Students want a "celebrate america" Day - School says NO - might offend illegals

the idiocy in it's purest display.

of all the students exactly the illegals are the ones which celebrate America the most - they broke the law in order to get here. So do other immigrants - they left their countries to get to America - why on earth would they be offended if that is their CHOICE and clearly they have chosen the US?

looking for "who might get offended" should be considered as an additional mental disorder in DSM-V
School superintendents hire principals.

School boards hire school superintendents.

Voters hire school board members.

Let the layoffs begin!
of all the students exactly the illegals are the ones which celebrate America the most - they broke the law in order to get here. So do other immigrants - they left their countries to get to America - why on earth would they be offended if that is their CHOICE and clearly they have chosen the US?

HAHAHA. That's not how illegals look at things. They despise america. They are here only to cheat america and they think america is stupid for letting them do it.
of all the students exactly the illegals are the ones which celebrate America the most - they broke the law in order to get here. So do other immigrants - they left their countries to get to America - why on earth would they be offended if that is their CHOICE and clearly they have chosen the US?

HAHAHA. That's not how illegals look at things. They despise america. They are here only to cheat america and they think america is stupid for letting them do it.

total bullshit
of all the students exactly the illegals are the ones which celebrate America the most - they broke the law in order to get here. So do other immigrants - they left their countries to get to America - why on earth would they be offended if that is their CHOICE and clearly they have chosen the US?

HAHAHA. That's not how illegals look at things. They despise america. They are here only to cheat america and they think america is stupid for letting them do it.

total bullshit

You got that right!

Some of them are to physically destroy America and Americans. They done it before and they'll do it again. And again. And again. Until borders actually exist.
The thing about shit like this is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. An outrage story appears on Fox News that the celebrating of America has been vetoed by some do gooding oversensitive type. Probably this story has been sensationalized to within an inch of it's truthfulness but it goes across the country.
This story then comes to the attention of an even worse do gooding oversensitive type school govener who cancels a pro american celebration so as to not offend the 3 immigrants and one muslim at his school.
Suddenly Fox has a genuine story, the school has no America Day, everybody blames the 3 immigrants and one muslim who didn't care one bit about America Day and everybody who reads Fox gets up in arms about the immigrants and Muslims ruining our America Day when nobody wanted in banned in the first place.
And the cycle continues.

Do you get dizzy with all the spinning you do?
The Frito Bandito is after your chips, and you had best beware. He's bringing the Cisco Kid and Zorro with him, and they are pissed....
Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

The irony, said the students, is that they are required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”
How about we head to Mexico and celebrate America Day there. Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated in America. It's the only logical solution.

it is celebrated here Jug.....basically around me its just another excuse to get drunk and yell.....
The thing about shit like this is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. An outrage story appears on Fox News that the celebrating of America has been vetoed by some do gooding oversensitive type. Probably this story has been sensationalized to within an inch of it's truthfulness but it goes across the country.
This story then comes to the attention of an even worse do gooding oversensitive type school govener who cancels a pro american celebration so as to not offend the 3 immigrants and one muslim at his school.
Suddenly Fox has a genuine story, the school has no America Day, everybody blames the 3 immigrants and one muslim who didn't care one bit about America Day and everybody who reads Fox gets up in arms about the immigrants and Muslims ruining our America Day when nobody wanted in banned in the first place.
And the cycle continues.

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

he is stupid? are the dumbfuck who had a thread blaming Obama for the postage rates going still havent proven that to try now?.....
Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

The irony, said the students, is that they are required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”
How about we head to Mexico and celebrate America Day there. Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated in America. It's the only logical solution.

it is celebrated here Jug.....basically around me its just another excuse to get drunk and yell.....
I know, I lived in Phoenix. Before the school administrators caved and reversed their decision, I was sarcastically implying that since we already celebrate Cinco de Mayo here, we may as well celebrate America day in Mexico since school administrators here would initially not allow it.
HAHAHA. That's not how illegals look at things. They despise america. They are here only to cheat america and they think america is stupid for letting them do it.

total bullshit

You got that right!

Some of them are to physically destroy America and Americans. They done it before and they'll do it again. And again. And again. Until borders actually exist.

SS is an idiot, you did not seem like one... before :rolleyes:
The thing about shit like this is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. An outrage story appears on Fox News that the celebrating of America has been vetoed by some do gooding oversensitive type. Probably this story has been sensationalized to within an inch of it's truthfulness but it goes across the country.
This story then comes to the attention of an even worse do gooding oversensitive type school govener who cancels a pro american celebration so as to not offend the 3 immigrants and one muslim at his school.
Suddenly Fox has a genuine story, the school has no America Day, everybody blames the 3 immigrants and one muslim who didn't care one bit about America Day and everybody who reads Fox gets up in arms about the immigrants and Muslims ruining our America Day when nobody wanted in banned in the first place.
And the cycle continues.

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to the duly appointed mouthpiece of the United States of America. Nor did I realize I'm an illegal immigrant. I must be a pretty good one as I've got all of the paperwork of a proper citizen and even the memories of one. How sneaky I am.

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?
The thing about shit like this is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. An outrage story appears on Fox News that the celebrating of America has been vetoed by some do gooding oversensitive type. Probably this story has been sensationalized to within an inch of it's truthfulness but it goes across the country.
This story then comes to the attention of an even worse do gooding oversensitive type school govener who cancels a pro american celebration so as to not offend the 3 immigrants and one muslim at his school.
Suddenly Fox has a genuine story, the school has no America Day, everybody blames the 3 immigrants and one muslim who didn't care one bit about America Day and everybody who reads Fox gets up in arms about the immigrants and Muslims ruining our America Day when nobody wanted in banned in the first place.
And the cycle continues.

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to the duly appointed mouthpiece of the United States of America. Nor did I realize I'm an illegal immigrant. I must be a pretty good one as I've got all of the paperwork of a proper citizen and even the memories of one. How sneaky I am.

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?

You have to give trash like SS a pass. He has to compete with illegals to make money due to being too lazy to better himself.

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Apparently even you can see that everything i said about illegals is true. They do steal from and kill americans.
The thing about shit like this is it's a self fulfilling prophecy. An outrage story appears on Fox News that the celebrating of America has been vetoed by some do gooding oversensitive type. Probably this story has been sensationalized to within an inch of it's truthfulness but it goes across the country.
This story then comes to the attention of an even worse do gooding oversensitive type school govener who cancels a pro american celebration so as to not offend the 3 immigrants and one muslim at his school.
Suddenly Fox has a genuine story, the school has no America Day, everybody blames the 3 immigrants and one muslim who didn't care one bit about America Day and everybody who reads Fox gets up in arms about the immigrants and Muslims ruining our America Day when nobody wanted in banned in the first place.
And the cycle continues.

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to the duly appointed mouthpiece of the United States of America. Nor did I realize I'm an illegal immigrant. I must be a pretty good one as I've got all of the paperwork of a proper citizen and even the memories of one. How sneaky I am.

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?

you are going to find out that ShootSpeados will make a lot of claims.....but he cant back up a hell of a lot of Obama sets the Postage rates.....he ran from that thread.....

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Apparently even you can see that everything i said about illegals is true. They do steal from and kill americans.

the board notes you are a Dumb Ass.....for the 50th time....that surpasses TM's.....nice going....

Hey stupid. We're sick of you illegals coming here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the citizens. And killing us by your serial drunk driving and raping our kids because the age of consent in mexico is 12. GTF outta here!!

Don't you ever think that you might be reinforcing the terrible and unfair stereotype that liberals use of the exceeding rude and stupid conservative and that you might do your cause much greater good by not saying anything?

The board notes you evaded the issue and made a personal attack. Apparently even you can see that everything i said about illegals is true. They do steal from and kill americans.

I must have missed the bit on the Statue of Liberty where after saying "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" it says "until whining bigots flatly state that this vast vast country is full up and then fuck off and die".
How did I miss that, eh? Public schooling, that's what I blame.

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