Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds
Mobile Site Preview

Yes I'm sure many would say the same thing about red light cameras leading to suppression of an individual's driving rights, or gun regulations that inhibit an owners Constitutional rights. If people could be trusted and honest with respecting those rights, there wouldn't be a need to place measures to guarantee those rights are used responsibly.

It's interesting to see the party that loves to impose regulations and conditions on everyone else, has a whole different attitude when they see it from the other side.

Total bullshit

From your link......Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by

That does not mean that people vote twice. It means people move to another state and register in the new state and the old state does not remove them from the voting list

It is not voter fraud
You do realize of course that Obamacare has made it a mandate for everyone to have insurance, don't you?

So, what's your point? There are also laws that prohibit murder. Doesn't seem to do much.

Besides, just because someone has health insurance doesn't mean they have a doctor. Poor people can't afford the health insurance in the first place. And if they manage to skimp their budgets enough to buy it, they sure as hell can't afford to actually use it, since they'd still have a co-pay and/or deductible on the doctor's visit. It's one of the reasons why Obamacare is total bullshit.

Why don't you show me where it is not necessary for a doctor to use a photo ID to obtain accurate personal information in establishing the need for medical care.

You still haven't demonstrated that everyone is establishing new doctors. And you want me wax poetic about something that is tangential at best?

How do you obtain a medical history that identified YOUR need to have prescription medications from a previously diagnosed medical condition, and you're not simply an addict seeking narcotics, without a photo ID accurately determining you are the individual you "claim" yourself to be? Are you honestly going to tell me that a highly trained physician with malpractice insurance, is simply going to hand you prescription medication because you bat your eyelashes, blow a kiss, and look honest enough? :lol:

If I've seen the same primary care physician for several years, that doctor is going to know me already. I'm not going to have to show my ID just to have a conversation about a medical history they diagnosed me with.

Oh, and let's not forget those security measures implemented at schools today. If you are a relative that needs to pick up a child for a parent who is unable to do so due to work, you need to produce a Photo ID to determine you are who you say you are when putting your information into the database that allows you to pick up that child from school.

Sorry, you just can't escape it bud. Photo ID is here to stay![/QUOTE]
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.


Why? So people don't walk into a medical facility giving them fake names and addresses to skate the bill, that's why.

Why? So people don't walk into a medical facility giving them fake names and addresses to skate the bill, that's why.

If you have insurance and pay the co-pay (if any) how would you 'skate' the bill?
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.


It was required as part of providing my personal information into the system. It's common practice whenever you initially go in to set up an appointment to establish your primary Doctor or require emergency care. Why are you so fearful of photo IDs? It's not like social security, you can't use any of that information towards any financial benefit.

It was required as part of providing my personal information into the system. It's common practice whenever you initially go in to set up an appointment to establish your primary Doctor or require emergency care. Why are you so fearful of photo IDs? It's not like social security, you can't use any of that information towards any financial benefit.

I'm fearful that there are people that are eligible to vote that don't have a photo ID.
The dumb ass is the symbol of your party..............those cuts were across the board..................your side continued these cuts even as you LABELED IT ALL FOR THE RICH...................IT wasn't..................your side LIED.................

And if your side is so great why are all the jobs leaving..............why is Obama pushing the TPP..........Why are businesses closing...........why are so many more on the dole..............

And so on................Your just pushing semantics and that's why I called it a trap.

The dumb ass is the symbol of your party..............those cuts were across the board..................your side continued these cuts even as you LABELED IT ALL FOR THE RICH...................IT wasn't..................your side LIED.................

And if your side is so great why are all the jobs leaving..............why is Obama pushing the TPP..........Why are businesses closing...........why are so many more on the dole..............

And so on................Your just pushing semantics and that's why I called it a trap.

Didn't the $430k-$400k have a higher percentage of savings that you have to pay for?
Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

If you want to use that ideology.........then blow up a balloon filled by average Americans Taxes and blow up another with the amount you are complaining about and compare.........One will be tiny.........the other will reach the sky.

Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

So the wealthier kept more. Thank You, my point is made.
And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And the wealthier received a higher dollar amount, thus a greater benefit.
You only care about percentages when it suits your Ideology.............that is expected.
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

Where in hell is that at?????
yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.

The article was dated four years ago.

And let's be honest here: If you told anyone of these supposed people with no ID to vote that there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they needed was a valid ID to accept the check and cash it, it would take them less than 24 hours to obtain one and find transportation to get there.

The truth of the matter is that a good percentage of Democrat voters don't really care about voting. It's not a serious thing for them. If it's convenient, sure, they might vote, but it's not a priority or major concern.

It's my opinion that the biggest problem with our elections is we have too many uninformed voters. We have people that don't know left from right, conservative from liberal, or taxes and no taxes, and it's those people that vote Democrat.

Democrats heavily rely on uninformed voters. Don't believe me? Just check out how all inner-city voters vote. These are low educated people, many with low or no income, most who couldn't tell you who the vice-President is yet alone Speaker of the House.

Because these people are typically Democrat, of course Voter-ID affects them more than informed voters who take voting seriously.
see, you WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE citizens of their vote...

thanks for agreeing with what I said was republican's GOAL with all of this and being honest...:rolleyes:

How are you disenfranchising anybody if they are too lazy to comply with rules; if you don't make it overly convenient for them?

You see, disenfranchisement happens when you have two sets of rules. This is one set that everybody has to abide to regardless of age, gender, race or anything else.

so there's nothing intended to disenfranchise certain types of voters by allowing gun licenses to be acceptable ID but not college ID?

care to delude yourself further? or is it that you're just ok with lying?

If you have a gun license, you were checked out by the state and perhaps the FBI, you have been electronically fingerprinted, and you've had your police record looked into if you even have one.

I would say that's a pretty good ID. Now how do colleges investigate their students before giving them a college ID???
Sure it does because the biggest problem we have with our elections is too many people not knowing WTF they are even voting on. We should expand that?

Well.........the Democrats would love it, but it only makes the system much worse.

People go to vote because they think it's the patriotic thing to do. But if you have no idea what you're even voting on, the most patriotic thing you can do on election day is stay home and let the people in the know vote.

The voter is never wrong.....every candidate learns that

It is up to the candidate to convince people that he is the one who best represents their views

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

And yes, I've met them. They joke about voting for people because they like their name or perhaps ethnic background. Some choose males over females and vice-versa. Many pick the candidate because they are familiar with the name and it sounds political. And yes, some even choose race such as what we seen in the DumBama primary and elections.

And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

Let's see how informed you are; How many Republican politicians since 1970 have written, sponsored, or supported bills that help the middle class without giving more and special favors to the rich and wealthy? we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.

Looking to the facts.

According to official IRS data, the share of total federal income tax paid by the top 1% rose from 37% in 2000, before the Bush tax cuts, to 40% in 2007, after the tax cuts.

In contrast the bottom half of income earners paid $6 billion less in federal income taxes in 2007 than in 2000 a decline of 16%. The share of Federal Income taxes paid by the bottom 50% declined from 3.9% in 2000 to 2.9% in 2007. The Bush tax cuts also included the doubling of the child tax credit from $500 per child to $1000 per child.

Total Federal revenues went from $793.7 Billion in 2003 to $1.16 Trillion in 2007.
Capital gains revenues rose to 18.5% of GDP by 2007.

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery.
In remarks before signing the bill, Obama called it "a substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." He added: "They're the ones hardest hit by the recession we've endured. They're the ones who need relief right now."


Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts

So much for the Bush tax cuts not helping the middle class. In chess that would be known as check and mate! Now csn we "move on" and go back to the topic on the thread?
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds
Mobile Site Preview

Yes I'm sure many would say the same thing about red light cameras leading to suppression of an individual's driving rights, or gun regulations that inhibit an owners Constitutional rights. If people could be trusted and honest with respecting those rights, there wouldn't be a need to place measures to guarantee those rights are used responsibly.

It's interesting to see the party that loves to impose regulations and conditions on everyone else, has a whole different attitude when they see it from the other side.

Total bullshit

From your link......Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by

That does not mean that people vote twice. It means people move to another state and register in the new state and the old state does not remove them from the voting list

It is not voter fraud

Wendy Rosen drops challenge to Andy Harris after allegations she voted in two states

Cases of voter fraud exists and that's a fact. During the Obama administration we found liberals who feel there just HAS TO BE this government mandate for health care. As a result we have government making the choice for individuals to budget and pay a premium that they may have previously (for one reason or another) elected not to.

We have President Obama pushing for more gun regulations on a second amendment right in the Constitution. The argument being that there needs to be further back ground checks, and enforcement in an effort [they say] to keep guns out of the hands of those with an intent to kill others in a violent rampage. Not proven at all to be effective, but ok.

Now whenever photo ID is mentioned, which incidentally only cost a few dollars to obtain in comparison to all those insurance premiums that the left feels the need to impose on all Americans, the left wants to say government is now suppressing someone's rights.

So let's recap.... force the right for every citizen to be burdened with the cost of an insurance premium that Americans have a right to elect not to carry, push a second amendment constitutional right with more gun regulations through government enforcement, and it's the $50 photo ID card that gets the liberals all wrapped up in a little tizzy fit about "suppressing one's rights". I just want to be sure I have a have a clear understanding of the liberal mindset, surrounding what government is "allowed" to do and what constitutes government taking it to an extreme in suppressing one's rights and freedoms.
You gotta wonder why the majority of Black people apparently vote democrat when they must know that they have been ridiculed and played for suckers by racist democrats since FDR was in the White House. How in the world could the DNC get away with claiming that mostly Black people would be adversely impacted by having to show a photo I.D. in order to vote when a photo I.D. is a necessity of life in the 21st century? The only way democrats get away with blanket racism is with the full support of the bigoted left wing media.

Understanding politics is almost a full time job in itself. Most blacks are not entertained or interested in politics, so they vote the way they are told.

If you ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. If you ask why, he will tell you that Democrats are for the poor and the working man. Ask who told him that, and he will tell you the Democrats.

More reason why blacks won't vote Republican

That's what he just said, didn't you read it, big guy?

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

Where in hell is that at?????

Rep. Marcia Fudge says 11 percent of eligible voters lack a government ID

According to the Brennan Center, as many as 11 percent of U.S. citizens — more than 21 million — did not have current government-issued photo identification. This was based on a sample of 987 randomly selected voting-age citizens contacted by telephone. The pollster reported a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

I have no problem with requiring people to have a photo ID to vote. All I ask is that Republicans go door to door asking if people have a photo ID and if they don't say....Can I help you get one?

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I'm confused.........Hillary gets Super Delegate Votes before voting starts and you kids are crying about "suppression"?

The Dem Party is disenfranchising it's own voters,
and now Republicans are stopping all disabled Americans from voting? really",,,what next,,,Republicans are stopping cows too?
I heard that some of them wear white after Labor Day. Heathens.
right, if Republicans stopped all dumb people from voting, how did they win New York and California?

Republicans want dumb middle class folks to vote for Republicans.
They also want smart middle class folks to vote for Republicans. And democrats want dumb middle class folks to vote for democrats. They all want all voters to vote for them. What's your point?

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

Where in hell is that at?????

Rep. Marcia Fudge says 11 percent of eligible voters lack a government ID

According to the Brennan Center, as many as 11 percent of U.S. citizens — more than 21 million — did not have current government-issued photo identification. This was based on a sample of 987 randomly selected voting-age citizens contacted by telephone. The pollster reported a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

I have no problem with requiring people to have a photo ID to vote. All I ask is that Republicans go door to door asking if people have a photo ID and if they don't say....Can I help you get one?


If you feel every American can afford to pay into the new health care mandate, than coming up with a few bucks for an ID with your picture on it would be a "tip" in comparison. Oh, and republicans don't need to go door to door when it's the law in some states. Voter ID is no more suppression of ones rights as gun regulations and enforcement are.
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

Where in hell is that at?????

Rep. Marcia Fudge says 11 percent of eligible voters lack a government ID

According to the Brennan Center, as many as 11 percent of U.S. citizens — more than 21 million — did not have current government-issued photo identification. This was based on a sample of 987 randomly selected voting-age citizens contacted by telephone. The pollster reported a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

I have no problem with requiring people to have a photo ID to vote. All I ask is that Republicans go door to door asking if people have a photo ID and if they don't say....Can I help you get one?


Bet you didn't think I was going to take the time to read this article..... didn't cha, didn't cha?

From your post:

Susan Myrick, an election analyst at the Civitas Institute in Raleigh, N.C., a conservative group that wants limited government, was dismissive of the figures. She noted that the trial court judge in the Indiana case that went to the Supreme Court called estimates in a similar range "incredible" and "unreliable." That judge, Sarah Evans Barker of the U.S. District Court, was criticizing a study based on Indiana drivers license data, not a national poll. But taking a very basic look at Indiana license data, the judge said the actual figure might be closer to 1 percent.

Myrick also pointed to a 2008 study from American University’s Center for Democracy and Election Management. That study asked 2,000 registered voters in three states (Indiana, Maryland and Mississippi) whether they had a driver’s license, passport or military ID. Only 1.2 percent of those surveyed said they lacked these kinds of IDs.

So how do we rate Fudges claim?

Yes, the Brennan Center figure is widely accepted. And Fudge’s statement sounds and feels accurate to a lot of people, many of them worried that voter ID laws will be too restrictive. But the idea that the Photo ID law would reduce voting ignores an important detail -- that a lot of people just don't vote.

When a statement is accurate but leaves out important details needed to understand fully, the Truth-O-Meter has a specific rating: Half True.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?
Why do you want one? What's the purpose for it? The voter has already registered to vote, impersonating another voter at the polls just doesn't again, what is the purpose for needing a govt issued photo id at the voting booth, vs. using ones work or student id and an electric bill, or phone bill with your name and address on it to identify yourself?

YOU know the answer...your Party KNOWS WHY, simply to disenfranchise the people who are too poor or too young to own a car, or too old and too disabled to drive a car.... there is no other purpose.,,,BUT to keep primarily Democratic voting citizens from casting their vote.
imagine if a conservative complained that because blacks all look alike, that it would be racist to question their photo ID?

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