Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
what was that thingy the dude named hitler did?
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
Sailors aren't "cannon fodder" Paint. That term is used for ground troops that go marching into hot war zones.
Any member of the armed forces, implementing American foreign policy, mainly unrestricted access to markets, is cannon fodder, and fully expendable. You didn't defend the country, ever, you served its national interest, AKA, capitalism... you know everything about my service because you obviously were sitting on my shoulder for those 20 years. Interesting.

But like I said, keep hatin' on the military if it makes you feel better.

Hate and snarky stupid remarks are all that some have.

Thank you for your service. I think the US has grown intolerant. The guy has a right to pray and the Satanist have the right to protest and no matter which side you are on, you should be happy we live in a country that allows both.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
Nope, just trying to get the Christians to obey the law, and Jesus ironically enough.
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.


Have you ever had a job?
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.


Have you ever had a job?
what was he told to stop, I thought it was a pre game prayer. so he stopped. And then after he was done working, prayed on the field. I doubt my boss would be upset with me praying to myself. I really do. Again, I have no reason to bitch if someone else prays by themselves. I don't. What is it they're scared of then?
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
Nope, just trying to get the Christians to obey the law, and Jesus ironically enough.
no, that isn't what you wrote. And BTW, it seems you had no issue with the satanists being there correct? Why is it you fear the christians?
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
Nope, just trying to get the Christians to obey the law, and Jesus ironically enough.
BTW, what law? kind of tough to tell someone to not pray on public grounds when we all walk with god in our wallets.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
why? Is he no longer human or a citizen? and again, we walk with god in our wallets and purses.
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.


Have you ever had a job?
what was he told to stop, I thought it was a pre game prayer. so he stopped. And then after he was done working, prayed on the field. I doubt my boss would be upset with me praying to myself. I really do. Again, I have no reason to bitch if someone else prays by themselves. I don't. What is it they're scared of then?

You're not in full possession of all of the facts, despite their having been provided in this thread.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
Nope, just trying to get the Christians to obey the law, and Jesus ironically enough.
no, that isn't what you wrote. And BTW, it seems you had no issue with the satanists being there correct? Why is it you fear the christians?
No religion can be promoted by the state, none.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
and it's you who is good with killing everyone. I know that already, you and i discussed at length. But back to this thread, again it seems you are having the willies.
Nope, just trying to get the Christians to obey the law, and Jesus ironically enough.
BTW, what law? kind of tough to tell someone to not pray on public grounds when we all walk with god in our wallets.
That depends upon the time and the place, and your official capacity. If you work for the state, don't lead kids in prayers or pray, at least publicly, on our time.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
why? Is he no longer human or a citizen? and again, we walk with god in our wallets and purses.
No, you walk with God's name on the filthy lucre, an abomination that never should have been allowed. You might as well be using God TP or God Tampons. it's just as disrespectful.
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why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
why? Is he no longer human or a citizen? and again, we walk with god in our wallets and purses.
No, you walk with God's name on the filthy lucre, an abomination that never should have been allowed. You might as well be using God TP or God Tampons. it's just as disrespectful.

That's the loophole that the rich televangelists use to be able to worship both mammon (money) and God, because they can say they are using the money as a way to connect to God because it has His name on it.

Jesus said that you cannot worship both God and mammon, so that is why the rich Christians pushed to have it on the cash, that way they could have their cake and eat it too.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
why? Is he no longer human or a citizen? and again, we walk with god in our wallets and purses.
No, you walk with God's name on the filthy lucre, an abomination that never should have been allowed. You might as well be using God TP or God Tampons. it's just as disrespectful.

That's the loophole that the rich televangelists use to be able to worship both mammon (money) and God, because they can say they are using the money as a way to connect to God because it has His name on it.

Jesus said that you cannot worship both God and mammon, so that is why the rich Christians pushed to have it on the cash, that way they could have their cake and eat it too.
Not only that, but their tax-free status allows mega-church ministries to buy mansions instead of giving to the poor.

Guess they forgot that whole "eye of the needle" thing.

You'd think Christians would be upset about that instead of this silliness, but no...'s okay for Christians from the Westboro Baptist Church to protest military funerals "because God hates gays", yet it's not okay for others to express their views?

It's okay for a bunch of Christians to go protest Planned Parenthood and chant, but people with different beliefs can't go to a game and chant?

Free speech works both ways dude.
Yeah it sure does...And I bet you support the suspension of the coach, don't you....
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.
The satanists are normal citizens, he is a school authority. Big fucking difference in the case, huge.
why? Is he no longer human or a citizen? and again, we walk with god in our wallets and purses.
No, you walk with God's name on the filthy lucre, an abomination that never should have been allowed. You might as well be using God TP or God Tampons. it's just as disrespectful.

That's the loophole that the rich televangelists use to be able to worship both mammon (money) and God, because they can say they are using the money as a way to connect to God because it has His name on it.

Jesus said that you cannot worship both God and mammon, so that is why the rich Christians pushed to have it on the cash, that way they could have their cake and eat it too.
Not only that, but their tax-free status allows mega-church ministries to buy mansions instead of giving to the poor.

Guess they forgot that whole "eye of the needle" thing.

You'd think Christians would be upset about that instead of this silliness, but no...
Who the fuck mentioned mega churches?

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