STUNNING: Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets …President Trump’s First Post After 1 Hr has over 42,000 Retweets

Another \uD83C\uDDF7\uD83C\uDDFA general beats the dust: Major General Andrei Simonov, 2nd Combined Arms Army, was killed by \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDE6 artillery fire in a command post near Izyum. He was probably the commander of Electronic Warfare of the 2nd army, used to be EW commander of the Western Military District.

Eerik N Kross (@EerikNKross) April 30, 2022


Joe Biden’s Top Tweet after 4 Hrs has only 1,199 Retweets​

Interesting. Joe has a following of only 0.000004796% of the country, and only 0.0014712% of the 81 million who voted for him!

Could Joe be the LEAST popular president of all time?

Putin has a much larger following in Russia--- think about it: MORE PEOPLE LIKE PUTIN THAN JOE BIDDUM.
Is she about to lay an egg?
One of hundreds she's already left in her wake.

Not only do we have the mist dangerously incompetent person in congressional history serving right now we have the most dangerously incompetent president to go along with it.

Hell of a combo, too bad only one of them can likely be replaced in the near term.
Another \uD83C\uDDF7\uD83C\uDDFA general beats the dust: Major General Andrei Simonov, 2nd Combined Arms Army, was killed by \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDE6 artillery fire in a command post near Izyum. He was probably the commander of Electronic Warfare of the 2nd army, used to be EW commander of the Western Military District.

Eerik N Kross (@EerikNKross) April 30, 2022

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The comander of the entire army along with 2 other generals was also killed this week in an air strike with one survivor.

If you're a Russian waiting to get promoted to general your chances right now are really good of getting that promotion.
Interesting. Joe has a following of only 0.000004796% of the country, and only 0.0014712% of the 81 million who voted for him!

Could Joe be the LEAST popular president of all time?

Putin has a much larger following in Russia--- think about it: MORE PEOPLE LIKE PUTIN THAN JOE BIDDUM.
Their population is less than half that of the US.
Oh, are we playing silly little number games now?
nah ... Biden is the POTUS .. ive always said that censorship of negative Biden reporting and censorship of a sitting POTUS had a bigger effect on the election than voter fraud ... banning and censorship by leftists is the reason why Biden was elected .

FLASHBACK: 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech

We've seen zero proof that Biden has any supporters. Obviously there was voter fraud.
81 million votes says otherwise.
Wrong again, Shemp---- who ever said I was a Trumpster? And I'm certainly not obedient.
Oh yes you are. And oh yes you are.

Claims ^^^^^^^^ “who ever said I was a trumpster “ yet the obedient one that you are will never question and always defend the Donald.

The Cult is strong with you.
81 million votes for a guy who lived in his basement during the campaign proves there was voter fraud.
No, that just proves there was a massive Anti Trump vote.

They spent four years destroying him daily in the press, sooner or later that has a big effect.
nah ... Biden is the POTUS .. ive always said that censorship of negative Biden reporting and censorship of a sitting POTUS had a bigger effect on the election than voter fraud ... banning and censorship by leftists is the reason why Biden was elected .

FLASHBACK: 16% of Biden voters would have voted differently if Hunter Biden laptop story was not suppressed by media, big tech

And the same can go for Trump in 2016. Then again anyone with any ability to read would have known about Hunter Biden.

Also that poll was conducted by..... drum roll please... "the conservative Media Research Center."

"The Polling Company, which was founded by former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway"

Not one of the articles actually gave a link to the supposed poll. I click on the website of the MRC and it's "DONATE, CONTACT, CAREERS", nothing that points towards any supposed polls. You have to get right to the bottom of the page to find. And then you have to go page by page by page to get back to 2020. But I found it.

They only polled people in certain states, AZ, GA, MI, NV, NC, PA, WI

They real surprise is how freaking ignorant people are.

35.4% are "unaware" of "Biden sexual assault allegations". I mean, Reade came forward in MARCH of that year. So, these 35.4% of supposed Biden voters had 8 months to find out about this, and were simply unable to do so.

45.1% knew nothing of "Hunder Biden scandal", well they only had three weeks to digest this one, with the Republican media hammering it for everything they could.

25.3% were "unaware" that Harris was "most leftist senator". I mean, these people know so little about politics that Sanders takes that spot. Amazing what you can do when you lie to people and then ask them questions.

49% of these ignoramus were unaware of "33.1% economic growth", 29.4% were unaware Trump supposedly "created 11.1 million jobs" and you can read the rest of this nonsense yourself.

Literally this poll is a poll on how fucking miserably ignorant people are. They could have gone and said "Do you know that Biden likes to dress up in LGBT clothing on Saturday afternoons" and 51% would say they didn't know, 49% would say they did know, and 200% would suddenly accept this as the truth.

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