STUDY: The AGW climate crowd uses MORE electricty than the skeptics!!

That means people concerned about money actually do something about it. People concerned about saving the planet expect someone else to do something about it, not themselves. That doesn't appear to be genuine concern to me.
The left has long believed that supporting a cause -- i.e., talking about it -- and voting for politicians is MORE IMPORTANT and MORE EFFECTIVE than actually doing anything themselves.

Of course, they're doing nothing besides justifying their laziness.

Well, you silly little shit, we have done more that talk. We have elected many people who have the knowledge to understand what is happening. And will elect many more. While you are posting idiocy here, we are out rounding up the votes and doing the research that demonstrates the reality of what is happening.

So, silly ass, continue to set at home in your singlewide, posting drivel on the net.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha..this just can't be real. I think there is a song about these folks, blinded by the light..... But seriously, nah, it's too funny.
The left has long believed that supporting a cause -- i.e., talking about it -- and voting for politicians is MORE IMPORTANT and MORE EFFECTIVE than actually doing anything themselves.

Of course, they're doing nothing besides justifying their laziness.

Well, you silly little shit, we have done more that talk. We have elected many people who have the knowledge to understand what is happening. And will elect many more. While you are posting idiocy here, we are out rounding up the votes and doing the research that demonstrates the reality of what is happening.

So, silly ass, continue to set at home in your singlewide, posting drivel on the net.

You are so amazingly stupid, you proved my point.

"The left has long believed that supporting a cause -- i.e., talking about it -- and voting for politicians is MORE IMPORTANT and MORE EFFECTIVE than actually doing anything themselves."

Do you drive a Prius? Got your home off the grid?


Ahh, but you VOTE. And you RAISE AWARENESS on the internet.

There is not a single reason in the world why I shouldn't laugh in your face.


I can't actually believe someone is this fnnn stupid. I just can't..... He has to be smoking something. You can't make this stuff up!
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