Stupid Execution

The more important question is why didn't Trump run this by his legal councel first?
He does NOT need to. While courts CAN overturn law NO court can overturn the constitution. He invoked a power given SOLELY to his office.
QFT Acting like the administration did not want this confrontation was a massive error. interfering with an opponent's error is always wrong.
The more important question is why didn't Trump run this by his legal councel first?
He does NOT need to. While courts CAN overturn law NO court can overturn the constitution. He invoked a power given SOLELY to his office.
QFT Acting like the administration did not want this confrontation was a massive error. interfering with an opponent's error is always wrong.
Oh Trump wanted it and I would bet money the game plan was worked out months ago. As long as Trump holds to the Constitution there is NOTHING any court can do.

And if he appoints "originalists" to SCOTUS his position only becomes stronger.
The immigration moratorium needed as a stopgap while congress gets shocked into getting going on immigration was so badly handled that injunctions were purportedly being sought before the press or anyone else saw the document.

Why wasn't Trump's story out there prior to execution of policy? This is the wrong way to execute any policy at any level of politics. Will this get corrected?

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