Study: Americans becoming less Christian, more secular: Pew Research Center study

A strong sense of morality is not necessarily dependent on religious values. There are many atheists among us who hold to strong moral views in society, and many religious theists who are immoral. IMO, that has more to do with upbringing. People who are raised with a strong sense of moral values tend to keep them, even if they lose the basis for it later in life.

Morality seems to be instilled in people from an early age, even if they reject the values later on. Many sociopaths were raised with strong moral values, & just rejected them. But their lives are in conflict, as interviews with them have shown. They may reason themselves into an amoral mindset, but there is something that nags them from within, that does not approve of their actions. Continued violation of this inner compass leads people down a dark path of anti-social behavior.

There also seems to be a common sense of 'right & wrong' throughout human culture & history. In matters of justice & interpersonal relationships, the rights to life & property are the 2 most basic rights of man, & are consistently valued in every culture. Societies & systems of governance that do not value the individual's life & property do not last long. The USSR is a recent example of that. On a global scale, nazi germany & imperial japan are others.

There are some common denominators of values that seem to be in the more successful cultures.
1. right to life (thou shalt not kill)
2. right to property (thou shalt not steal)
3. respect for honesty & trustworthy dealings with others
4. respect for elders & responsibility for family
5. sympathy for those less fortunate
6. fidelity in marriage
7. responsibility & accountability for actions
8. respect for sobriety, disdain for drunkenness

Some of these things are allowed 'indulgences' in some cultural lists. But the basic view is still negative. For example, if someone goes on a drunken binge, it is forgiven by society as long as they keep to the other morals, like responsibility & honesty. but if multiple transgressions are made, that person becomes a pariah, & is looked down upon by society. If the specific moral value is codified into law, the immoral person goes through the justice system.

When a culture is in decline, you see a slow eroding of these moral values. They are redefined as minor slip ups, or even completely changed to virtues. Orwellian language is used to revise morality into blatant immorality. The last ones to go are the first 2: Life & Property. They are the core values of a society, without which no society can function. Cultures centered around murder & thievery never last long, & are generally held in contempt by everyone. We do not see the pol pot regime as a role model for society, or other systems or movements that violate the Big Two.

In America, many of us have seen the slow deterioration of moral values. It became a social movement in the 60s, which sought to redefine & even eliminate any moral compass. God was rejected, & archaic religious views held in contempt. But the result has not been a positive for the culture. Instead of peace, love, & harmony, we have increased crime, bigotry, & hatred. Anti social behavior has increased steadily. The divorce rate has skyrocketed, & what was once considered taboo sexually is embraced as 'normal'. Lying & deception are accepted methods of communication, permeating our highest levels of bureaucracy. Elderly parents, & even children are tossed aside as wards of the state, instead of the personal responsibility of the individual. Sympathy for your fellow man is squelched, & 'the govt' has become the salve for conscience. Drunkenness & substance abuse is rampant, incapacitating many & adding to the state dependency rolls.

Even the Big Two, life & property are fading as esteemed values. Murder & theft are rampant, especially in the most amoral sectors of society: The welfare gulags. There the state & the state's religious values have permeated the culture, & even life & property are not respected.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular
Something else for Obama to be proud of. Under his watch Americans went from being 78% christian to 71% christian. Guess that's what happens when you elect as president a so called "christian" who's christian leader damn's America to hell.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

Thank God. Hehe. Not like religious countries ever do well. then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah.

i believe they are doing that now, thus the hate of Christianity and Conservatives.

Yep, they are close to it. Look how they stuck up for a Mohamed cartoon and dumped all over the woman American citizen basically saying she should have been attacked by radical Islamist.

yet they see nothing wrong with Putting Jesus in a jar of piss and called it: art

It won't be long now.
No surprise there. Secular humanism is the pop religion of the day, & has overtaken christianity as the defining philosophical outlook for America, as it has in europe as well. Almost all of our institutions, academia, entertainment, govt, are steeped in a naturalistic world view, devoid of God.. at least the Judeo/Christian God. The rise of moral relativism, increase in crime, breakdown of the family, corruption in govt & other collective entities all corroborate this trend. Divorce, greed, lying, & self absorption rule the modern 'religion', & the concept of christian morality is ridiculed & rejected.

With no basis for morality, it is no surprise that the culture would break down as it has. It is a natural consequence, even if unintended.

Wonderful, from what we've been seeing with you Seculars:

You also become less charitable (and give only lip service about how you are). the godless in this country are becoming more hateful. (we see it on here daily ). It seems the secular doesn't have a need for people, so you will be all on your own. filled with your hate, bitterness and empty inside and stewing about how damn wonderful it is to be "secular".

Well, by then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah. which ever comes first I suppose

Uh, Staph, the only hateful people I see here are you Christians.
But then again, you are an idiot so who cares what you see.

Sane people realize that there are plenty of hateful Christians and hateful non Christians. As well as plenty of good people from both groups.
Wonderful, from what we've been seeing with you Seculars:

You also become less charitable (and give only lip service about how you are). the godless in this country are becoming more hateful. (we see it on here daily ). It seems the secular doesn't have a need for people, so you will be all on your own. filled with your hate, bitterness and empty inside and stewing about how damn wonderful it is to be "secular".

Well, by then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah. which ever comes first I suppose

Uh, Staph, the only hateful people I see here are you Christians.
But then again, you are an idiot so who cares what you see.

Sane people realize that there are plenty of hateful Christians and hateful non Christians. As well as plenty of good people from both groups.

So they step right up to prove my point. Most of them have nothing but childish name calling and hate so deep their hearts are black. and they are just so big and bad on a message board. (how pathetic actually)
I don't waste my time on people like that. In real life or on the Internet then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah.

i believe they are doing that now, thus the hate of Christianity and Conservatives.

Yep, they are close to it. Look how they stuck up for a Mohamed cartoon and dumped all over the woman American citizen basically saying she should have been attacked by radical Islamist.

yet they see nothing wrong with Putting Jesus in a jar of piss and called it: art

It won't be long now.

You are one retard, christinsanity and islam are the twins of ignorance then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah.

i believe they are doing that now, thus the hate of Christianity and Conservatives.

Yep, they are close to it. Look how they stuck up for a Mohamed cartoon and dumped all over the woman American citizen basically saying she should have been attacked by radical Islamist.

yet they see nothing wrong with Putting Jesus in a jar of piss and called it: art

It won't be long now.

You are one retard, christinsanity and islam are the twins of ignorance

Ignorance is believing your life sucks because other folks believe in a deity. Your life sucks because you are a stupid asshole Guno.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

there is no such thing as the Judeo-goyim religion , the goyim made that word up. No Jews use that phrase

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

The Jewish Press There s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

Judeo-Christian is a term used by Protestant Christians who either want to enlist Jewish support for a philosophically or religiously questionable enterprise in public policy.
Last edited: then you all could be bowing down and praying to Allah.

i believe they are doing that now, thus the hate of Christianity and Conservatives.

Yep, they are close to it. Look how they stuck up for a Mohamed cartoon and dumped all over the woman American citizen basically saying she should have been attacked by radical Islamist.

yet they see nothing wrong with Putting Jesus in a jar of piss and called it: art

It won't be long now.

You are one retard, christinsanity and islam are the twins of ignorance

Ignorance is believing your life sucks because other folks believe in a deity. Your life sucks because you are a stupid asshole Guno.

Filthy goyim
A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Okay, Germany was a Christian Nation.

SO was Spain when it genocided the shit out of Latin America.

So was the United States when it genocided the shit out of North America.

Just saying.

Everyone knows who fathered the mulatos on the neighbor's plantation, but never their own.
Notice the thumpers don't discuss the article , just lash out and whine

The irony is thick with you. USfan authored thoughtful posts on this thread which you have assiduously avoided.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.

So....the communist butchers who took over that island were Catholic?

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