Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

So in conclusion.....
A Christian praying in public for the safety and well being of the players......

So in conclusion, your boss calls you in to the office and says "Don't do X anymore."

Doesn't matter what "X" is. To a responsible adult, when you're given clear, specific instructions by the person who pays your salary, you have a choice. You can follow those instructions, you can mutter "I'm being persecuted!" and quit your job, or you can be an asshole and defy the instructions and then claim martyrdom when you're put on administrative leave (you people even lied about his being fired - he wasn't).

An adult would understand that. You, not so much.
:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
What makes you think that if they worshipped god they wouldn't have done the same thing?
Sooo, aside from getting a bunch of Church Ladies all upset, what terrible damage did the kids in the Hallowe'en costumes wreak at that football game?

Did YHWH strike them with thunderbolts (or is that Thor?)?


Guess he saw through the pseudo-Christians' faux outrage and decided to enjoy the game.

How disappointing for you. Next time, pray harder.
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.
Nope. He is not allowed to lead the kids in prayer. He works for the state, not the church.
I thought it's a free country. You asses I guess think differently. I thought it was an open field. Kids can go to the locker room he's making no one follow him them damn kids following him just pisses you off. F off
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.
Nope. He is not allowed to lead the kids in prayer. He works for the state, not the church.
I thought it's a free country. You asses I guess think differently. I thought it was an open field. Kids can go to the locker room he's making no one follow him them damn kids following him just pisses you off. F off
I love how those who never played HS sports think that a coach doesn't have control over their players in that "you piss off your coach you get benched". How would the same people feel if the coach converted to Islam and one of his prayer times coincided with the end of football games?
With everything happening in the world and people want god to intervene in a game?
Are you nuts? It won't stop a holocaust or massacres but it will pick a side of a high school game?

If the team wins of looses it is because of the players, not some old man sitting on a cumulus cloud.
I thought it's a free country.

In which case all religions should be free to worship at a high school football game. Whether or not they'd ever have time to actually play the game is a different matter.

Have you ever had a job? Was it clear to you that if the boss told you "Stop doing that" and you did it anyway, you could be fired?

(And, again, the coach was not fired. He was put on administrative leave. If you've ever had a job, you'd know the difference.)
I thought it's a free country.

In which case all religions should be free to worship at a high school football game. Whether or not they'd ever have time to actually play the game is a different matter.

Have you ever had a job? Was it clear to you that if the boss told you "Stop doing that" and you did it anyway, you could be fired?

(And, again, the coach was not fired. He was put on administrative leave. If you've ever had a job, you'd know the difference.)

Does that include Vajrayāna? I'm sure all the teen boys would get a charge from that, but not likely the patience and control.
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Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.
Nope. He is not allowed to lead the kids in prayer. He works for the state, not the church.
I thought it's a free country. You asses I guess think differently. I thought it was an open field. Kids can go to the locker room he's making no one follow him them damn kids following him just pisses you off. F off
He's still on our dime, and not allowed (officially) until he's off.
I'd rather sit next to satan lovers at a football game than Jesus freaks

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Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.
Nope. He is not allowed to lead the kids in prayer. He works for the state, not the church.
I thought it's a free country. You asses I guess think differently. I thought it was an open field. Kids can go to the locker room he's making no one follow him them damn kids following him just pisses you off. F off
He's still on our dime, and not allowed until he's off.


Anti-theists are at the tattered edge of the tolerance of Americans...

There is absolutely NOTHING in the US Constitution which prohibits the public respect for the Deity... whether such is advanced by a private citizen who is employed by the Local, state and federal government or not.

That a group of individuals have determined that such IS the case is as IRRELEVANT as the group of individuals who have determined that Marriage is irrelevant, that such can be defined however they determine.

Offering a Prayer to God does not constitute the Congress of the United States Establishing a Religion... nor anything close to it.

Thus, it falls to each of us to stand up and tell each of these creatures to Go to Hell!

And where the opportunity comes, to make it clear that THERE IS NO LAW AGAINST STUDENTS READING A BIBLE IN SCHOOL. THAT THERE IS NO CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR ANY PROHIBITION AGAINST PRAYER IN SCHOOL. None... And the assertions that there are... is simply foolish, advanced by feckless fools and the children who lack the strength to reject them, entirely... utterly and toss their sorry asses out of our culture.
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.

As far as I'm concerned, he can pray in the stands as much as he likes. But when he makes his religion part of the program of the evening, that's where the problems arise.
What program?
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
He can do whatever he wants as long as there's no expectations from the kids. Again he never said shit about who attended. It's the US.
Nope. He is not allowed to lead the kids in prayer. He works for the state, not the church.
I thought it's a free country. You asses I guess think differently. I thought it was an open field. Kids can go to the locker room he's making no one follow him them damn kids following him just pisses you off. F off
You thought correct, paintherhousepink is wrong as usual.
So in conclusion.....
A Christian praying in public for the safety and well being of the players......

So in conclusion, your boss calls you in to the office and says "Don't do X anymore."

Doesn't matter what "X" is. To a responsible adult, when you're given clear, specific instructions by the person who pays your salary, you have a choice. You can follow those instructions, you can mutter "I'm being persecuted!" and quit your job, or you can be an asshole and defy the instructions and then claim martyrdom when you're put on administrative leave (you people even lied about his being fired - he wasn't).

An adult would understand that. You, not so much.
An adult American understands the school is wrong and the coach has every right to pray.

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