Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life

"[T]rolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores," they wrote. Which is to say, the respondents who identified themselves as trolls also indicated that they enjoy making others suffer, lack remorse and empathy, and have no problem with manipulating and lying to people to achieve their ends.

Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life | News & Opinion |
babies are born with morals.

that is the results of a new study.

about 4 in 100 people are sociopaths.

3 men

1 woman

these people are sociopaths.

the right lets them run their party.

the left thinks we should NOT let the sociopaths run things
Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life

"[T]rolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores," they wrote. Which is to say, the respondents who identified themselves as trolls also indicated that they enjoy making others suffer, lack remorse and empathy, and have no problem with manipulating and lying to people to achieve their ends.

Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life | News & Opinion |
"...lying to people to achieve their ends."
So, for example, that would be like a poster in here making up a story that a radio station was forced to run nothing but self-promos and PSAs during Rush's show because all his advertisers had abandoned him, right? And since nothing of the sort ever happened the poster, let's call him Joe, was lying simply because he doesn't like el Rushbo. But at least the hordes of low info dopes believed him.
Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life

"[T]rolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores," they wrote. Which is to say, the respondents who identified themselves as trolls also indicated that they enjoy making others suffer, lack remorse and empathy, and have no problem with manipulating and lying to people to achieve their ends.

Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life | News & Opinion |
What a surprise. You mean the trolls on this board are actually major assholes in real life?

Who woulda thunk?
Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life

"[T]rolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores," they wrote. Which is to say, the respondents who identified themselves as trolls also indicated that they enjoy making others suffer, lack remorse and empathy, and have no problem with manipulating and lying to people to achieve their ends.

Study: Internet Trolls Are Also Terrible In Real Life | News & Opinion |

10:1 says those people troll online because they are too cowardly to act out in real life.
babies are born with morals.

that is the results of a new study.

about 4 in 100 people are sociopaths.

3 men

1 woman

these people are sociopaths.

the right lets them run their party.

the left thinks we should NOT let the sociopaths run things

LOL @ you trolling a thread about trolls

Sociopaths make the best candidates for any public office. Which party with which they affiliate is a direct function of where they operate. In Blue states they run as Democrats. In Red states they run as Republicans.

If this is a revelation to you then you almost certainly have voted exclusively for sociopaths. Maybe they oughta have their own party?

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