Study: Americans becoming less Christian, more secular: Pew Research Center study

Well, since the only places where true communism remains is N. Korea and Cuba which has not committed any atrocities that I know of, recently, I guess that atrocities are a thing of the past! Hell, even if you include China, those atheist commies sure seem to have calmed down a lot!

Yet, oddly enough, in the Middle East, where even governments are under the full control of theists', there are atrocities every day! (opps! there goes another homsexual being thrown off a building!)
Well, since the only places where true communism remains is N. Korea and Cuba which has not committed any atrocities that I know of, recently, I guess that atrocities are a thing of the past! Hell, even if you include China, those atheist commies sure seem to have calmed down a lot!

Yet, oddly enough, in the Middle East, where even governments are under the full control of theists', there are atrocities every day! (opps! there goes another homsexual being thrown off a building!)

North Korea is committing atrocities daily....and islam is not Christianity...why they need to convert.....

Hell, even if you include China, those atheist commies sure seem to have calmed down a lot!

after you kill 70 million people...even stupid communists can sit back and say..."Hey....that didn't quite work out the way we thought it would."
Well, since the only places where true communism remains is N. Korea and Cuba which has not committed any atrocities that I know of, recently, I guess that atrocities are a thing of the past! Hell, even if you include China, those atheist commies sure seem to have calmed down a lot!

Yet, oddly enough, in the Middle East, where even governments are under the full control of theists', there are atrocities every day! (opps! there goes another homsexual being thrown off a building!)

North Korea is committing atrocities daily....and islam is not Christianity...why they need to convert.....

Hell, even if you include China, those atheist commies sure seem to have calmed down a lot!

after you kill 70 million people...even stupid communists can sit back and say..."Hey....that didn't quite work out the way we thought it would."

Ok, Guy. You win. Atheists are commies, and vice versa. Christians are righteous, and is the only correct religion. All other religions are guilty of genocide and other atrocities, and everyone in the world needs to convert to your religion.

Damn! world problems have such simple solutions!
People describe themselves today as more spiritual. They still believe in God. Fewer go to church. It could be because churches are more social and secular. I don't attend a church. I would be put in the secular column. I don't believe that churches should be instruments of social justice.
I am what do we do about Islam? Chopping of heads and Charlie Hebdo and the Garland Texas attacks? I am a graphics artist. I won't draw a picture of allah the pink imaginary unicorn. Nope, I would just leave a blank. Allah doesn't deserve spit. Let alone an image. Michelangelo painted god and Adam touching. Islam? Cowards. Weenies, dingbats. Totalitarian control freaks.
People describe themselves today as more spiritual. They still believe in God. Fewer go to church. It could be because churches are more social and secular. I don't attend a church. I would be put in the secular column. I don't believe that churches should be instruments of social justice.
LOL. Of course, Christ of Nazareth did not believe in social justice, correct? If the churchs are not instruments of social justice, then they are not followers of Christ. And I am an agnostic.
The U.S. did not commit genocide against the Indians......look up the word...

Uh, yeah, we totally did. Look up "Trail of Tears". Look up the extermination of the Bison to destroy the foodstuff of the Native Americans.

Guys like you are very good whining about Stalin or Hitler but ignore what we did in the 19th century.
after you kill 70 million people...even stupid communists can sit back and say..."Hey....that didn't quite work out the way we thought it would."

Yes, they killed each other over "communism", not over the fact that they had a civil war that lasted 50 years.
I've read all the posts in this thread.

From what I can see christians are angry. They're lashing out at anyone who doesn't believe as they do.

I was a very devout christian in the 1970s. I was part of the "jesus freak" movement in the 70s that became the born again movement of the 80s.

I got over it in the 70s when I saw christianity for what it really is.

I haven't believed in the christian god in decades.

What I find very strange is people who claim they're christian yet we see hate and attacks on anyone who doesn't believe in the christian god. While I'm not christian now, I was and I was very devout. I read my new testament from cover to cover several times.

The one theme that is constant in the new testament is that the christian god is all about love. jesus taught to love one another yet that's the last thing I've seen from a lot of today's christians. It's in every single post from christians in this thread.

I will never understand why these people have such a need for everyone to believe as they do. That's not freedom. Yet these same people scream about religious freedom. The problem is that their idea of religious freedom is that everyone is free to worship the same god they do in the same way they do.

Here's a clue people. That's not freedom of religion. Being rude or mean to anyone just because they don't follow your religion isn't what jesus said god wants people to do.

Here's a thought, why don't all you christians be happy to live your life as you choose and leave everyone else alone?

A faith based on whether other people agree with you and follow it is no faith at all. If you had such a strong faith in your christian god, there's absolutely no need for anyone else to agree with you or follow your god. A faith that's dependent on other people to follow it too is no faith at all.
Kicked God out, and He took his blessings with him.
But Guno this should thrill you. There is going to be a repeat. Christians and Jews are going to be killed en masse. Not to extinction, but until Christ returns. So you'll have a small window of opportunity to gloat over the next holocaust. Enjoy.
The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
While I am not fond of the word "cross grovelers"....if that is the worst that happens to the Far Rightwing religionists who want to codify their religionist ideas into our secular laws, they they are getting off lightly, IMO. That won't stop them from crying "PERSECUTION!" tho.
That's not the worst that's gong to happen Bode. Christians and Jews are going to be massacred to the point that makes the first holocaust look like a day at the beach.
The use of the offensive term "Cross grovelers" is an indication that the radical left has deteriorated beyond redemption. It's a wonder that the democrat party still keeps bigots and racist trash around.
While I am not fond of the word "cross grovelers"....if that is the worst that happens to the Far Rightwing religionists who want to codify their religionist ideas into our secular laws, they they are getting off lightly, IMO. That won't stop them from crying "PERSECUTION!" tho.

So once they become the minority don't they get all those special protections current minorities get? Or will progressives just go "LOL, just kidding!!!"
Looks like the republican party is growing tired of these cross grovelers and going to throw them overboard. The cross grovelers were only being used to begin with

The Deterioration of the Christian Right Is Imminent The New Republic
It would certainly benefit the GOP and the country in general if moderate, mainstream Republicans could take back control of their party.

i.e, "Everything would be so so so much better if everyone thought like MEEEEEEE!!!!"

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