Study: Americans becoming less Christian, more secular: Pew Research Center study

According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
I do not dispute the findings at all. Years of naturalistic indoctrination, ridicule of God & morality, & constant undermining of traditional values makes this very obvious. But at what cost to the culture? Racism is as rampant as ever, divorce, crime, corruption, graft, despair, & madness reign, in the place of God. The haters of God rejoice, while the culture dies a slow death at their hands.

Without an anchor of moral values, humans are tossed about in a violent sea of relativity. You can deny this analysis, but it is clearly the truth. Dodging the issue will not make it go away. We have traded stability & civility for the chaos of godlessness. It is not the recipe for a successful nation. Cultures that last have strong moral values, with a basis for holding them. 'Be nice' is not a basis.
Be careful what you wish for lefties. It seems that most of the hoard of illegal aliens that the left loves are Christians.
OK, not a Christian, but not an atheist, either. Simply don't have enough information to state whether there is a Deity or not. However, I have observed one thing on these boards, the people that are the most vociferous about their beliefs concerning a deity, often seem the most down on life. And doing the least to live a real life. For many of them, the idea of new ideas are an anthema.

I really doubt that there is anything after this life, and intend to live until the day I die. That includes continueing to work at something right up to the end. One of my hero's is the great evolutionary biologists, Ernst Myar. He published his last book at 98, and died at 99. That is a life well lived. One of my great-grandmothers died at 103 while out gardening. No bitching and whining about how everything and everybody is so bad, simply lived right up until the end.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.

So....the communist butchers who took over that island were Catholic?

That isn't what I said. And things are different today, so why don't you cool the rhetoric a bit. They are no threat to you or any other American, though I know you modern day conservatives aren't happy unless you are hating someone. Get over it.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.

So....the communist butchers who took over that island were Catholic?

That isn't what I said. And things are different today, so why don't you cool the rhetoric a bit. They are no threat to you or any other American, though I know you modern day conservatives aren't happy unless you are hating someone. Get over it.

The liberals hate.....really, really hate...they are based on emotion and are guided by jealousy and hate......
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
I do not dispute the findings at all. Years of naturalistic indoctrination, ridicule of God & morality, & constant undermining of traditional values makes this very obvious. But at what cost to the culture? Racism is as rampant as ever, divorce, crime, corruption, graft, despair, & madness reign, in the place of God. The haters of God rejoice, while the culture dies a slow death at their hands.

Without an anchor of moral values, humans are tossed about in a violent sea of relativity. You can deny this analysis, but it is clearly the truth. Dodging the issue will not make it go away. We have traded stability & civility for the chaos of godlessness. It is not the recipe for a successful nation. Cultures that last have strong moral values, with a basis for holding them. 'Be nice' is not a basis.

Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular

A lack of Judeo/Christian religion sure helped the Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Cubans, Vietnamese, and the Germans and Japanese..........

Erm, many Cubans are Catholic. Even Raul Castro is considering becoming a Catholic after his recent meet with the Pope.

So....the communist butchers who took over that island were Catholic?

That isn't what I said. And things are different today, so why don't you cool the rhetoric a bit. They are no threat to you or any other American, though I know you modern day conservatives aren't happy unless you are hating someone. Get over it.

The liberals hate.....really, really hate...they are based on emotion and are guided by jealousy and hate......

Well, that made no sense.
Good article in today's Raleigh news

NEW YORK — The number of Americans who don't affiliate with a particular religion has grown to 56 million in recent years, making the faith group researchers call "nones" the second-largest in total numbers behind evangelicals, according to a Pew Research Center study released Tuesday.

Study Americans becoming less Christian more secular
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
I do not dispute the findings at all. Years of naturalistic indoctrination, ridicule of God & morality, & constant undermining of traditional values makes this very obvious. But at what cost to the culture? Racism is as rampant as ever, divorce, crime, corruption, graft, despair, & madness reign, in the place of God. The haters of God rejoice, while the culture dies a slow death at their hands.

Without an anchor of moral values, humans are tossed about in a violent sea of relativity. You can deny this analysis, but it is clearly the truth. Dodging the issue will not make it go away. We have traded stability & civility for the chaos of godlessness. It is not the recipe for a successful nation. Cultures that last have strong moral values, with a basis for holding them. 'Be nice' is not a basis.

Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........

Total ignorance of the history of the world
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
I do not dispute the findings at all. Years of naturalistic indoctrination, ridicule of God & morality, & constant undermining of traditional values makes this very obvious. But at what cost to the culture? Racism is as rampant as ever, divorce, crime, corruption, graft, despair, & madness reign, in the place of God. The haters of God rejoice, while the culture dies a slow death at their hands.

Without an anchor of moral values, humans are tossed about in a violent sea of relativity. You can deny this analysis, but it is clearly the truth. Dodging the issue will not make it go away. We have traded stability & civility for the chaos of godlessness. It is not the recipe for a successful nation. Cultures that last have strong moral values, with a basis for holding them. 'Be nice' is not a basis.

Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........

Total ignorance of the history of the world

Sorry....the ignorance of the left about how the world works has led to the greatest mass murders in history.........the greatest committed buy committed atheists in societies trying to squash religion........or the case of Japan........
According to the article they drew these conclusions from surveying 35,000 people a big number but when comapred to say the population of major metropolitan city pretty small. You also have to consider the ages' of those surveyed and the region of the country they live in some age groups are more religious than others and in some parts of the country religion is more important to people than in others.
I do not dispute the findings at all. Years of naturalistic indoctrination, ridicule of God & morality, & constant undermining of traditional values makes this very obvious. But at what cost to the culture? Racism is as rampant as ever, divorce, crime, corruption, graft, despair, & madness reign, in the place of God. The haters of God rejoice, while the culture dies a slow death at their hands.

Without an anchor of moral values, humans are tossed about in a violent sea of relativity. You can deny this analysis, but it is clearly the truth. Dodging the issue will not make it go away. We have traded stability & civility for the chaos of godlessness. It is not the recipe for a successful nation. Cultures that last have strong moral values, with a basis for holding them. 'Be nice' is not a basis.

Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........
Do you believe every Christian is responsible for the Crusades, massacres of Jews, and the Inquisition, because the perpetrators called themselves 'Christians'?

Do you believe that every Communist is responsible for the atrocities of Stalin and Mao, because they called themselves 'Communists'?

Do you believe that every Christian is responsible for the atrocities of Franco, because he said he was 'Christian'?

Do you believe that every Capitalist is responsible for the atrocities committed by Pinochet, and other pro-western dictators, because they were 'capitalist'?

Do you believe that every Muslim is responsible for the atrocities of the 9/11 hijackers, because the hijackers said they were 'Muslim'?

Do you believe that every Socialist/Christian is responsible for the atrocities of Hitler, because he called himself a 'National Socialist' and a 'Christian'?

Do you believe that every Christian/Muslim is responsible for slavery, because those that practiced it called themselves 'Christian' or 'Muslim'?

I don't because they are all flawed arguments.

Just because someone does something and happens to belong to a group, does not imply all the other members of the group feel the same way.

You can find fanatical people, that would never hurt other people, but believe that 'x' group should be killed, which is another flaw to that kind of reasoning.

I wouldn't claim that a foundation in any ideology or religion is a guarantee of good ethics or morals, as it falls down to the individual.
Do you believe every Christian is responsible for the Crusades, massacres of Jews, and the Inquisition, because the perpetrators called themselves 'Christians'?

They were not following Christian teachings when they broke the Ten Commandments....communists and other socialists...following their doctrine on revolution and class enemies......and since under atheism they were "following their own truth" the mass murder of millions was their truth......

Do you believe that every Communist is responsible for the atrocities of Stalin and Mao, because they called themselves 'Communists'?

Every fellow sympathizer to stalin,mao and every apologist..sure....there are people who still like mao....for example Sigourney Weaver used to walk around with mao's little red book......every teenager with a picture of che on their wall and some who aren't teenagers...and the other nuts who still support communist belief in class warfare and revolution....

every person who is friendly to the castro brothers.....
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Do you believe that every Christian is responsible for the atrocities of Franco, because he said he was 'Christian'?

Do you believe that every Capitalist is responsible for the atrocities committed by Pinochet, and other pro-western dictators, because they were 'capitalist'?

Again....atrocities go against the teaching of Christ....they don't support it....communism...what do you think their idea of Revolution is? They don't think it will be achieved with puppies and rainbows.....and their belief in the collective over the individual makes the individual a very replaceable cog in the machine.....just eggs for their ommelette....

and Capitalism is the free exchange of goods and services....I don't see atrocities as part of that definition......revolution and class warfare...all part of communist well as the socialists in Germany and the pagans in Imperial Japan......
Do you believe that every Socialist/Christian is responsible for the atrocities of Hitler, because he called himself a 'National Socialist' and a 'Christian'?

again....committing mass murder .....not a teaching of Christ...and hitler and his minions were atheists and pagans, not Christians.....and is responsible for the mass murder and war on all those people.........
Do you believe that every Christian/Muslim is responsible for slavery, because those that practiced it called themselves 'Christian' or 'Muslim'?

Slavery existed long before Christianity appeared in the world and Christians ended it in the west...muslims still practice it in large parts of the muslim controlled world......and slavery is part of muslim teaching.....

And the Ten Commandments are against again...slavery is not a Christian practice......
Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........

Germany was a Christian Nation where the Soldiers wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mitt Uns" (God's with us!) German Christians killed the Jews because they had a thousand years of anti-Semitic religion. Martin Luther wrote a book called "The Jews and Their Lies". So cut the crap.

Now, for those other countries, yeah, they did bad things. Usually after being brutalized by a Christian country or Christian rulers they overthrew.

Not to mention countries like the US (genocided the Native Americans For Jesus!) or the British (Genocided the Aborigines).

Maybe we should just agree human beings generally treat each other in a pretty shitty way, regardless of which Magic Sky Man they believe in or not.
Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........

Germany was a Christian Nation where the Soldiers wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mitt Uns" (God's with us!) German Christians killed the Jews because they had a thousand years of anti-Semitic religion. Martin Luther wrote a book called "The Jews and Their Lies". So cut the crap.

Now, for those other countries, yeah, they did bad things. Usually after being brutalized by a Christian country or Christian rulers they overthrew.

Not to mention countries like the US (genocided the Native Americans For Jesus!) or the British (Genocided the Aborigines).

Maybe we should just agree human beings generally treat each other in a pretty shitty way, regardless of which Magic Sky Man they believe in or not.
I'll agree with that. IMO, war, genocide, greed, theft, & all around general violence is not something that any ideology has a monopoly on. It is a distinctly HUMAN thing.

But that is not the narrative promoted by the 'new atheists'. They blame all the evils of humanity on religion. 'MOST' religions are about being at peace with God & your fellow man. Wars & violence are generally condemned by *most* religions. They have rules about human interaction & morality that esteems peace & love. They have a basis for their views on an agreed upon perception about the nature of God, & the expectations of human behavior. That human beings manipulate other human beings into hatred & violence toward still other human beings is as old as said human beings.

But when ideologies have a pissing contest, they want to compare each other using some phony narrative. So the 'new atheists' take the cheap shots at religion, blaming them for all human failures, when all the atheistic systems have as many or more. They ridicule & demean religious people, when they are equally 'religious' regarding their own philosophical beliefs.
Without a foundation in Christianity you will have the atrocities committed by the atheists and non religious...just as you did in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam...........

Germany was a Christian Nation where the Soldiers wore belt buckles that said, "Gott Mitt Uns" (God's with us!) German Christians killed the Jews because they had a thousand years of anti-Semitic religion. Martin Luther wrote a book called "The Jews and Their Lies". So cut the crap.

Now, for those other countries, yeah, they did bad things. Usually after being brutalized by a Christian country or Christian rulers they overthrew.

Not to mention countries like the US (genocided the Native Americans For Jesus!) or the British (Genocided the Aborigines).

Maybe we should just agree human beings generally treat each other in a pretty shitty way, regardless of which Magic Sky Man they believe in or not.

Not to mention countries like the US (genocided the Native Americans For Jesus!)

The U.S. did not commit genocide against the Indians......look up the word.......

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