Study: Offshore wind could generate all U.S. electricity


Senior Member
May 7, 2007
U.S. offshore winds, abundant off the coasts of 26 states, have the potential to generate four times as much power as the nation's present electric capacity, a new Department of Energy report says.

Developing this resource would help the United States reduce air pollution, achieve 20% of its electricity (or about 54 gigawatts) from wind by 2030 and create more than 43,000 permanent, well-paid technical jobs, according to the 240-page study by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Study: Offshore wind could generate all U.S. electricity - Green House -

nuf sed
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

This summer and fall alone CA will permit enough solar power plants to satisfy 10% of our states energy use. We could produce 4 times as much power as we need. The economics are not as favorable as cheap oil and coal, today, but that is because alternatives require big upfront costs that cheap oil and coal don't feature.

And investors are wary because they perpetually think something cheaper may arrive and spoil all of their long term plans.
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

"Best energy resources"? That wouldn't include natural gas would it?
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

This summer and fall alone CA will permit enough solar power plants to satisfy 10% of our states energy use. We could produce 4 times as much power as we need. The economics are not as favorable as cheap oil and coal, today, but that is because alternatives require big upfront costs that cheap oil and coal don't feature.

And investors are wary because they perpetually think something cheaper may arrive and spoil all of their long term plans.

Bullshit. There will be no agreement on placement of those windmills.
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

This summer and fall alone CA will permit enough solar power plants to satisfy 10% of our states energy use. We could produce 4 times as much power as we need. The economics are not as favorable as cheap oil and coal, today, but that is because alternatives require big upfront costs that cheap oil and coal don't feature.

And investors are wary because they perpetually think something cheaper may arrive and spoil all of their long term plans.

Bullshit. There will be no agreement on placement of those windmills.

Not windmills, solar. And they are already permited, all bureaucratic hurdles already overcome.

Sorry, it's a done deal.
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

This summer and fall alone CA will permit enough solar power plants to satisfy 10% of our states energy use. We could produce 4 times as much power as we need. The economics are not as favorable as cheap oil and coal, today, but that is because alternatives require big upfront costs that cheap oil and coal don't feature.

And investors are wary because they perpetually think something cheaper may arrive and spoil all of their long term plans.

Bullshit. There will be no agreement on placement of those windmills.

Really? That was what was said when they started putting up mills in Oregon.

Oregon to Build One of World's Largest Wind Farms by 2012 – CleanTechnica

Andrew Williams

Oregon to Build One of World's Largest Wind Farms by 2012
2 comments October 29, 2008 in Wind Energy

Utility company Southern California Edison (SCE) has confirmed plans to build a massive 909 MW wind farm in Oregon. When completed, the facility will be one of the largest fully permitted wind power sites anywhere in the world.

The installation will be located in Morrow and Gilliam counties in North-Central Oregon, and will consist of 303 3MW wind turbines spread across a 30-mile radius. The project, called Caithness Shepherd’s Flat, will generate around two billion kWh of energy, roughly 10 per cent of SCE’s total alternative energy portfolio.
U.S. offshore winds, abundant off the coasts of 26 states, have the potential to generate four times as much power as the nation's present electric capacity, a new Department of Energy report says.

Developing this resource would help the United States reduce air pollution, achieve 20% of its electricity (or about 54 gigawatts) from wind by 2030 and create more than 43,000 permanent, well-paid technical jobs, according to the 240-page study by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Study: Offshore wind could generate all U.S. electricity - Green House -

nuf sed

Only a fool would quote the USA today.

Why did you not go to the original study, this reveals your lack of knowledge on the subject. I see your idea is simply what you read as a headline.

USA Today taught you to believe in "Green Energy"

USA Today is all it takes to convince you this is a good idea.

So if this is a debate I must debate you, that read an article, about a report, which references a study, the article at best is, "assumptions and estimates".

Quote an idea from the study which you believe to be valid and something worthy of debate, if you quote the entire study you still show you know nothing but how to copy and paste.
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sorry chumpo but my own math and my own experience in solar and water current engineering had long ago convinced me that there is far more than enough energy latent in those media to power our consumption.

10 years ago the figure was batted around that solar energy available at the earth's surface was 10,000 times the value of our entire energy consumption.

Tidal and current power is far more than capable of servicing 80% of our power consumption needs.

The question is about costs, not availability of convertible energy.

If you really question whether it is possible to generate 4 times as much electrical power as we consume from offshore wind then you are a moron. Or so uneducated as to be a joke.
sorry chumpo but my own math and my own experience in solar and water current engineering had long ago convinced me that there is far more than enough energy latent in those media to power our consumption.

10 years ago the figure was batted around that solar energy available at the earth's surface was 10,000 times the value of our entire energy consumption.

To bad the cost of capturing all that Energy would be astronomical both in cash cost and the sheer size of space you would need to cover with solar panels eh.

We need to work on solar collection in Orbit IMO.
sorry chumpo but my own math and my own experience in solar and water current engineering had long ago convinced me that there is far more than enough energy latent in those media to power our consumption.

10 years ago the figure was batted around that solar energy available at the earth's surface was 10,000 times the value of our entire energy consumption.

Tidal and current power is far more than capable of servicing 80% of our power consumption needs.

The question is about costs, not availability of convertible energy.

If you really question whether it is possible to generate 4 times as much electrical power as we consume from offshore wind then you are a moron. Or so uneducated as to be a joke.

I see why you choose "loose cannon" as a user name, your post is like a loose cannon.

If you have all that knowledge how come you pasted a link to an article in USA Today.

Plain and simple, you are full of shit,

Go to the study you indirectly quoted, dig out one fact, thats all, should be easy. Go ahead.

You state "far more than capable", that sounds stupid, why not just state, "capable".

Your math, another idiotic statement, not a debate, not even presenting facts, you simply are stating what you believe because you read a headline.

I challenged you on your post, will continue to hide behind moronic statements.
Found the base assumptions made.

1 windmill every square kilometer located throughout the area described. The report admits it does not take into acount practical considerations like concentration, spacing, and suitability of the sea floor, as well as just being a Generating capacity, and not a power supplied factor.
Wind, Solar, Geo-thermal, Slow Current, there are many, many alternative energy systems coming on line now that are not only non-poluting, but also cheaper than dirty coal.

In fact, other than political opposition, the primary problem today is the grid. It is not designed for distributed sources. We need to access where our best energy resources are, and put in the grid to access the resources. An example of this that I have personally explored for my own pleasure is the area in Southeastern Oregon. The basalt ridges in this area are prime wind areas, the basins have extensive geo-thermal potential, and there is enough sunlight for both photovoltaic and solar thermal. One grid leg could pick up all of this.

This summer and fall alone CA will permit enough solar power plants to satisfy 10% of our states energy use. We could produce 4 times as much power as we need. The economics are not as favorable as cheap oil and coal, today, but that is because alternatives require big upfront costs that cheap oil and coal don't feature.

And investors are wary because they perpetually think something cheaper may arrive and spoil all of their long term plans.

This is a giant lie by government, industry, professors in our universities, special interest groups and the morons.

last paragraph you state Green Energy can produce four times as much energy than the entire amount of power california uses in a year.

Four times as much, prove it, how many windmills, how many solar plants.

I bet you cannot tell us how many watts of electricity is used in the entire state to pump every drop of water used.

Its a large number, get back to me after your google search, I wont wait, I can tell simply by the fact that your statement was made with no thought on your part, hence you have no idea of the amount of energy consumed just pumping water.

Green energy (which does not exist) will never be able to pump water, never in a million years, further, Green energy (which does not exist) can never supply the power needed just to meet the increase in demand every year.

Four times as much power than is produced today, how many windmills, you cannot even answer how many and of which types, be sure to tell us where all this Green Junk will go, hell, tell us where you will bury it after it turns to junk in ten years. That is all you get, ten years, after that it turns to junk, where do you bury your toxic solar panels, where will you burn all that junk fiberglass, how will you dispose on millions of tons of toxic batteries.
Energy Producing Winds only Blow 25% of the time. What the fuck should we do for the other 75% of the time?
Power Capacity factor

Peak Nameplate Capacity......Percent Power Output per year
. . . Baseload Power Plant........90%
. . . Hydro Electric Dam...........50%
. . . Wind Turbine...................25%
. . . Solar Tracker..................21%
. . . Static PV Solar................15%

Average US Household uses 12,000kw per year.
Resource size required per home

5kw Solar - Provides Power 15% of the time
4kw Solar Tracking - Provides Power 21% of the time
3kw Wind - Provides Power 25% of the time
1.5kw Hydro - Provides Power 50% of the time
0.8kw Coal/Gas - Provides Power 100% of the time

People require power continuously for all 8766 hours or 525,960 minutes per year. Currently storage can only get us so far. Maybe a few hours a day.
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Energy Producing Winds only Blow 25% of the time. What the fuck should we do for the other 75% of the time?

Power Capacity factor

Peak Nameplate.........Continuous Average 8766hr/y
Baseload Power Plant.......90%
Hydro Electric Dam..........50%
Wind Turbine..................25%
Solar Tracker..................21%
Static PV Solar................15%

Average US Household uses 12,000kw per year.
Size required per home
5kw Solar
3kw Wind
1.5kw Hydro
0.8kw Baseload Power Plant

How come you have not factored in energy needed for water.

I also see you have not addressed your peak load usage.

Wind Turbines are impossible for individual homes, think of poor wind quality do to surface turbulence created by the wind turbines being too close together.

On top of all of this, this moron will demand to be hooked up to the grid, being dirty fake-Green energy this requires taxpayers to build an entire new "smart grid" designed for power shortages, power lags, voltage spikes, frequency fluctuations, so cough up your scarce money, give more to the government, so government can give your money to rich special interest groups that demand laws passed that force us to use their fake-green energy scams.

Smart Grid, thats propaganda, there is nothing smart about it, its a joke, your the butt of the joke,

Hey, dummy, its a "Smart Grid", just accept it, we need not explain a "Smart Grid", right, dummy,

Green energy is not green

Green energy produces unreliable, unpredictable, intermittent, dirty, electricity.
ObamaCare now requires every citizen to wear a personal wind turbine, cause it's like reducing the cost of health care or something


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