Study: Romney Plan Would Raise Taxes On 95% Of Americans

This is an excellent article that might make it easier for liberals to understand Romney's plan.

Mathematically Possible
Correcting the false assumptions of Obama's tax gurus.

It isn't easy being the intellectual frontmen for President Obama's re-election campaign, as the boys at the Brookings-Urban Institute Tax Policy Center are discovering. Their ballyhooed study of Mitt Romney's tax plan looks worse with each new examination.

The study's biggest distortion is its raw assertion that Mr. Romney would refuse to close certain loopholes. In the appendix, the Tax Policy Center lists, among others, two giant tax deductions that it says would go untouched: the exclusion of interest on tax-exempt municipal bonds, and the exclusion of interest on life insurance savings. The study claims that Mr. Romney won't close these because they are incentives for saving and investment.

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible -

Don't you believe it's up to Romney to say what "loopholes" he's going to close? How about Ryan's plan, to increase revenue by over $700 billion a year, by closing loopholes.

Which loopholes? The ones that help the middle class? Or the ones that help the most profitable companies?

His running mate said in his first interview that the loopholes closed would be those that benefit the upper income levels. Did you not bother to listen?
Start at the 8 minute mark and listen until the 9 minute mark. Seek and you shall find.
[ame=]Paul Ryan Interview with Brit Hume - Special Report w/Bret Baier - 8-14-12 - YouTube[/ame]
This is an excellent article that might make it easier for liberals to understand Romney's plan.

Mathematically Possible
Correcting the false assumptions of Obama's tax gurus.

It isn't easy being the intellectual frontmen for President Obama's re-election campaign, as the boys at the Brookings-Urban Institute Tax Policy Center are discovering. Their ballyhooed study of Mitt Romney's tax plan looks worse with each new examination.

The study's biggest distortion is its raw assertion that Mr. Romney would refuse to close certain loopholes. In the appendix, the Tax Policy Center lists, among others, two giant tax deductions that it says would go untouched: the exclusion of interest on tax-exempt municipal bonds, and the exclusion of interest on life insurance savings. The study claims that Mr. Romney won't close these because they are incentives for saving and investment.

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible -

Don't you believe it's up to Romney to say what "loopholes" he's going to close? How about Ryan's plan, to increase revenue by over $700 billion a year, by closing loopholes.

Which loopholes? The ones that help the middle class? Or the ones that help the most profitable companies?

Your op and green beard just got blown up, you can stop guilding the Lilly now, we know you're a boob.
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Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

This paper examines the tradeoffs among three competing goals that are inherent in a revenueneutral income tax reform—maintaining tax revenues, ensuring a progressive tax system, and
lowering marginal tax rates—drawing on the example of the tax policies advanced in presidential
candidate Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Our major conclusion is that any revenue-neutral individual
income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed would provide
large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lowerincome taxpayers.

Some highlights:

“Even if tax expenditures are eliminated in a way designed to make the resulting tax system as progressive as possible, there would still be a shift in the tax burden of roughly $86 billion from those making over $200,000 to those making less than that amount,”


“Americans making over $1 million would see an increase in after-tax income of 4.1 percent (an $87,000 tax cut), those making between $500,000 and $1 million would see an increase of 3.2 percent (a $17,000 tax cut), and those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of 0.8 percent (a $1,800 tax cut).”


The Romney/Ryan plan would lower taxes on the middle class and raise taxes on the top 1%...

Of course you believe everything you see on TV....

You fucking progressive idiots do realize that the top 1% already pay more in taxes than you or your entire family will make over multiple generations every April...

Yeah they just cut $50,000,000 million dollar checks to Uncle Sam....

But that isn't enough for the progressives....

Meanwhile progressives get checks in the mail every April or May...

Maybe the other 49% should NEVER get a free check form the government - we can call it an Obamacare premium..... Then you fucks will think twice about Obamacare when you cant splurge in the spring at Ikea...
This is an excellent article that might make it easier for liberals to understand Romney's plan.

Mathematically Possible
Correcting the false assumptions of Obama's tax gurus.

It isn't easy being the intellectual frontmen for President Obama's re-election campaign, as the boys at the Brookings-Urban Institute Tax Policy Center are discovering. Their ballyhooed study of Mitt Romney's tax plan looks worse with each new examination.

The study's biggest distortion is its raw assertion that Mr. Romney would refuse to close certain loopholes. In the appendix, the Tax Policy Center lists, among others, two giant tax deductions that it says would go untouched: the exclusion of interest on tax-exempt municipal bonds, and the exclusion of interest on life insurance savings. The study claims that Mr. Romney won't close these because they are incentives for saving and investment.

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible -

Don't you believe it's up to Romney to say what "loopholes" he's going to close? How about Ryan's plan, to increase revenue by over $700 billion a year, by closing loopholes.

Which loopholes? The ones that help the middle class? Or the ones that help the most profitable companies?

Your op and green beard just got blown up, you can stop guilding the Lilly now, we know you're a boob.

What a petulant child. The analysis of Romney's plan shows that he intends to fuck over the middle class, and give the rich more disposable income to stick in their off-shore accounts.
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

This paper examines the tradeoffs among three competing goals that are inherent in a revenueneutral income tax reform—maintaining tax revenues, ensuring a progressive tax system, and
lowering marginal tax rates—drawing on the example of the tax policies advanced in presidential
candidate Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Our major conclusion is that any revenue-neutral individual
income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed would provide
large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lowerincome taxpayers.

Some highlights:

“Even if tax expenditures are eliminated in a way designed to make the resulting tax system as progressive as possible, there would still be a shift in the tax burden of roughly $86 billion from those making over $200,000 to those making less than that amount,”


“Americans making over $1 million would see an increase in after-tax income of 4.1 percent (an $87,000 tax cut), those making between $500,000 and $1 million would see an increase of 3.2 percent (a $17,000 tax cut), and those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of 0.8 percent (a $1,800 tax cut).”

All one needs to know about your TRIPE:

The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. :eusa_whistle:
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Don't you believe it's up to Romney to say what "loopholes" he's going to close? How about Ryan's plan, to increase revenue by over $700 billion a year, by closing loopholes.

Which loopholes? The ones that help the middle class? Or the ones that help the most profitable companies?

Your op and green beard just got blown up, you can stop guilding the Lilly now, we know you're a boob.

What a petulant child. The analysis of Romney's plan shows that he intends to fuck over the middle class, and give the rich more disposable income to stick in their off-shore accounts.

Debunked.. try something else.
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

This paper examines the tradeoffs among three competing goals that are inherent in a revenueneutral income tax reform—maintaining tax revenues, ensuring a progressive tax system, and
lowering marginal tax rates—drawing on the example of the tax policies advanced in presidential
candidate Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Our major conclusion is that any revenue-neutral individual
income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed would provide
large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lowerincome taxpayers.

Some highlights:


“Americans making over $1 million would see an increase in after-tax income of 4.1 percent (an $87,000 tax cut), those making between $500,000 and $1 million would see an increase of 3.2 percent (a $17,000 tax cut), and those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of 0.8 percent (a $1,800 tax cut).”

All one needs to know about your TRIPE:

The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. :eusa_whistle:

IOWs, you haven't got anything to dispute them, so you chose to shoot the messenger. You're quite an intellectual lightweight.
Don't you believe it's up to Romney to say what "loopholes" he's going to close? How about Ryan's plan, to increase revenue by over $700 billion a year, by closing loopholes.

Which loopholes? The ones that help the middle class? Or the ones that help the most profitable companies?

Your op and green beard just got blown up, you can stop guilding the Lilly now, we know you're a boob.

What a petulant child. The analysis of Romney's plan shows that he intends to fuck over the middle class, and give the rich more disposable income to stick in their off-shore accounts.

Does retarded run in your family??

Your stupidity is clearly why Obama is president... So you want a poor man running the nation???

You fucking do realize that the Ryan/Romney plan will LOWER taxes on the middle class and RAISE taxes on the top 1%???

Progressives are liars and they will bet on the notion that you will believe anything they say and not look into the issues for yourself - they will gamble on the fact you will take their word for it....

Now go fucking read the Ryan/Romney tax plan..........

Everything progressives tell you is bullshit.....

Go realize that...
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

Some highlights:


All one needs to know about your TRIPE:

The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. :eusa_whistle:

IOWs, you haven't got anything to dispute them, so you chose to shoot the messenger. You're quite an intellectual lightweight.

There is nothing to dispute....they have no facts, they have propaganda...nothing more....and yes, when the "messenger" is a KNOWN left wing source of course it's going to be attacked...and stop acting so high and would do the same.

You want to have an intelligent conversation? Provide an unbiased analysis....

Here ya on Ryans plan..and from a source even you can't argue with:

Paul Ryan?s G.O.P. Budget Proposal - Graphic -

and perhaps while you are in the mood to "not shoot the messenger" we can take a REAL look at the Ryan medicare plan that has been demonized by you kind folks... : No End to ‘End Medicare’ Claim

Whats that? Oh mean it's an outright LIE that Ryan wants to end Medicare!

Say it ain't so....... :tongue:
Your op and green beard just got blown up, you can stop guilding the Lilly now, we know you're a boob.

What a petulant child. The analysis of Romney's plan shows that he intends to fuck over the middle class, and give the rich more disposable income to stick in their off-shore accounts.

Does retarded run in your family??

Your stupidity is clearly why Obama is president... So you want a poor man running the nation???

You fucking do realize that the Ryan/Romney plan will LOWER taxes on the middle class and RAISE taxes on the top 1%???

Progressives are liars and they will bet on the notion that you will believe anything they say and not look into the issues for yourself - they will gamble on the fact you will take their word for it....

Now go fucking read the Ryan/Romney tax plan..........

Everything progressives tell you is bullshit.....

Go realize that...

Another Nutsack Sucker Party pissant lemming, with nothing to say, shows how fucking stupid they are.

Romney's plan increases the effective income tax on the middle class, while he gives tax breaks to everyone who makes over $200,000.

I hear there's experimental therapy for terminal stupidity. You ought to enroll in their phase I trials, which usually go to the most needy.

Neuroscientists find brain stem cells that may be responsible for higher functions, bigger brains | Science Codex
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

This paper examines the tradeoffs among three competing goals that are inherent in a revenueneutral income tax reform—maintaining tax revenues, ensuring a progressive tax system, and
lowering marginal tax rates—drawing on the example of the tax policies advanced in presidential
candidate Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Our major conclusion is that any revenue-neutral individual
income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed would provide
large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lowerincome taxpayers.

Some highlights:


“Americans making over $1 million would see an increase in after-tax income of 4.1 percent (an $87,000 tax cut), those making between $500,000 and $1 million would see an increase of 3.2 percent (a $17,000 tax cut), and those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of 0.8 percent (a $1,800 tax cut).”

:lol: try again, they make a lot of assumptions, that Romney has not committed ot or not

...if you actually compared them you'd see that but your masters voice and all that.
The tax policy center states in this analysis that they had to make estimates in spots because of the vagueness of Romneys purposal. However they also state that they still come out with a tax increase even giving Romney the best possible estimates.
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

This paper examines the tradeoffs among three competing goals that are inherent in a revenueneutral income tax reform—maintaining tax revenues, ensuring a progressive tax system, and
lowering marginal tax rates—drawing on the example of the tax policies advanced in presidential
candidate Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Our major conclusion is that any revenue-neutral individual
income tax change that incorporates the features Governor Romney has proposed would provide
large tax cuts to high-income households, and increase the tax burdens on middle- and/or lowerincome taxpayers.

Some highlights:


“Americans making over $1 million would see an increase in after-tax income of 4.1 percent (an $87,000 tax cut), those making between $500,000 and $1 million would see an increase of 3.2 percent (a $17,000 tax cut), and those making between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of 0.8 percent (a $1,800 tax cut).”

All one needs to know about your TRIPE:

The Tax Policy Center is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. :eusa_whistle:

GOP Establishment's Shameless Attack on Nonpartisan Think Tank - Forbes

Who would you consider a reputable source?
"Scholars at the American Enterprise Institute examined what happens to the Tax Policy Center math when this error is corrected. AEI economic research associate Matt Jensen found that "Both of these exclusions largely benefit the wealthy, and, according to the Treasury Department, added together their repeal would net upwards of $90 billion that could be redistributed to lower-income individuals. That would go a long way towards balancing the supposed $86 billion windfall for the rich and tax hike on the middle class and poor, and it could make the impossible suddenly possible."

The AEI analysis warns that these numbers change from year to year, but it concludes that by eliminating these two deductions and a few other smaller ones, Mr. Romney can make his math add up. In other words, poof, no tax hike on the middle class.

This won't stop the Obama campaign from making its false claims, but it ought to at least embarrass the media into questioning them. It should also embarrass the analysts at the Tax Policy Center who claim to be nonpartisan, above-the-fray economists but somehow always seem to provide analysis that serves those who want to raise tax rates."

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible -
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

Some highlights:


:lol: try again, they make a lot of assumptions, that Romney has not committed ot or not

...if you actually compared them you'd see that but your masters voice and all that.
The tax policy center states in this analysis that they had to make estimates in spots because of the vagueness of Romneys purposal. However they also state that they still come out with a tax increase even giving Romney the best possible estimates.

The vagueness is due to Romney not having the stones to show what he's planning on cutting. Blaming them for Romney being a coward is pretty stupid.
Wait. You thought he might have a plan that could benefit middle class and poor people? Shit son, they build their entire image on saying "fuck you" to the non-privileged.
"Scholars at the American Enterprise Institute examined what happens to the Tax Policy Center math when this error is corrected. AEI economic research associate Matt Jensen found that "Both of these exclusions largely benefit the wealthy, and, according to the Treasury Department, added together their repeal would net upwards of $90 billion that could be redistributed to lower-income individuals. That would go a long way towards balancing the supposed $86 billion windfall for the rich and tax hike on the middle class and poor, and it could make the impossible suddenly possible."

The AEI analysis warns that these numbers change from year to year, but it concludes that by eliminating these two deductions and a few other smaller ones, Mr. Romney can make his math add up. In other words, poof, no tax hike on the middle class.

This won't stop the Obama campaign from making its false claims, but it ought to at least embarrass the media into questioning them. It should also embarrass the analysts at the Tax Policy Center who claim to be nonpartisan, above-the-fray economists but somehow always seem to provide analysis that serves those who want to raise tax rates."

Review & Outlook: Mathematically Possible -

so the AEI doesn't have a clue on how Romney's secret plan is going to balance the budget, by increasing defense spending, cutting taxes for the wealthy, and doing it on some unknown "loopholes". If Romney is too big a coward to say what those loopholes are, so people can do the exact math, I suggest he's going to go after the big nut, i.e. home mortgage interest deduction.

What's Romney's plan? Oh yeah, he's not going to tell you until after a national election. What a coward he is. Romney did say he would like to do away with the child tax credit. More money for his crew, and fuck the lower and middle class.
Attack the middle class so the rich can get richer.

Some highlights:

Don't worry, dicksuck. You still won't have any tax burden.

Don't count on that, douchebag. The bottom line is still the same. The Romney/Ryan tax plan screws everyone making less than $200,000/year. It's a middle-class clusterfuck.
Why do you lie like that?

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