Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

Why are we so intolerant of others expressions?

The coach should be allowed to pray as long as he doesn't force other to participate. The Satanist should be allowed to protest at the game and whether we agree or disagree with either side, we need to appreciate that we live in a country that allows us to express our beliefs.

sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.
With "a guy" praying? Nothing. But a coach is in a position of authority. Implied or otherwise. It's like when I was in the Navy.....we've all had kids selling candy bars, etc. Senior Officers were forbidden to put out such sales items in our departments, etc. due to the IMPLIED pressure to go along with what that person in authority wanted.
So in conclusion, your boss calls you in to the office and says "Don't do X anymore."

Doesn't matter what "X" is. To a responsible adult, when you're given clear, specific instructions by the person who pays your salary, you have a choice. You can follow those instructions, you can mutter "I'm being persecuted!" and quit your job, or you can be an asshole and defy the instructions and then claim martyrdom when you're put on administrative leave (you people even lied about his being fired - he wasn't).

An adult would understand that. You, not so much.
An adult American understands the school is wrong and the coach has every right to pray.
On his dime, not ours.
Wrong again
Well you are. A public teacher/coach cannot, thru his position of authority, intimidate his students/players into his religion....that would apply just as much if he were Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Mooslim, Buddhist, Pagan, etc.
The coach didn't intimidate anyone into praying, that is why you anti American idiots are wrong.
It doesn't matter, he's not allowed to lead prayers in a public school.
Worth repeating......

You DO know that different laws in different states apply, right? And that they are state laws that have been in place for quite a while...way before President Obama was elected President twice, right?

Can YOU provide those laws? OR were they federal laws?
Nope. State laws.
But tell us, what is your problem with people of different faiths coming to a football game to pray? Is football only for christians?

You still have differentiated between the 2 cases! I have no problem with people of different faiths praying, in fact, it makes for a more exciting game for the participants!
Yes. I know.
Well, that is the prevailing opinion of evil. So it follows that ya would.

At least Satan lovers are someone you can share a beer with and have a good time

Christians are boring as all shit
You will be able to beg for that beer in hell, good luck.

They have beer in hell?
In heaven there is no beer. That's why we drink it here.

muslims have rivers of wine it their paradise, but they don't drink here

For chistians "feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven." It should mean there will be wine, jewish meals have wine.

Jews don't really believe in an afterlife till the endtimes when righteous dead will be near god.
Why are we so intolerant of others expressions?

The coach should be allowed to pray as long as he doesn't force other to participate. The Satanist should be allowed to protest at the game and whether we agree or disagree with either side, we need to appreciate that we live in a country that allows us to express our beliefs.

sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?
Why are we so intolerant of others expressions?

The coach should be allowed to pray as long as he doesn't force other to participate. The Satanist should be allowed to protest at the game and whether we agree or disagree with either side, we need to appreciate that we live in a country that allows us to express our beliefs.

sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.
With "a guy" praying? Nothing. But a coach is in a position of authority. Implied or otherwise. It's like when I was in the Navy.....we've all had kids selling candy bars, etc. Senior Officers were forbidden to put out such sales items in our departments, etc. due to the IMPLIED pressure to go along with what that person in authority wanted.

So after a game you wouldn't object to those in the stands went to the center of the football field and started to pray?

That happened after our high school games, I never went down, wasn't into that. I never felt pressure either way. Just me, maybe today's kids aren't as tough to stand on their own.
Why are we so intolerant of others expressions?

The coach should be allowed to pray as long as he doesn't force other to participate. The Satanist should be allowed to protest at the game and whether we agree or disagree with either side, we need to appreciate that we live in a country that allows us to express our beliefs.

sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.
sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.
With "a guy" praying? Nothing. But a coach is in a position of authority. Implied or otherwise. It's like when I was in the Navy.....we've all had kids selling candy bars, etc. Senior Officers were forbidden to put out such sales items in our departments, etc. due to the IMPLIED pressure to go along with what that person in authority wanted.

So after a game you wouldn't object to those in the stands went to the center of the football field and started to pray?

That happened after our high school games, I never went down, wasn't into that. I never felt pressure either way. Just me, maybe today's kids aren't as tough to stand on their own.
As long as it's spontaneous and not led by the school adminstration.....they wanna do that, go right ahead. All religions welcome.
sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.
How many gay pride parades have you seen? I find them milder than Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.
sure, he can pray while in the toilet, by himself

Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.

Gay is genetic sexuality, not a religion. Why should you be shocked by a gay parade?

But you are not bothered by nudity in the name of religious prayer at school?

Most Christians would likely object to others having the right to pray, especially Asian and African faiths.

I expect there would be a high conversion rate if Raelists and Wiccans prayed in school, especially by the boys.

If schools wanted a minute of silence, for private prayer, meditation or to crunch for a test, but not to openly pray where others will hear.

If students want to pray they can do so at home before or after school. No call for them to pray at school.
Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.
How many gay pride parades have you seen? I find them milder than Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.

Two, one in Portland and one in Seattle. Not sure if Seattle was a parade, that was the one with some nudity. I really don't care to see nudity in public but it is fine if others want to participate. Never been to the French Quarter.
Love the tolerant left.

He can pray 24/7. Not that you would ever know.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.

Gay is genetic sexuality, not a religion. Why should you be shocked by a gay parade?

But you are not bothered by nudity in the name of religious prayer at school?

Most Christians would likely object to others having the right to pray, especially Asian and African faiths.

I expect there would be a high conversion rate if Raelists and Wiccans prayed in school, especially by the boys.

If schools wanted a minute of silence, for private prayer, meditation or to crunch for a test, but not to openly pray where others will hear.

If students want to pray they can do so at home before or after school. No call for them to pray at school.

The students can pray any time they want and you can't stop them. I would be surprised if you knew when people prayed in public.
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.

Gay is genetic sexuality, not a religion. Why should you be shocked by a gay parade?

But you are not bothered by nudity in the name of religious prayer at school?

Most Christians would likely object to others having the right to pray, especially Asian and African faiths.

I expect there would be a high conversion rate if Raelists and Wiccans prayed in school, especially by the boys.

If schools wanted a minute of silence, for private prayer, meditation or to crunch for a test, but not to openly pray where others will hear.

If students want to pray they can do so at home before or after school. No call for them to pray at school.

The students can pray any time they want and you can't stop them. I would be surprised if you knew when people prayed in public.

they cannot lead prayers as a group such as the football team
Apparently none of the Satanists were struck by lightning. Jesus must have been watching the Series instead...
And Pagans can pray 24/7 also. What's the problem?

I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.
How many gay pride parades have you seen? I find them milder than Mardi Gras in the French Quarter.

Two, one in Portland and one in Seattle. Not sure if Seattle was a parade, that was the one with some nudity. I really don't care to see nudity in public but it is fine if others want to participate. Never been to the French Quarter.
I've been to NYC, Rochester, San Francisco, San Diego (several times), and Palm Springs.....most of them now are social groups, politicians, church groups, military groups, businesses with some gay bar floats....those are the most risque, but no nudity. The old Dykes on Bikes are now cleaned up or gone altogether.
Pseudo-Christianity: The fear that somewhere someone in America is having fun.
I already said, I have no problem with either group praying. I think we are not as tolerant as we should be to others and their beliefs.

What is wrong with a guy praying at the end of a game in the middle of a football field. He isn't asking anyone to join him. I wouldn't do it but I'm not seeing the issue. I also don't see an issue with the Satanists protesting. Both have opposing views and both should be allowed to protest, they are not infringing on anyone's rights.

Muslim washing their feet and kowtowing to the east five times a day? Jews davening? Sufi whirling? Hindus chanting? Vudoo casting spells? Buddhist burning incense and ringing bells? Raelists taking their tops off? Wicca praying in the total nude?

If that is what floats your boat, why not? Are we a weak nation and afraid of others ideas? I have seen gay pride parades, not sure much would shock me.

Gay is genetic sexuality, not a religion. Why should you be shocked by a gay parade?

But you are not bothered by nudity in the name of religious prayer at school?

Most Christians would likely object to others having the right to pray, especially Asian and African faiths.

I expect there would be a high conversion rate if Raelists and Wiccans prayed in school, especially by the boys.

If schools wanted a minute of silence, for private prayer, meditation or to crunch for a test, but not to openly pray where others will hear.

If students want to pray they can do so at home before or after school. No call for them to pray at school.

The students can pray any time they want and you can't stop them. I would be surprised if you knew when people prayed in public.

they cannot lead prayers as a group such as the football team

When I was in school it was done after every game, I never participated. That said, I never saw any harm in it.

I'm for tolerance and I believe America has gotten very soft and intolerant. Pretty sad that everyone gets offended by everything. Just pretty weak.
The coach was praying AFTER the game, and didn't force anyone else to join in.

The Satanists showed up, chanted, and left, they didn't force anyone to join in.

See how free speech works? If you don't cause problems, or stop functions from going on as normal, then you should be able to show up and say whatever you want to.

I spent 20 years so that EVERYONE (not just the Christians) in this country would be able to express their own opinion and to be allowed to practice their own religion.

You're welcome.
The coach was praying AFTER the game, and didn't force anyone else to join in.

The Satanists showed up, chanted, and left, they didn't force anyone to join in.

See how free speech works? If you don't cause problems, or stop functions from going on as normal, then you should be able to show up and say whatever you want to.

I spent 20 years so that EVERYONE (not just the Christians) in this country would be able to express their own opinion and to be allowed to practice their own religion.

You're welcome.
Cannon fodder never does jack-shit to protect free speech. For that you need the ACLU and the courts. Don't pat yourself on the back for killing in the name of American foreign policy. You were so far from mom and apple pie you had to email them...
The coach was praying AFTER the game, and didn't force anyone else to join in.

The Satanists showed up, chanted, and left, they didn't force anyone to join in.

See how free speech works? If you don't cause problems, or stop functions from going on as normal, then you should be able to show up and say whatever you want to.

I spent 20 years so that EVERYONE (not just the Christians) in this country would be able to express their own opinion and to be allowed to practice their own religion.

You're welcome.
Cannon fodder never does jack-shit to protect free speech. For that you need the ACLU and the courts. Don't pat yourself on the back for killing in the name of American foreign policy. You were so far from mom and apple pie you had to email them...

I was fortunate, even though I served in no less than 4 war zones (even got hazard pay and tax free pay while I was in the area), I never had to kill anyone. My ship DID get shot at once while we were off the coast of Beruit in '83. of the things that the military is told, is that we are there to defend democracy, which includes voting and free speech.

But, keep hatin' on the military if it makes you feel better.

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