Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

Is that because the discussion is too complex for you to follow, or you can no longer find a strong enough response as to why voter ID amounts to voter suppression? Surely you know what a government enforced mandate is? Did that term stump you ??

Since Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, what is the REAL purpose of Voter ID?

Useless the individual carries a valid current driver's license, currently there is no verification that can authenticate and trace a voters residency with a photo to verify they are the actual voter who they claim to be..... is there. Yes or no?
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:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.

Who is pushing for voter ID, so that the black and disadvantaged cannot vote? Who is the party that is continually being taken to court for drawing racist congressional boundaries?

Exactly, those damned racist boundaries virtually guarantee Shelia jackass Lee's reelection along with other minorities in TX.

Also I wonder why no one has shown a blue state that has 11 consecutive days of early voting, including 17 hours on the weekend? Could it be they don't exist? That's exactly what we had in the mean old red State of TX.
The dumb ass is the symbol of your party..............those cuts were across the board..................your side continued these cuts even as you LABELED IT ALL FOR THE RICH...................IT wasn't..................your side LIED.................

And if your side is so great why are all the jobs leaving..............why is Obama pushing the TPP..........Why are businesses closing...........why are so many more on the dole..............

And so on................Your just pushing semantics and that's why I called it a trap.

Didn't the $430k-$400k have a higher percentage of savings that you have to pay for?
Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

If you want to use that ideology.........then blow up a balloon filled by average Americans Taxes and blow up another with the amount you are complaining about and compare.........One will be tiny.........the other will reach the sky.

Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

So the wealthier kept more. Thank You, my point is made.
And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And the wealthier received a higher dollar amount, thus a greater benefit.
You only care about percentages when it suits your Ideology.............that is expected.

You only care about percentages when it suits your Ideology.............that is expected.

It made my point that Republicans only back bills that give the rich and wealthy added benefit.
Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

If you want to use that ideology.........then blow up a balloon filled by average Americans Taxes and blow up another with the amount you are complaining about and compare.........One will be tiny.........the other will reach the sky.

Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

So the wealthier kept more. Thank You, my point is made.
And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And the wealthier received a higher dollar amount, thus a greater benefit.
You only care about percentages when it suits your Ideology.............that is expected.

You only care about percentages when it suits your Ideology.............that is expected.

It made my point that Republicans only back bills that give the rich and wealthy added benefit.
Like your side doesn't.............wake up and smell what your shoveling.............your side has the big boys eating at the just ignore it.
The voter is never wrong.....every candidate learns that

It is up to the candidate to convince people that he is the one who best represents their views

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

And yes, I've met them. They joke about voting for people because they like their name or perhaps ethnic background. Some choose males over females and vice-versa. Many pick the candidate because they are familiar with the name and it sounds political. And yes, some even choose race such as what we seen in the DumBama primary and elections.

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

Let's see how informed you are; How many Republican politicians since 1970 have written, sponsored, or supported bills that help the middle class without giving more and special favors to the rich and wealthy? we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.

Looking to the facts.

According to official IRS data, the share of total federal income tax paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

In contrast the bottom half of income earners paid $6 billion less in federal income taxes in 2007 than in 2000 a decline of 16%. The share of Federal Income taxes paid by the bottom 50% declined from 3.9% in 2000 to 2.9% in 2007. The Bush tax cuts also included the doubling of the child tax credit from $500 per child to $1000 per child.

Total Federal revenues went from $793.7 Billion in 2003 to $1.16 Trillion in 2007.
Capital gains revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007.

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.
In remarks before signing the bill, Obama called it "a substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." He added: "They're the ones hardest hit by the recession we've endured. They're the ones who need relief right now."


Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts

So much for the Bush tax cuts not helping the middle class. In chess that would be known as check and mate! Now csn we "move on" and go back to the topic on the thread?

According to official IRS data, the share of total federal income tax paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

What happened in 2009 after the BushCo crash?
And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

And yes, I've met them. They joke about voting for people because they like their name or perhaps ethnic background. Some choose males over females and vice-versa. Many pick the candidate because they are familiar with the name and it sounds political. And yes, some even choose race such as what we seen in the DumBama primary and elections.

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

Let's see how informed you are; How many Republican politicians since 1970 have written, sponsored, or supported bills that help the middle class without giving more and special favors to the rich and wealthy? we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.

Looking to the facts.

According to official IRS data, the share of total federal income tax paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

In contrast the bottom half of income earners paid $6 billion less in federal income taxes in 2007 than in 2000 a decline of 16%. The share of Federal Income taxes paid by the bottom 50% declined from 3.9% in 2000 to 2.9% in 2007. The Bush tax cuts also included the doubling of the child tax credit from $500 per child to $1000 per child.

Total Federal revenues went from $793.7 Billion in 2003 to $1.16 Trillion in 2007.
Capital gains revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007.

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.
In remarks before signing the bill, Obama called it "a substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." He added: "They're the ones hardest hit by the recession we've endured. They're the ones who need relief right now."


Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts

So much for the Bush tax cuts not helping the middle class. In chess that would be known as check and mate! Now csn we "move on" and go back to the topic on the thread?

According to official IRS data, the share of total federal income tax paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

What happened in 2009 after the BushCo crash?
Again, who signed into law the legislation that allowed Too Big to Fail to SELF REGULATE......................

right, if Republicans stopped all dumb people from voting, how did they win New York and California?

Republicans want dumb middle class folks to vote for Republicans.
They also want smart middle class folks to vote for Republicans. And democrats want dumb middle class folks to vote for democrats. They all want all voters to vote for them. What's your point?

They also want smart middle class folks to vote for Republicans. And democrats want dumb middle class folks to vote for democrats. They all want all voters to vote for them. What's your point?

There aren't any 'smart middle class folks' that vote for Republicans.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?
Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

I've met both, and have made it very clear that they need to push for the American worker instead of the American wealthy as do the Republicans.
There are so many ways to discourage people from voting and probably all have been used. The long lines is one simple way, hours polls open another, the best however, was the education requirement, such as name the first 32 presidents, The education requirement has pretty much been dropped by the courts, but a number are still used, and still effective.
right, if Republicans stopped all dumb people from voting, how did they win New York and California?

Republicans want dumb middle class folks to vote for Republicans.
They also want smart middle class folks to vote for Republicans. And democrats want dumb middle class folks to vote for democrats. They all want all voters to vote for them. What's your point?

They also want smart middle class folks to vote for Republicans. And democrats want dumb middle class folks to vote for democrats. They all want all voters to vote for them. What's your point?

There aren't any 'smart middle class folks' that vote for Republicans.
You need to get out more.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?
Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

I've met both, and have made it very clear that they need to push for the American worker instead of the American wealthy as do the Republicans.
Which has nothing to do with the need for a photo ID to attend those events. That IS what we were talking about.
Unless you are a young child or dead, yes.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

Why would you need a photo ID except to drive?
Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

Well, you might want to attend a Hillary Clinton fund raiser, or the DNC convention, or hear Obama make a speech....

I've met both, and have made it very clear that they need to push for the American worker instead of the American wealthy as do the Republicans.

If the current administration policies were working so well in helping the economy and the middle class, there wouldn't be a reason to make anything clear. Didn't Mrs. Clinton work closely within his circle as a supporter of Obama?
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You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.
I'll do you one better

Have the government issue a biometric ID to every citizen. You can use it as a drivers license, credit card, health insurance, voting ID, school ID, bus card for everything in your life

You up for it?
Is that because the discussion is too complex for you to follow, or you can no longer find a strong enough response as to why voter ID amounts to voter suppression? Surely you know what a government enforced mandate is? Did that term stump you ??

Since Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, what is the REAL purpose of Voter ID?

Useless the individual carries a valid current driver's license, currently there is no verification that can authenticate and trace a voters residency with a photo to verify they are the actual voter who they claim to be..... is there. Yes or no?
A signature has worked for 200 years

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.
I'll do you one better

Have the government issue a biometric ID to every citizen. You can use it as a drivers license, credit card, health insurance, voting ID, school ID, bus card for everything in your life

You up for it?

I'm surprised rightwinger. You don't believe filling out a government form or going to government web page is adequate in performing the required background check in obtaining a photo ID for voting? After all, you seem to trust them with your healthcare and performing checks on gun owners. .... or is your faith in government dwindling? Look out folks, we may be seeing the dawn of a 2nd amendment supporter beginning to come out of his closet.
The voter is never wrong.....every candidate learns that

It is up to the candidate to convince people that he is the one who best represents their views

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

And yes, I've met them. They joke about voting for people because they like their name or perhaps ethnic background. Some choose males over females and vice-versa. Many pick the candidate because they are familiar with the name and it sounds political. And yes, some even choose race such as what we seen in the DumBama primary and elections.

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

Let's see how informed you are; How many Republican politicians since 1970 have written, sponsored, or supported bills that help the middle class without giving more and special favors to the rich and wealthy? we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.
dont feel too bad, the middle class are the ones that will lose their insurance under the ACA.
Way to go democrats, I guess having millions of middle class families dying in the street is a good way of transferring their wealth down to the worthless.

Yep, that is who the ACA has hurt the most. The middle class.

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.
I'll do you one better

Have the government issue a biometric ID to every citizen. You can use it as a drivers license, credit card, health insurance, voting ID, school ID, bus card for everything in your life

You up for it?

I'm surprised rightwinger. You don't believe filling out a government form or going to government web page is adequate in performing the required background check in obtaining a photo ID for voting? After all, you seem to trust them with your healthcare and performing checks on gun owners. .... or is your faith in government dwindling? Look out folks, we may be seeing the dawn of a 2nd amendment supporter beginning to come out of his closet.
Another coward afraid of a foolproof biometric ID

Talk the talk when it applies to other people don't you?

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.
I'll do you one better

Have the government issue a biometric ID to every citizen. You can use it as a drivers license, credit card, health insurance, voting ID, school ID, bus card for everything in your life

You up for it?

I'm surprised rightwinger. You don't believe filling out a government form or going to government web page is adequate in performing the required background check in obtaining a photo ID for voting? After all, you seem to trust them with your healthcare and performing checks on gun owners. .... or is your faith in government dwindling? Look out folks, we may be seeing the dawn of a 2nd amendment supporter beginning to come out of his closet.
Another coward afraid of a foolproof biometric ID

Talk the talk when it applies to other people don't you?

More like I just successfully pointed out a hypocrite when I see one. The proof is in your response, as it's totally got you pissed off. :lol:

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