STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

And the same can go for Trump in 2016. Then again anyone with any ability to read would have known about Hunter Biden.

Also that poll was conducted by..... drum roll please... "the conservative Media Research Center."

"The Polling Company, which was founded by former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway"

Not one of the articles actually gave a link to the supposed poll. I click on the website of the MRC and it's "DONATE, CONTACT, CAREERS", nothing that points towards any supposed polls. You have to get right to the bottom of the page to find. And then you have to go page by page by page to get back to 2020. But I found it.

They only polled people in certain states, AZ, GA, MI, NV, NC, PA, WI

They real surprise is how freaking ignorant people are.

35.4% are "unaware" of "Biden sexual assault allegations". I mean, Reade came forward in MARCH of that year. So, these 35.4% of supposed Biden voters had 8 months to find out about this, and were simply unable to do so.

45.1% knew nothing of "Hunder Biden scandal", well they only had three weeks to digest this one, with the Republican media hammering it for everything they could.

25.3% were "unaware" that Harris was "most leftist senator". I mean, these people know so little about politics that Sanders takes that spot. Amazing what you can do when you lie to people and then ask them questions.

49% of these ignoramus were unaware of "33.1% economic growth", 29.4% were unaware Trump supposedly "created 11.1 million jobs" and you can read the rest of this nonsense yourself.

Literally this poll is a poll on how fucking miserably ignorant people are. They could have gone and said "Do you know that Biden likes to dress up in LGBT clothing on Saturday afternoons" and 51% would say they didn't know, 49% would say they did know, and 200% would suddenly accept this as the truth.
Not exactly since the media got together claiming the laptop story was a lie.

That won't be the case next time around.

The Biden crime family's corruption is now being peeled one layer at a time and will all be exposed before the next presidential election.
nah ... Biden is the POTUS .. ive always said that censorship of negative Biden reporting and censorship of a sitting POTUS had a bigger effect on the election than voter fraud ... banning and censorship by leftists is the reason why Biden was elected .

FLASHBACK: 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech

Biden was elected because Trump lost the middle and unaffiliated vote.

Nobody can win the Without them.
This just goes to show that Trump is loved and that people know he's the real duly elected president.

It’s shows who’s got the love of the online trolls and social media bots. Meanwhile there is a real world out there in need of people to start living in it.
Obama is one of the most loved and popular presidents of all time. He didn’t measure tweet count. His tweets were procedural. Not inflammatory. Like Biden’s.
81 million votes for a guy who lived in his basement during the campaign proves there was voter fraud.
Why do you clowns keep saying “proves there was voter fraud” when you have no evidence.

oh I know……… trump trained the Sheep in his Cult to keep crying fraud, fake news, and stolen election.

You sheep listen to trump, because you are weak minded sheep.
Not only do we have the mist dangerously incompetent person in congressional history serving right now we have the most dangerously incompetent president to go along with it.

Can you imagine what statesmen of yore would say if they could see these people now today? I don't think they could believe it. The tragic irony in it all is that these are the people democrats chose for office after the left yammered for four years about how dangerously incompetent Trump was!
Can you imagine what statesmen of yore would say if they could see these people now today? I don't think they could believe it. The tragic irony in it all is that these are the people democrats chose for office after the left yammered for four years about how dangerously incompetent Trump was!
I'm pretty sure just about all of them would be too stunned and embarrassed.

The founders would probably put out a call to arms.
It’s shows who’s got the love of the online trolls and social media bots. Meanwhile there is a real world out there in need of people to start living in it.
Since He stated that all users would be verified and bots would be banned my guess is that you have no idea what you're talking about. If you do, you're just lying.
Since He stated that all users would be verified and bots would be banned my guess is that you have no idea what you're talking about. If you do, you're just lying.
I was referring to brainless drones… people… not literal computer programs
Don't you know what you type?

Just did in the LAST POST. Wake up boy. Damn are you a loser.

You trying to clear up confusion would be like my trying to shine my bathroom mirror with shit.
I said “here”… your distorted brain translated that to “there”. You’re an idiot
Obama is one of the most loved and popular presidents of all time. He didn’t measure tweet count. His tweets were procedural. Not inflammatory. Like Biden’s.
The Worthless Negro was a dumbass incompetent piece of shit and only you stupid uneducated asshole Moon Bats liked him. He was a disaster for this country and married to a transsexual.

I said “here”…

Yep, your here is my there, you said I was HERE referring to yourself, which is there with you. Dummfuk doesn't even understand basic English grammar.

Or is this just another innocent boy expression of your manlove for me?

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