Study: Americans becoming less Christian, more secular: Pew Research Center study

The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
While I am not fond of the word "cross grovelers"....if that is the worst that happens to the Far Rightwing religionists who want to codify their religionist ideas into our secular laws, they they are getting off lightly, IMO. That won't stop them from crying "PERSECUTION!" tho.

The radical left has confused "religious freedom" with secular law ever since the former KKK member appointed by FDR wrote the version of "separation of church and state" that did not appear in the Constitution. The ironic thing is that most evangelistic Christians would be happy to be treated with the same respect that the radical left seems to bestow on the terrorist jihad faction of Islamic culture.
The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
While I am not fond of the word "cross grovelers"....if that is the worst that happens to the Far Rightwing religionists who want to codify their religionist ideas into our secular laws, they they are getting off lightly, IMO. That won't stop them from crying "PERSECUTION!" tho.
You are as big an idiot as Guno.
Looks like the republican party is growing tired of these cross grovelers and going to throw them overboard. The cross grovelers were only being used to begin with

The Deterioration of the Christian Right Is Imminent The New Republic
It would certainly benefit the GOP and the country in general if moderate, mainstream Republicans could take back control of their party.

i.e, "Everything would be so so so much better if everyone thoTught like MEEEEEEE!!!!"
The bane of the social right cannot be gone too soon
Looks like the republican party is growing tired of these cross grovelers and going to throw them overboard. The cross grovelers were only being used to begin with

The Deterioration of the Christian Right Is Imminent The New Republic
It would certainly benefit the GOP and the country in general if moderate, mainstream Republicans could take back control of their party.

i.e, "Everything would be so so so much better if everyone thoTught like MEEEEEEE!!!!"
The bane of the social right cannot be gone too soon

Mighty intolerant of you, some might even say bigoted.
The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
While I am not fond of the word "cross grovelers"....if that is the worst that happens to the Far Rightwing religionists who want to codify their religionist ideas into our secular laws, they they are getting off lightly, IMO. That won't stop them from crying "PERSECUTION!" tho.
You are as big an idiot as Guno.

No one is a big of an idiot as Guno, he rises to the level of SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED.
Looks like a smack down on the fundys

As Pew notes, “The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing” — particularly among young adults. “The percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years.” And as a practicing Catholic raising her children Catholic, I see this as cause for cheering."

I m Christian and happy that atheism is on the rise America s right-wing theocracy needs to chill -
Your about 4 threads to late there shit stain,your hate and bigotry was usurped by others of your kind.
Looks like a smack down on the fundys

As Pew notes, “The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing” — particularly among young adults. “The percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years.” And as a practicing Catholic raising her children Catholic, I see this as cause for cheering."

I m Christian and happy that atheism is on the rise America s right-wing theocracy needs to chill -
Catholic says it all. Like I said, you are a retard, STFU!
The problem is most social conservatives and those on the religious right don't perceive themselves as hostile to the First Amendment; indeed, they incorrectly perceive themselves as being 'under attack' when the courts appropriately apply settled, accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence which ensures that the separation of church and state is acknowledged and respected as intended by the Framers.

Needless to say nothing could be further from the truth, the inane notion that theists are 'under attack' when their efforts to violate the First Amendment are invalidated by the courts in concert with the Constitution, such as 'ten commandment' displays or teaching religion in public schools.

Social conservatives and those on the religious right need to understand and accept the fact that the Constitution recognizes situations where religious expression in the context of government is appropriate and when it is not – and that those cases where religious expression in the context of government is not appropriate is not an 'attack' on religious freedom or expression.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.

So....the communist butchers who took over that island were Catholic?

That isn't what I said. And things are different today, so why don't you cool the rhetoric a bit. They are no threat to you or any other American, though I know you modern day conservatives aren't happy unless you are hating someone. Get over it.

The liberals hate.....really, really hate...they are based on emotion and are guided by jealousy and hate......
That's projection on your part.
This is not a call for a specific religion, but a general observation that morality in a people is essential to a successful society. Morality, to function, MUST have a logical basis, or it is just opinions. You cannot teach morality without some kind of appeal to a higher power. Without a basis in religious values, morality becomes relative.. subject to the whims of the moment.
[ ] Morals are community norms. Valid morals are those which assist the community to prosper.
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Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........
You might have a point there....

Kicked God out, and He took his blessings with him.
But Guno this should thrill you. There is going to be a repeat. Christians and Jews are going to be killed en masse. Not to extinction, but until Christ returns. So you'll have a small window of opportunity to gloat over the next holocaust. Enjoy.
Ah to be RaptureReady.
I grew up in post ww2 time. It was a strange mix of optimism & impending doom. We practiced bomb drills, where a nuclear blast was expected. Some schools issued dogtags, so they could identify the charred remains after the holocaust. But there was optimism, too. People were buying every time & labor saving device they could. Automobiles got better every year... well, mostly. Technology was growing in leaps & bounds, & computers were changing everything. People were more religious, then, & many went to church, believed in god, AND revered science. There was no conflict in their minds. Faith was faith, & science was science. One did not try to be the other. My older step brother got a set of encyclopedias for a birthday gift.. he was like 9 or 10. I had friends who got chemistry sets, or telescopes. Inquiry was ENCOURAGED in grade school. By high school, if you were good at school, it was assumed you'd go to college & pursue engineering or a technical field. The dumb jocks got jobs at the factories, or went into construction, or other trades.

But then, there was the cultural revolution in america. The 60s. Vietnam. Civil rights. Disillusionment with the 'establishment'. Question authority. Tune in & drop out. The back to the land movement. Simplicity. Ecology. Anti war. Anti technology. Anti religion. Kids didn't get science sets for christmas anymore. Self actualization & the 'ME' generation was born. They would engineer a new society.. one without the failures of the previous generation. One of peace, harmony, & social justice. One with sex, drugs, & rock & roll. A generation that reinvented the wheel. Society could be molded, & the elite could usher in an era of Enlightenment. That was the dream, but like all dreams like this throughout human history, it can become a nightmare.

It was in this setting that the anti science trend began, imo. Feelings trumped reason. Psychobabble replaced common sense. Hysteria became evidence. Academia moved to teaching dogma, instead of fanning the flames of inquiry. God was ridiculed & reduced to a caricature, & pseudoscience took the place of religious beliefs, in the new enlightened society. All of these things combined for a perfect storm of national decline. Crime rose. The nuclear family disintegrated. Domestic policies changed & social engineering became the new 'science'. But instead of bringing peace & harmony, they have brought decline & destruction.

Instead of a generation of thoughtful analysts, we have bred feeling based, propaganda driven ideologues, who reject critical thinking, skepticism, & the scientific method for emotion based methods. Fantasy & utopian dreams of how things 'ought' to be displace reality. Hard solutions to problems are rejected outright, since they don't 'feel' good. Simple cause & effect principles are dismissed for more happy explanations, or a simpler scapegoat that requires no responsibility or work from the individual.

Holy shit! You should get that published! Post WWII America In Four CrazyParagraphs.
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.

Two sentences. Awesome. 35,000 people is a very representative survey. It is spot on.

My take......the hypocrisy of those who profess a belief in Jeebus has turned off young people.

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