Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Y'know CB, this makes absolutely no sense, because if homosexuals aren't allowed into Heaven, and quite a few homosexuals (who are also pedophiles) in the Catholic Church, does this mean that the Catholics are all going to burn in hell also? I mean....they're taking advice on God and who He is from a homosexual.

I guess that means quite a few Christians aren't going to make it either.....I mean.....look at all the people who followed a closeted homosexual named Ted Haggard.

Face it're just a narrow minded bigot.

Hey CB, since there are so many pedophiles (Catholic priests), who are also homosexuals (Catholic priests), does this mean that if you join the Catholic church, you're going to become a gay pedophile?

The prevalence of child molesters in the Catholic Church is lower than other denominations and also lower than public schools. But do keep up your bigotry.
The prevalence of child molesters in the Catholic Church is lower than other denominations and also lower than public schools. But do keep up your bigotry.

Really? Then they ought to start speaking up....the Catholics are getting all their press.
First I think a definition is in order

The term pedophilia or paedophilia has a range of definitions as found in psychology, law enforcement, and the popular vernacular. As a medical diagnosis, it is defined as a psychological disorder in which an adult experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children

saying that homosexuality is linked to the desire to have sex with children is both disgusting and categorically untrue.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.

Other researchers have taken different approaches, but have similarly failed to find a connection between homosexuality and child molestation. Dr. Carole Jenny and her colleagues reviewed 352 medical charts, representing all of the sexually abused children seen in the emergency room or child abuse clinic of a Denver children's hospital during a one-year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992). The molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1% in which an adult molester could be identified – only 2 of the 269 cases

Are homosexual adults in general sexually attracted to children and are preadolescent children at greater risk of molestation from homosexual adults than from heterosexual adults? There is no reason to believe so. The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual (Groth & Gary, 1982, p. 147).
Those who, through their actions and beliefs, enable homosexuals to carry out their abominations in public and upon children.

well glock if you could find either SCIENTIFIC or even case law which supported your belief that somehow being homosexual posed more of a risk to society and it's children I might be inclined to agree with you but since there is NONE, I maintain that you, my dear, are a fucking IDIOT who is suffering from some form of mental retardation which makes it impossible to see reality.

the site I posted is based on a PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES, scientific studies... case studies of abused children, etc.

the other site posted is a biased and agenda laden mess.

I have several friends who are gay...they've never touched a child in an inappropriate manner.

My uncle and my grandfather were both heterosexual.... they both sexually abused me, my sister AND my brother.... so your bullshit don't fly with me at all.
well glock if you could find either SCIENTIFIC or even case law which supported your belief that somehow being homosexual posed more of a risk to society and it's children I might be inclined to agree with you but since there is NONE, I maintain that you, my dear, are a fucking IDIOT who is suffering from some form of mental retardation which makes it impossible to see reality.

the site I posted is based on a PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES, scientific studies... case studies of abused children, etc.

the other site posted is a biased and agenda laden mess.

I have several friends who are gay...they've never touched a child in an inappropriate manner.

My uncle and my grandfather were both heterosexual.... they both sexually abused me, my sister AND my brother.... so your bullshit don't fly with me at all.

The unfortunate abuse that you incurred from your deviant relatives obviously affects your version of reality. They shall rot in hell along with all homosexuals.
The unfortunate abuse that you incurred from your deviant relatives obviously affects your version of reality. They shall rot in hell along with all homosexuals.

My version of reality is widely accepted by most logical and rational people, yours' on the other hand not so much.

were you abused by a homosexual in the past glock?

or are you one of those girls who fell in love with the hot gay guy in high school and fawned all over him not realizing that he was interested in the boys instead... bet that made you feel pretty stupid huh? you're still bitter I guess. :eusa_whistle:
Great, but that article cites as its evidence this: which is "pre-publication", asks not to be cited without written permission, and has apparently not been updated.

glock why are you fighting SO hard to convince people of something that is unproven and virtually unprovable? are you that desparate? really?

so me where more gays are arrested for child molestation glock. Show me where more gays are phedophiles glock. show me where more gays are serial rapists or murders glock. c'mon...put up or shut up.

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