as an undergraduate was----(gawd help us) BIOLOGY-------I was a good student---with a
STUPENDOUS GPA-----------I got news------race is a fake construct for the SPECIES-------""""HUMAN BEAN"""" -----more---I went on to neuroscience-------more bad news-------AIN'T NO DEIFFERENCE BETWEEN DA BRAINS of this or that

Sounds like PC pseudoscience to me

nope-----it's real-------you must have AC'ED------ both basket weaving and
fellow cyber idiots------it has been determined that ANYONE CAN CLAIM ANY RACE------when I was a kid------arabs were WHITE. I knew lots of arabs and they
were all white. "INDIANS" ----ie the hindu kind from south east asia were WHITE------I knew lots of south east Asian hindus-----ALL WHITE. -----the persons who were "colored" -----were persons who were from sub-Saharan Africa-------by ancestry. -----INTERESTINGLY---I lived in a white toast protestant town-----invented PRE REVOLUTIONARY------and jews were-----well----sorta not white. The English have a term for "not quite white"--------like JOOOS and Hindooos and-----middle easterners------THEY IS "BROWN PEOPLE" My major as an undergraduate was----(gawd help us) BIOLOGY-------I was a good student---with a
STUPENDOUS GPA-----------I got news------race is a fake construct for the SPECIES-------""""HUMAN BEAN"""" -----more---I went on to neuroscience-------more bad news-------AIN'T NO DEIFFERENCE BETWEEN DA BRAINS of this or that

Sounds like PC pseudoscience to me
JimBowie asked why was this not condemned as racism. I think he just did. I don't always agree with him, but he's right. It is definitely racism. If these kids have bought into white shame, let them go do penance in the Peace Corps or something until they ready to grow up and contribute to their community, but it would be nice if they would quit embarrassing themselves and their parents.
thanks for making up so many things about me!
Just one thing: you have never read african literature. Are you saying you have? No. So, you have nothing to complain about.

What African lit have you read?

What would you recommend, and why?

Booker T. Washington
Ralph Ellison
Samuel R. Delany


thanks for making up so many things about me!
Just one thing: you have never read african literature. Are you saying you have? No. So, you have nothing to complain about.

What African lit have you read?

What would you recommend, and why?

Booker T. Washington
Ralph Ellison
Samuel R. Delany



Yes I've read those guys.

I was looking for African lit.

Sam Delany was born in Harlem, NY. Makes him not an African.
thanks for making up so many things about me!
Just one thing: you have never read african literature. Are you saying you have? No. So, you have nothing to complain about.

What African lit have you read?

What would you recommend, and why?

Booker T. Washington
Ralph Ellison
Samuel R. Delany



Yes I've read those guys.

I was looking for African lit.

Sam Delany was born in Harlem, NY. Makes him not an African.


I have this on my reading list. It's by Flame Tree Press. Can't guarantee the people who wrote the myths and tales down are actually African (>>>black) though.


The Wokesters are so blatantly racist today, and it boggles my mind why they get away with it.

Notre Dame Students Call for the Removal of White Authors from Curriculum | Breitbart

Can someone explain why this is not damned as racism?

It is racism.

But it’s important to note that this is a fringe group. There have always been fringe groups on campus make silly demands such as this one, and there always will be.
The idiot libs running our universities have a nasty habit of giving in to leftwing fringe groups
This message board really loves that disgusting picture of two hollywood perverts kissing

Its been on the board for weeks
thanks for making up so many things about me!
Just one thing: you have never read african literature. Are you saying you have? No. So, you have nothing to complain about.

What African lit have you read?

What would you recommend, and why?

Booker T. Washington
Ralph Ellison
Samuel R. Delany



Yes I've read those guys.

I was looking for African lit.

Sam Delany was born in Harlem, NY. Makes him not an African.

what are we calling "African literature"? uhm------stuff writing IN AFRICA? by persons born and living in AFRICA? ---or even stuff written by people with ancestry in Africa? -----how about stuff ABOUT AFRICA?
If it's African lit, reason dictates that it be written by Africans.

That includes, of course, white Africans.
Straight, white males represent significantly less than 50% of the population.

Students ask that straight, white, male autors constitute no more than 50% of the required reading so as to end the long-standing tradition of straight, white, male over-representation.

Cue the straight, white, male whining about, wait for it, racism against straight, white males.
You're going to have to provide some kind of information, from a credible source, to back that ludicrous claim.
The Wokesters are so blatantly racist today, and it boggles my mind why they get away with it.

Notre Dame Students Call for the Removal of White Authors from Curriculum | Breitbart

Can someone explain why this is not damned as racism?
Because it is a small ridiculous group that no one would even care about if triggered sensitives looking for unfairness hadn’t made a fuss.

If they start removing books on the basis of author skin color THEN I will be pissed. But that isn’t happening.
So, you would have no problem condemning their stance.
The Wokesters are so blatantly racist today, and it boggles my mind why they get away with it.

Notre Dame Students Call for the Removal of White Authors from Curriculum | Breitbart

Can someone explain why this is not damned as racism?
Because it is a small ridiculous group that no one would even care about if triggered sensitives looking for unfairness hadn’t made a fuss.

If they start removing books on the basis of author skin color THEN I will be pissed. But that isn’t happening.
So, you would have no problem condemning their stance.

Condemning it for what? Brietbart’s title is misleading. They aren’t wanting white authors removed, they are wanting a greater proportion of other authors represented.

I would be critical of it if books were chosen solely on the author’s identity without regards to merit, but it isn’t racist to want a broader array of author’s represented.

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