Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

The coach was praying AFTER the game, and didn't force anyone else to join in.

The Satanists showed up, chanted, and left, they didn't force anyone to join in.

See how free speech works? If you don't cause problems, or stop functions from going on as normal, then you should be able to show up and say whatever you want to.

I spent 20 years so that EVERYONE (not just the Christians) in this country would be able to express their own opinion and to be allowed to practice their own religion.

You're welcome.
Cannon fodder never does jack-shit to protect free speech. For that you need the ACLU and the courts. Don't pat yourself on the back for killing in the name of American foreign policy. You were so far from mom and apple pie you had to email them...

I was fortunate, even though I served in no less than 4 war zones (even got hazard pay and tax free pay while I was in the area), I never had to kill anyone. My ship DID get shot at once while we were off the coast of Beruit in '83. of the things that the military is told, is that we are there to defend democracy, which includes voting and free speech.

But, keep hatin' on the military if it makes you feel better.
I know what we tell you to get you lay down your life, and it's a lie, that most cannon fodder are to stupid to catch.
Sailors aren't "cannon fodder" Paint. That term is used for ground troops that go marching into hot war zones.
Any member of the armed forces, implementing American foreign policy, mainly unrestricted access to markets, is cannon fodder, and fully expendable. You didn't defend the country, ever, you served its national interest, AKA, capitalism...
Sailors aren't "cannon fodder" Paint. That term is used for ground troops that go marching into hot war zones.
Any member of the armed forces, implementing American foreign policy, mainly unrestricted access to markets, is cannon fodder, and fully expendable. You didn't defend the country, ever, you served its national interest, AKA, capitalism... you know everything about my service because you obviously were sitting on my shoulder for those 20 years. Interesting.

But like I said, keep hatin' on the military if it makes you feel better.
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.

As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Sailors aren't "cannon fodder" Paint. That term is used for ground troops that go marching into hot war zones.
Any member of the armed forces, implementing American foreign policy, mainly unrestricted access to markets, is cannon fodder, and fully expendable. You didn't defend the country, ever, you served its national interest, AKA, capitalism... you know everything about my service because you obviously were sitting on my shoulder for those 20 years. Interesting.

But like I said, keep hatin' on the military if it makes you feel better.
I don't hate the military, when they do their job, or die trying, they can be very useful. Robots that carry guns, eat, and shit. Just what we need at times, and I got paid much better to build your deadly toys. I have much more blood on my hands than you, I just don't like it when some damn fool thinks you're protecting the country by killing people on the other side of the fucking planet.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
who cares?
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.

As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE around these scumbags and recited the "Lord's Prayer" over and over again until these worthless, UnAmerican scum left the field! WHEN will people of faith, and ethics take back their land?
The funny part is, you know these people aren't Satan worshippers. They're the type of kids that played D&D in their parents basements up into their 30s! They don't hate Christianity for what it is, they hate it because it's the majority. Losers, basically.

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Then they deserve to have the shit scared out of them, along with the Satan! Intimidation, the quickest way to achieve ones goal!
My new sig, thanks V. And whatever happened to equality? Don't they all get to have their turn praying on the 50 yard line?

Guess the gays are right then, making the right-winger Christians bake their wedding cakes. Good to know.
so again, did the coach or the christians say they couldn't? first come first serve I supposed would come to mind. Choose a different yard line? I don't know, but I will state that no one said they couldn't.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
who cares?

Obviously you do or you wouldn't be OUTRAGED by their mere presence at the game.
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.

As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
who cares?

Obviously you do or you wouldn't be OUTRAGED by their mere presence at the game.
give me the post number where I stated that. really you're going to respond to me with that? Prove it, and btw, I demand you delete the post.
As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.

Again, if you've ever had a job and your boss gave you specific instructions and you defied those instructions, you'd know there would be consequences.

Your repeated refusal to acknowledge those facts in this case suggests you don't understand the adult world of work.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
who objected to the satanists for being there, i missed that in this thread.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
who cares?

Obviously you do or you wouldn't be OUTRAGED by their mere presence at the game.
give me the post number where I stated that. really you're going to respond to me with that? Prove it, and btw, I demand you delete the post.

Show me where I signed a contract with you indicating that you can dictate the terms of my posting, and I'll comply.

BTW, your pay scale sucks.
That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
who objected to the satanists for being there, i missed that in this thread.
The Jesus-freaks, of course.
That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
who objected to the satanists for being there, i missed that in this thread.

Do you even know what this thread is about? :wtf:
How did he do that? How was it religion is part of the program? It's football. He does coaching
He led team prayers in the pregame meeting. When he was told to stop that he went to the 50 yard line and prayed after the game. That was the last straw since he'd been told to knock it off.
again, did he tell the kids to join him? I just don't get why you are so afraid of coach praying. If kids want to pray, why is that a bad thing? If I'm a kid who backs the coach, I kneel at the 50 and pray anyway.
Why do you guys never do your research? He led prayers in pregame meetings, and they told him to stop. Then he started to pray alone right after the game, while still on duty, and they told him to stop. When he refused, they bounced him from the program and are paying off his contract. He refuses to pray as they want him to, and as Jesus taught the faithful to. See ya...
why? why was it important to tell him to stop praying, you still haven't posted anything other than they told him to stop praying by himself. Maybe he prayed he didn't have to tell a parent his kids career was over, even life. it's amazing the amount of stupid that is posted by anti christian nutjobs. ewwwwwww that guy is praying, he might bring jesus here stop him.
Because he works for the state, not the church. He cannot, in his official capacity, been seen as promoting religion, in this case Christianity. It is against the law here.
again, how is it he's promoting christianity? I'm sorry but you are not following any logic. So you're saying you don't want him praying. say that and be done with it. You're ok with satanists being there but the christian guy gives you the willies.

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