Study: childless women 72% more likely to die of cancer than mothers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Study: Childless Women 72 Percent More Likely to Die of Cancer Than Mothers - Big League Politics

The phrase ‘feminism is cancer’ has been used for years by right-wing jokesters to trigger liberal snowflakes on college campuses and other venues, but there may be more than a kernel of truth to that statement according to a recent study.


Feminism the pos's ( radical) morons leading their members to be enslaved and they won't see it. Not to mention the don't have kids conn jobs, get abortions, now kill them after birth .... yeah work stay out of them home away from the kids etc, etc, etc " I can brings home the bacon" alright look at the past three fkd up generations from it all too.
Here's a link to the study: The parental co-immunization hypothesis: An observational competing risks analysis

It's interesting that, based on the study, while being a parent decreases the risk of death from things like cancer and infection diseases, marriage actually increases the risk, particularly for men.

Pulmonary disease is the same with or without children, and heart disease is a much greater risk with children. Accident, homicide, and suicide are also a greater risk with children, as is 'other diseases.' Whether or not having children can be considered causative isn't really known, but the speculation is interesting.

I wonder why an economics professor decided to do such a study?
A survey of 1% of the population of England and Wales fifty years ago? WTF?
today i know its not the 50's but women should start a family as soon as possible

I think women should have children between the ages of 25 and thirty ...the latest .
the ones who don't are usually just selfish vapid retards who cant miss weekly tequila Tuesdays
ive noticed that with a lot of lefties

the ones who wait till after 30 and they pass 35 usually panic and all of a sudden want a kid
some women have great careers but cmon

MY sister had a killer future ahead of her .she worked for sharp in freaking new jersey and then she worked for Colgate Palmolive in Manhattan .At twenty eight she wanted a family more than anything else and that was that.

She didn't work ...they bought a lil house upstate and her husband wasn't making that much money when they were first married And she stayed home.
she went from buying herself 60 thousand dollar cars to calling up her baby brother ....ME ....can i borrow some money .
but that was more important to her

when their second kid was on the way mMomsie and I helped em buy a bigger house.moms loaded to, she married right the second time
ANd outta now where step dad well he croaked one day . left her everything .eventually my brother in law finally started making more and more money ....finally

they tried to give me a check once. I lit it on fire and put in the ash tray and gave mi big sis a hug... and my doofy brother in law ......not sure about the old lady mom though? she probably cashed it and went shopping :21:

Like i said children are not easy and they are sacrifice but they're worth it . its to much for a spoiled selfish millennial lefty retard.
and some gen xr's I watched them get older and more pathetic

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