Students, teachers invite Satanists to football game to protest praying coach

Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!
They are not alone: Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
The government can teach Islam, build Islamic prayer facilities, even Islamic drinking fountains and there is no protest.
The government does not a one of those...

Islam in America's public schools: Education or indoctrination?
Nothing in that says anything like what you said.
Naive to self denial.

Why are so many Christians so insecure in their faith that they need to parade it all the time in direct contradiction to what Jesus instructed?

And why won't you answer my question?
If Christians really believed in what they say they do, they would have to really hate you to not share the message.
Isn't it about time that Christians, Jews, and all religious take matters into their own hands, and should have formed a 50-100 person PRAYING CIRCLE ...

That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
It is, because the same mentalities, in all religion, cause the same evils. if you think you get to forget that Christians used to force Jews and Muslims to convert or die, you don't.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
Yeah, like when Godless Communist governments murdered 160 million of their own citizens during the 20th century.
Funny how Leftards just shrug that little factoid off.
Read your bible, your God had no problem with genocide, he even promised to help eh? Not to mention, the Flood. If God is opposed to genocide, you wouldn't find it in the bible and it sure didn't stop the nice God-fearing Germans...
Sorry you wept when OBL was killed.
I didn't, he was just another religious asshole like you, and if you read his letter to America you'll be surprised, a whole lot of it you'll agree with.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'
You prefer atheism that has murdered hundreds of millions in the past century.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. And humanity is a disease, obviously.
And only YOU know the answer.
Got it.
Doesn't change the fact that the coach REPEATEDLY did this before he was suspended.

If you want to ban the Satanists after this one incident, go ahead, but at least they were able to express themselves as well.

Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
If you're going to pray, then do it as Jesus taught, which was not in public.
Stop using someone you don't believe in to back up your retardism. Idiot.
A Christian who ignores the clear teachings of Jesus isn't a Christian, dumbass.
Neither are you, retard. You are too stupid to know what a true Christian is.
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.

Silly threads like this provide more reason to hate the overly religious

Suck it up
Not surprisingly, you can't refute any of the bloody history of your religion (and Tudor England's only one example). But at least you made a valiant effort.

What era would you like to explore next?

Dude, give up. He posted his tell (his "concession" bullshit-he is as predictable and as useful as a broken clock), and will now only screech and fling feces.
OUTSTANDING! (How cool is it when hackers out themselves when they get HYSTERICAL?)

Your Re-re-re-re-re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted

Your argument was predicted and refuted before you even opened it. ROFL! It's a cliche ... advanced by the children and fools who adhere to or otherwise promote: EVIL.

Dude, the only one getting hysterical here is you. Have you started foaming at the mouth yet?
Let every faith and sect pray off the field/school property or none. No "church" in state run groups, schools, buildings and offices.

A thousand or so religions each having their "moment" and there would be no time for the game. Religion should be left at home or church.
The coach wasn't leading the stands in prayer, he was praying to God and representing no one but himself. And all this was done after the game.

The State preventing this is a clear violation of his 1st Amendment right to Freedom of Religion. Atheists and liberal enablers need to mind their own business. We are not going to stop praying to God and will not put up with losing our job over it.
If you're going to pray, then do it as Jesus taught, which was not in public.
Stop using someone you don't believe in to back up your retardism. Idiot.
A Christian who ignores the clear teachings of Jesus isn't a Christian, dumbass.
Neither are you, retard. You are too stupid to know what a true Christian is.
A true Christian obeys the teachings of Jesus. It's not hard to figure out.
So in conclusion.....

Satanists doing a demonstration at a public big fucking deal to a fucking liberal and not offensive at all.

A Christian praying in public for the safety and well being of the players.......a giant big fucking deal to liberals and very offensive.

There is nothing else that needs to be said. They mock one and blindly support the other. There is not one reason to not hate them. Is there?
The Satanic Temple of Seattle was invited to protest coach Joe Kennedy’s controversial ritual of praying on the 50-yard line after games.

bout a dozen members of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, most dressed in hooded black robes and some masked, left Bremerton High School shortly after their arrival at a varsity-football game Thursday night. They came in response to the controversy surrounding coach Joe Kennedy, who was placed on leave this week for praying on the field after games but attended the game in the stands.

Students swarmed the fence where the Satanists stood outside. The group climbed the fence, shook it, held up crosses, threw liquid, and chanted “Jesus.” Some yelled at the Satanists to go away.

A few of the half-dozen students and teachers who invited the Satanists to attend the game in the spirit of free expression were allowed outside the fence, where they spoke with members of the atheist and agnostic group and thanked them for coming.

Temple spokeswoman Lilith Starr said the group was invited to protest Kennedy’s ritual of kneeling on the 50-yard line after games and praying. “We want equality for everyone,” she said. “If one group is allowed to pray, everyone should be.”


‘Jesus’ chants greet Satanists at Bremerton football game

Just in case you needed another reason to hate liberals more today than you did yesterday.
Satanists are by definition anti-Christian. The same sacks of human offal that scream bloody murder about hate and intolerance are the same people that promote hate and intolerance. Go figure. They're just small minded, petty and hatefilled liberal assholes.
Actually, if the coach is allowed to display his faith for all to see at the game, why can't others express their views as well?
Then why do you care he prays if it works both ways?

Did he deny them that right? I'm confused with your post. He never did anything to anyone.
He led the kids in prayer, which he is not allowed to do. And he made a show of his faith, which goes against the teachings of Jesus...
Love it when non Christians teach Christianity.
You know who quotes the most Scripture in the Bible?
Does that make what he quotes wrong? Jesus said to turn the other cheek. How is that different depending upon who quotes it? Oh right, it isn't.

Matthew 6:
Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

2“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Now, how does me quoting that change what Jesus taught?
You suddenly the religion police? Too funny.

1 Timothy 2:8 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.

Timothy is quoting a MAN, not Jesus. You fail.
That's more generous than my suggestion, and very surprising. The thing is, you might find the Satanists joining the circle, and then what would you do?
I'd say that they SAW THE LIGHT, and that from an agnostic!

:lol: I'd say everyone in the circle would as well. Religions are just little pieces of the puzzle. They all have more in common than differences. And I say that as an agnostic, too. ;)

Beheading, stoning, and killing queers in today's world, has only ONE DEFENDER..... Seems to me that THOSE are much more differences, than things in common!

Some Muslims engage in the same things Christianity encoded into law centuries ago. Henry VIII, as head of the Anglican Church, for example, put homosexuals to death. Stonings go back to Judaic law - q.v. the Woman at the Well.

Beheadings? Well, you've got me there. Some of the Mesoamerican tribes may have engaged in that as a practice.

Bottom line: Humans are a vicious lot. Religion sometimes contains that viciousness; sometimes lets it loose in Crusades and pogroms and Irishman killing Irishman.

And no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. ;)

Which is why it's so funny watching the pseudo-Christians having hissy-fits over the "violent Satanists." Wipe the blood off your own hands first, children.
OMG, someone did actually bring up thousand year old events and act like it's relevant to today.
Read my signature....I thank the gods for our secular laws.

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