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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid------------America

If Biden pulls off this stolen election America will never have another legitimate President.

Possibly. Mass mail-in ballots are the blueprint for future one-party rule.

Having Negroes with Democrat masks on sitting behind taped up windows counting votes in the big city shitholes is a blueprint for massive voter fraud. We saw it this week.

View attachment 412186

Got any legitimate confirmation this is actually in Philly?
What alt-right source did this come from?
These two do not appear to be counting votes.
All the photos I've seen of ballot counters have been them seated at desks with people watching them.

Stop doing your goddamn pathetic Moon Bat denial. This was massive voter fraud in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes in close races.

They stole the election from the American people.

Not even in question =
I simply dismiss anyone that is too blind to see.

Denial is not a river in Egypt, Moon Bat.

Massive Democrat voter fraud that has stole our Democracy. Shame!

You stupid uneducated low information greedy Moon Bats are so hell bent upon making this country a socialist shithole so that you can get the government to make other people to pay your bills that you will lie, cheat and steal to make it happen. More shame!
If Biden pulls off this stolen election America will never have another legitimate President.

Possibly. Mass mail-in ballots are the blueprint for future one-party rule.

Having Negroes with Democrat masks on sitting behind taped up windows counting votes in the big city shitholes is a blueprint for massive voter fraud. We saw it this week.

View attachment 412186

Got any legitimate confirmation this is actually in Philly?
What alt-right source did this come from?
These two do not appear to be counting votes.
All the photos I've seen of ballot counters have been them seated at desks with people watching them.

Stop doing your goddamn pathetic Moon Bat denial. This was massive voter fraud in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes in close races.

They stole the election from the American people.

Not even in question =
I simply dismiss anyone that is too blind to see.

Denial is not a river in Egypt, Moon Bat.

Massive Democrat voter fraud that has stole our Democracy. Shame!

You stupid uneducated low information greedy Moon Bats are so hell bent upon making this country a socialist shithole so that you can get the government to make other people to pay your bills that you will lie, cheat and steal to make it happen. More shame!

I agreed with you.
Griffin Ga, usually a Republican stronghold

"A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state...."

A call to arms by our Founding Fathers to stop the destruction of our country with massive Democrat voter fraud.
I hope you stay..i got a bet that all those Trumpers that vowed to leave..won't.

I'll just respond to our last line...this election is a good step towards regaining our sense of morals and ethics. All of your sturm und drang--is just the petulant whine of a child who's sent to bed...G'night!

If you are looking towards the Beltway to regain a sense of morals and ethics ... Then you're an idiot ... :thup:

Hey you :hyper: LTNS :smiliehug:

I tell ya what, I'm looking toward your beltway but it's not exactly to regain any morals.... :eusa_shifty:
Now that it looks like creepy senile Joe has cheated his way into the whitehouse, this will be my last post on this message board. Because unlike most of our liberal posters, when I make a bet I live up to it. I will check in to see replys for a few days but will not respond.

So here is what you voted for America, and you deserve what you vote for.

1. President Kamala, Biden may be there for a few weeks but the dems are already working on a 25th amendment removal of him.
2. Higher taxes
3, Cancellation of the 1st and 2nd amendments
4. Abortion on demand with no restrictions
5. Open borders and a flood of illegals coming for free US benefits
6. An administration run by China
7. Mask mandates and forced shutdowns, all remaining small businesses failing and millions going bankrupt
8. A government run media with only one side ever given voice
9. $5 per gallon gasoline, (if you can find any)
10. Millions of oil, coal, and gas workers our of work
11. A weak military and defunded police i.e. more crime
12. BLM and Antifa running free in the streets destroying property and attacking innocent people
13. Cancellation of the investigations into the 2016 election fraud, and the investigation into the Biden family corruption
14. Prosecution of anyone who dares speak out against the new regime------watch our Hannity, Tucker, and Rush, they will find some reason to lock you up.
15. the realization of the future predictions of Orwell and Rand. They accurately predicted what we are seeing today
16. the possible division of this country or a serious secession movement from several states.
17. removal of God from everything in the public discourse and the demonization of religion------Muslims beware, Jews beware, Christians beware. but satanists will we allowed

and worst of all, a new American philosophy that cheating pays, If you want to win something find a way to cheat. Our American sense of morals and ethics is gone.
Who did you make the bet with?
"A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state...."

A call to arms by our Founding Fathers to stop the destruction of our country with massive Democrat voter fraud.

Those founding dudes were pretty smart.
I hope you stay..i got a bet that all those Trumpers that vowed to leave..won't.

I'll just respond to our last line...this election is a good step towards regaining our sense of morals and ethics. All of your sturm und drang--is just the petulant whine of a child who's sent to bed...G'night!

If you are looking towards the Beltway to regain a sense of morals and ethics ... Then you're an idiot ... :thup:

Hey you :hyper: LTNS :smiliehug:

I tell ya what, I'm looking toward your beltway but it's not exactly to regain any morals.... :eusa_shifty:

Is it to suck him off?
What we really have to look forward to is the Left giving Biden more hell than they gave trump.
This was written about Africa but it is valid for what we have seen from the Democrat shit holes.

Of course they are like Africa, aren't they?

Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs

Too many voters

Watch the turnout figures ? they can be a big giveaway. You never get a 98% or 99% turnout in an honest election. You just don't. Voting is compulsory in Gabon, but it is not enforced; even in Australia where it is enforced, where you can vote by post or online and can be fined for not voting, turnout only reaches 90-95%. The main reason that a full turnout is practically impossible is that electoral registers, even if they are recently compiled, can rarely be 100% up-to-date. Even if no-one gets sick or has to travel, people still die. And when a register is updated, new voters are keen to add themselves to the list.
No-one, however, has any great enthusiasm for removing the names of those who have died, and over time the number of these non-existent voters increases. I once reported on an election in the Niger Delta where some areas had a turnout of more than 120%. "They're very healthy people round here, and very civic-minded," a local official assured me. But a turnout of more than 100%, in an area or an individual polling station, is a major red flag and a reason to cancel the result and re-run the election.

A high turnout in specific areas

Even where the turnout is within the bounds of possibility, if the figure is wildly different from the turnout elsewhere, it serves as a warning. Why would one particular area, or one individual polling station, have a 90% turnout, while most other areas register less than 70%? Something strange is almost certainly going on, especially if the high turnout is an area which favors one particular candidate or party over another.

Large numbers of invalid votes

There are other, more subtle ways that riggers can increase votes ? or reduce them. Keep an eye on the number of votes excluded as invalid. Even in countries with low literacy rates this isn't normally above 5%. High numbers of invalid votes can mean that officials are disqualifying ballots for the slightest imperfection, even when the voter's intention is perfectly clear, in an attempt to depress votes for their opponents.

More votes than ballot papers issued

When the polls close, and before they open the boxes, election officials normally have to go through a complicated and rather tedious process known as the reconciliation of ballots. After they have counted how many ballot papers they received in the morning, they then need to count how many are left, and how many ? if any ? were torn or otherwise spoiled and had to be put aside. The result will tell them how many papers should be in the box. It should also match the number of names checked off on the register. The first task when the box is opened is to count the number of papers inside, this is done prior to counting the votes for the different candidates. If there is a discrepancy, something is wrong. And if there are more papers in the boxes than were issued by the polling staff, it is highly likely that someone has been doing some "stuffing". That's a good enough reason to cancel the result and arrange a re-run.

Results that don't match

Mobile phones have made elections much more transparent. It is now standard practice to allow party agents, observers and sometimes even voters to watch the counting process and take photographs of the results sheet with their phones. They then have proof of the genuine results from their area ? just in case the ones announced later by the electoral commission don't match. It has clearly taken crooked politicians some time to catch up with the fact that people will now know if they change the results. In south-eastern Togo, local party representatives told me that they witnessed the count in 2005 and endorsed the result; they saw the official in charge leave for the capital, taking the signed results sheet with him. Yet the results announced later on the radio were different. The same thing happened in Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2011. The results announced on the radio were not the same as those international observers saw posted outside the polling stations. But this transparency only works if the official announcement of results includes figures for individual counting centres ? and this has become an issue in the current Gabonese election.

Delay in announcing results

Finally something that is not necessarily a sign of rigging, but it is often assumed to be so. Election commissions, particularly in Africa, can appear to take an inordinately long time to publish official results.
This is not helped by local observer networks and political parties who, tallying up the results sent in by their agents on mobile phones, have a good idea of the result long before the more cumbersome official process is completed. But the official process takes time, especially in countries with poor communications, and the introduction of modern electronic transmission systems has not necessarily helped. Where these systems have proved too demanding for the context, as in Malawi last year, they can actually increase delays as staff struggle to make the technology work. In that particular case the results eventually had to be transmitted the old fashioned way; placed in envelopes and driven down to the capital under police escort. By then, allegations of rigging were flying. Delay is certainly dangerous, fuelling rumours of results being "massaged" before release and increasing tensions, but this is not incontrovertible proof of rigging.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state...."

A call to arms by our Founding Fathers to stop the destruction of our country with massive Democrat voter fraud.

I'm pretty sure a lot of the young people you will need to pull that off, are more interested in free college tuition and a happy meal.
I'm not disagreeing so to say, but I just don't think the majority have the stomach necessary to put the PlayStation controller down, and choose the hard road.

I hope you stay..i got a bet that all those Trumpers that vowed to leave..won't.

I'll just respond to our last line...this election is a good step towards regaining our sense of morals and ethics. All of your sturm und drang--is just the petulant whine of a child who's sent to bed...G'night!

If you are looking towards the Beltway to regain a sense of morals and ethics ... Then you're an idiot ... :thup:

Hey you :hyper: LTNS :smiliehug:

I tell ya what, I'm looking toward your beltway but it's not exactly to regain any morals.... :eusa_shifty:
Hey Pogo! Parole come through? LOL!

I meant more as an example..and a step in the right direction. Trump inculcated distrust in 10's of millions...yeah, I get that the splinter is gone..and the infection remains--but I'd rather have dirty politics as usual--with the players all knowing the unwritten rules..then Trump with his pseudo-divine right mentality.

Biden is better..or at least his handlers are. We need to reconnect with the world community--and Biden is the one for that.
Now that it looks like creepy senile Joe has cheated his way into the whitehouse, this will be my last post on this message board. Because unlike most of our liberal posters, when I make a bet I live up to it. I will check in to see replys for a few days but will not respond.

So here is what you voted for America, and you deserve what you vote for.

1. President Kamala, Biden may be there for a few weeks but the dems are already working on a 25th amendment removal of him.
2. Higher taxes
3, Cancellation of the 1st and 2nd amendments
4. Abortion on demand with no restrictions
5. Open borders and a flood of illegals coming for free US benefits
6. An administration run by China
7. Mask mandates and forced shutdowns, all remaining small businesses failing and millions going bankrupt
8. A government run media with only one side ever given voice
9. $5 per gallon gasoline, (if you can find any)
10. Millions of oil, coal, and gas workers our of work
11. A weak military and defunded police i.e. more crime
12. BLM and Antifa running free in the streets destroying property and attacking innocent people
13. Cancellation of the investigations into the 2016 election fraud, and the investigation into the Biden family corruption
14. Prosecution of anyone who dares speak out against the new regime------watch our Hannity, Tucker, and Rush, they will find some reason to lock you up.
15. the realization of the future predictions of Orwell and Rand. They accurately predicted what we are seeing today
16. the possible division of this country or a serious secession movement from several states.
17. removal of God from everything in the public discourse and the demonization of religion------Muslims beware, Jews beware, Christians beware. but satanists will we allowed

and worst of all, a new American philosophy that cheating pays, If you want to win something find a way to cheat. Our American sense of morals and ethics is gone.
None of these things are gonna happen but number 1 and 5.

Biden doesn't have the power to do anything about most of what you're saying without control of the legislature

If you haven't noticed American elites are very quickly turning on China. Maybe time to put down that talking point. Everyone takes Chinese money. Trump included.
Biden made the call to Beto O'Rourke last night.

The Gun Confiscation Czar will be empowered with sweeping legal authority to take em.

Will you have any trouble handing your guns and ammo over to a twit like beto?

Really? And how is he going to get this sweeping power? That is the first question. The Republicans seem likely to hold the senate. The Georgia Runoffs will almost certainly go Republican.

So laws empowering this gun collection effort will not be forthcoming.

Next. Even if they had the authority. Beto would not be collecting the guns. It would be your local cops. So as I understand the RW position on cops. Obedience and compliance is required. Anyone who resists the police deserves injury or death. So how will you reconcile this problem? And the idea that the cops would never. Forget it. They will.

So will you condone, or encourage people to kill cops wholesale?

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