Study:Americans Prize Party Loyalty Above Principles

Us conservatives that are against our party and the war are called putin lovers

Two problems with this....

First, there are not more than a handful of conservatives left in this country. Most that call themselves conservative are only so on the social side of things, not fiscal.

Second, you claim to be against your party yet you loyally vote for them each and every election.
Not me brother. I consider myself a Democrat but I’ve been voting practically all Republican ever since a few years ago when the Democrats went far left for BLM and all sorts of bigotry.

But in general we have a problem in this country where Americans often have to vote for a candidate who is not their choice but is the best of the worst if you will. That is the case when it comes to how we are handling race relations in America because there’s not really many Republicans standing up for what is right… other than some of them from the freedom caucus like Marjorie Green.

Tulsi Gabbard and Ron Paul are standing up for what’s right but they’re out of politics.

We also have the establishment hacks from both sides who support funding the Russia Ukraine war which is complete insanity. and “ the squad” and the so-called Democrats like AOC claim to stand for human rights, not really they all support funding the Russia Ukraine war and guess what they even support funding the Israeli defense system. They’re a bunch of hypocrites.

Just think about it we live in a country where the Oscars , major businesses and major sports venues all force BLM propaganda on us all. Not only that but they have discriminatory hiring processes.

What you've said in your post is that you stopped voting Democrat because you're a racist asshole who will vote against the American Constitution, and in favour of a fascist dictator, rather than support equal rights for non-white Americans.

You used a lot of high blown words and phrases to disguise your racism, but that's what it comes down to. You were always a Republican, you just don't want to admit it.
From The Study -

Voters make tradeoffs. For the most part, people support candidates who share their goals,

Isn't that the very intention and essence of having a Representative Republic?
I have relatives who work for these “respected” universities.
The results are paid for…in advance.
How do you explain the Democratic Party year after year controlling houses of Congress in spite of their politicians dying and retiring? Are you telling us that
John F Kennedy was the same as Chuckie fucking Schumer? Joe Biden has been a chronic liar and zero his whole career. Why would anybody vote for that scum? Why would anyone vote for fucking Cameltoe Harrispig?
How do you explain the Democratic Party year after year controlling houses of Congress in spite of their politicians dying and retiring? Are you telling us that
John F Kennedy was the same as Chuckie fucking Schumer? Joe Biden has been a chronic liar and zero his whole career. Why would anybody vote for that scum? Why would anyone vote for fucking Cameltoe Harrispig?
Most voters are low income and vote D.
Two problems with this....

First, there are not more than a handful of conservatives left in this country. Most that call themselves conservative are only so on the social side of things, not fiscal.

Second, you claim to be against your party yet you loyally vote for them each and every election.
first of all, only conservatives run in my county. You only see a dem except for governor or senate.
And second there hasn't been a conservative run for president since barry goldwater.
If your calling the bush's or trump conservatives that's laughable
first of all, only conservatives run in my county. You only see a dem except for governor or senate.

I doubt any conservatives run in my county.

And second there hasn't been a conservative run for president since barry goldwater.

And there has not been a conservative president since Calvin Coolidge

If your calling the bush's or trump conservatives that's laughable

I would not call any politician from the GOP conservatives

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