Students want a "celebrate america" Day - School says NO - might offend illegals

All part of the democrat's war on america!!!

TODD STARNES: You can?t celebrate America, school says | Fox News

February 03,

Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

“They said they didn’t want to offend anyone from other countries or immigrants,” a 16-year-old member of the student council told me. “They just really did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”

The student council at Fort Collins High School had proposed having a day to celebrate the United States during next week’s Winter Spirit Week. The young people pitched “’Merica Monday” – and invited their classmates to dress in patriotic colors. Their proposal was promptly shot down by administrators.

“It’s bizarre and idiotic that we’ve come to this crossroads in our society that we are having to sacrifice our own culture and belief system,” one of the parents told me. “I can’t even tell you how it got our blood boiling.”

The irony, said the students, is that they are required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”

The parents said they are “so tired” of political correctness

It's not really hypocrisy since Cinco de Mayo is only popular with white beer drinkers.

Sent from my iPhone using Rat in Ernie's anus's tears.
All part of the democrat's war on america!!!

TODD STARNES: You can?t celebrate America, school says | Fox News

February 03,
Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

“They said they didn’t want to offend anyone from other countries or immigrants,” a 16-year-old member of the student council told me. “They just really did not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”

The student council at Fort Collins High School had proposed having a day to celebrate the United States during next week’s Winter Spirit Week. The young people pitched “’Merica Monday” – and invited their classmates to dress in patriotic colors. Their proposal was promptly shot down by administrators.

“It’s bizarre and idiotic that we’ve come to this crossroads in our society that we are having to sacrifice our own culture and belief system,” one of the parents told me. “I can’t even tell you how it got our blood boiling.”

The irony, said the students, is that they are required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”

The parents said they are “so tired” of political correctness

Don't believe it if Todd Starnes puts it out.
Plus there is whole fact they wanted to call it 'merica day. I doubt the one vet they quoted in another article fought for juniors to celebrate the US by calling it 'merica day.

Sent from my iPhone using Rat in Ernie's anus's tears.
Students and parents at a Colorado high school are outraged after administrators turned down their request for a spirit week day honoring America because it might offend non-Americans.

The irony, said the students, is that they are required to participate in Cinco de Mayo celebrations. One member of the student council pointed out the hypocrisy – and noted that students were not being forced to dress in red, white and blue for “’Merica Day.”
How about we head to Mexico and celebrate America Day there. Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated in America. It's the only logical solution.

The irony is that Cinco de Mayo isn't even celebrated in Mexico. There is one small region of the country that has a minor celebration to commemorate the battle that took place there, but that's it. It's basically become an American holiday seized on by white people to make Mexicans feel good about their heritage.
If the parents are so upset, they should all attend the next school board meeting.

Correct and if they don't agree with the response of the board then they can vote them out next election. The reason the public schools are devolving the way they are is because American parents simply can't be bothered to pay attention to who is teaching their children and what and then they are so surprised when something happens they don't like.
Any illegals as well as the legal immigrants should be more than willing to wear our nations colors for they are most likely grateful for living here rather than their home county.

Exactly and I'm willing to bet almost none of them would have a problem with it either. It's the guilty white Marxist bigots running the school that are getting all panicky about it, you know, the people who think it's their job to protect brown people from all the Quixotic onslaughts of hatred and oppression out there.
Any illegals as well as the legal immigrants should be more than willing to wear our nations colors for they are most likely grateful for living here rather than their home county. If they aren't grateful, they should know the way back...

They are not grateful. Gratitude if there is any at all, is limited to "Thanks suckahs". Especially mexicans are taught and truly believe that they have a right to come to this country. Whatever benefits they get is merely repayment for the land the whites stole from them. What the mexican government really wants to do is void as illegal all of the original Spanish land grants.
If the students really want to make a statement they'll organize and do it anyway. What's the school going to do, send 200 kids home for showing patriotism? Yeah, that'll go over well when it hits the media.
Any illegals as well as the legal immigrants should be more than willing to wear our nations colors for they are most likely grateful for living here rather than their home county. If they aren't grateful, they should know the way back...

They are not grateful. Gratitude if there is any at all, is limited to "Thanks suckahs". Especially mexicans are taught and truly believe that they have a right to come to this country. Whatever benefits they get is merely repayment for the land the whites stole from them. What the mexican government really wants to do is void as illegal all of the original Spanish land grants.

I sent a tweet to one of the student organizers and she said that America Monday is now on at the school, so it sounds like the administration caved to the pressure.
But if the little kiddies wanted to burn a few American flags in front of the school the principal would provide the
lighter fluid..
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Some Americans are still proud of this country.
Some first Lady's are not,at least not until their husband becomes president then they are.
Any illegals as well as the legal immigrants should be more than willing to wear our nations colors for they are most likely grateful for living here rather than their home county. If they aren't grateful, they should know the way back...

Grateful?? HAHAHA. Mexicans are told cradle to grave that america stole land from mexico 160 years ago, so they have the RIGHT to invade america and steal whatever they can from the evil gringos.

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