Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.
QUOTE="ShaklesOfBigGov, post: 13631163, member: 26151"]How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access.[/quote]

Really? Like what? Please name these government facilities that require an ID for entrance. Typically, the kind of facility that requires an ID is not the kind of facility that most people ever need to enter.

The common types of government facilities that people ever have to use are court houses, police departments, Motor Vehicle Administration buildings, Social Security Administration offices, VA facilities, and things like that. I've never seen one of these require an ID to get into.

Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency.

Usually, yes. So what? What makes you assume that all people obtain library cards?

Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too.

Again, what makes you assume people are flying or traveling outside of the country? Typically, people who don't have ID are poor. Vacations to the Caribbean aren't exactly part of their lifestyle.

Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID.

Again, there is no reason to assume that all people are going to doctor's offices. Most poor don't have primary care doctors. On the other hand, someone may have had the same primary care physician for the past 15 years and subsequently lost their ID card last month when their wallet was stolen. So your argument here says exactly nothing.

What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

Many jobs don't require a drug test for employment. As well as the fact that you are once again assuming that everyone is right now starting a new job. Someone could be 15 years at the same job and have their wallet stolen, losing their ID in the process.
The argument is that requiring people to show a photo ID to vote is "intimidating." And I keep asking, Do these people who are supposedly "intimidated" never buy alcohol, never buy tobacco products, never fly on an airplane, never use a credit card at stores that verify ID before completing purchases, never rent cars, never open bank accounts, etc.? You need a valid photo ID to do all of those things. How are they able to do those things but suddenly feel "intimidated" when asked to show a photo ID to vote?
A signature has worked effectively for hundreds of years
Easier to get a fake ID than to fake a signature on the spot

How do you verify signatures? The voting rolls at the polling place do not have access to that information. My polling place is in a church basement. The only signature they have for me is on my voter registration card I filed at the county clerk's office when I registered to vote.
cutting the extended voting days, where working class hourly people can vote on their day off, instead of just Tuesday/election day....where they lose pay, in order to vote.
cutting gvt student id's as an id acceptable for students who live in their university's state 9 months of the year....that want to vote there.

cutting out the Sunday before election day as a day to vote where churches bused their parishioners to the polls to vote

reducing voting machines in democratic precincts, so people have to wait hours in line in order to vote vs. increasing voting machines in republican leaning precincts...

restrictions on voter registration drives

THAT is just the TIP of the iceberg on what Republicans have done to disenfranchise primarily democratic voting citizens

Churches busing people to the polls is illegal political activity. That isn't a church, but a political action group in hiding.

If you can't get to the polls during the time period that the polls are open, you should not be voting because you are obviously mentally incompetent to handle your own affairs. All you have to do is get there before they close.

You liberals just like to parrot what some other liberal just makes up so that you will sound informed when all you do is confirm that liberalism is a mental defect.

Liberals don't just take the tip, they get the whole shaft and take it willingly.
The Black churches have done this for decades, and it happens AFTER church service is over.... AND no one is telling them who to vote for... simply providing transportation for people to get out and vote....

IF IT WERE ILLEGAL, Gvt would have charged them with a crime decades ago or even now...

But instead the scuzzy, slimy Republican Party have just passed laws to close the the polls on this Sunday of tradition....

I'm sorry, your side of the aisle has done nothing, but disenfranchise citizens of their's intentional disenfranchisement, and that is UNJUST to ALL Americans.

Hillary is 100% right on this issue.

So who is paying the government workers double time to provide this unnecessary convenience?
A signature has worked effectively for hundreds of years
Easier to get a fake ID than to fake a signature on the spot

you can't really believe that, I hope...

Voter signature has worked for hundreds of years.
I can go on the interweb and get a phony ID
I can't fake a signature in one try with someone watching me

Try getting a phony ID that will pass after the REAL ID changes took effect. Good luck with your prison sentence.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?
About 7% of the population does it

No, they don't. Only in liberal's addled brains does that happen.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

If they live in a nursing home, they can vote absentee ballot. What a maroon!
The argument is that requiring people to show a photo ID to vote is "intimidating." And I keep asking, Do these people who are supposedly "intimidated" never buy alcohol, never buy tobacco products, never fly on an airplane, never use a credit card at stores that verify ID before completing purchases, never rent cars, never open bank accounts, etc.? You need a valid photo ID to do all of those things. How are they able to do those things but suddenly feel "intimidated" when asked to show a photo ID to vote?
A signature has worked effectively for hundreds of years
Easier to get a fake ID than to fake a signature on the spot

How do you verify signatures? The voting rolls at the polling place do not have access to that information. My polling place is in a church basement. The only signature they have for me is on my voter registration card I filed at the county clerk's office when I registered to vote.

Over here, they do have signature check, but the last signature you gave is right next to the empty space for your new signature. So yes, if you were voting under a different name, you could get pretty close to signing the same way. Or........ you could come in with a cast or large bandage around your hand and falsely claim you were injured.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

If you don't know you're out of touch with reality. If you do, you're a liar. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.
The dumb ass is the symbol of your party..............those cuts were across the board..................your side continued these cuts even as you LABELED IT ALL FOR THE RICH...................IT wasn't..................your side LIED.................

And if your side is so great why are all the jobs leaving..............why is Obama pushing the TPP..........Why are businesses closing...........why are so many more on the dole..............

And so on................Your just pushing semantics and that's why I called it a trap.

The dumb ass is the symbol of your party..............those cuts were across the board..................your side continued these cuts even as you LABELED IT ALL FOR THE RICH...................IT wasn't..................your side LIED.................

And if your side is so great why are all the jobs leaving..............why is Obama pushing the TPP..........Why are businesses closing...........why are so many more on the dole..............

And so on................Your just pushing semantics and that's why I called it a trap.

Didn't the $430k-$400k have a higher percentage of savings that you have to pay for?
Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

If you want to use that ideology.........then blow up a balloon filled by average Americans Taxes and blow up another with the amount you are complaining about and compare.........One will be tiny.........the other will reach the sky.

Percentages roughly the same.............Someone who makes more keeps more.

So the wealthier kept more. Thank You, my point is made.
And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And on the flip side the Middle Class got cuts. Thank you, my point is made.

And the wealthier received a higher dollar amount, thus a greater benefit.
And you think the uninformed voters are even listening? I bet they couldn't even tell you who their Congress person or Senator is.

Let's see how informed you are; How many Republican politicians since 1970 have written, sponsored, or supported bills that help the middle class without giving more and special favors to the rich and wealthy? we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them. we go again.............If we say the Bush Tax Cuts helped the middle class you are going to say it was a Tax cut for the rich......and ignore that it helped the middle class with credits.........and later your own politicians are going to extend the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class while yelling out the other end on how it didn't help them.

The Bush tax cuts for families making over $450,000 and individuals making over $400,000 helped the rich/wealthy immensely, and the 'damn Democrats' got rid of it. But don't feel bad, the middle class is going to pay for the majority of the shortfall.

Point-Match, dumb-ass.
dont feel too bad, the middle class are the ones that will lose their insurance under the ACA.
Way to go democrats, I guess having millions of middle class families dying in the street is a good way of transferring their wealth down to the worthless.

dont feel too bad, the middle class are the ones that will lose their insurance under the ACA.
Way to go democrats, I guess having millions of middle class families dying in the street is a good way of transferring their wealth down to the worthless.

Everyone of my 520 employees have UHC-PPO. But then, I'm a responsible employer.
means you most likely get a higher caliber of employee too.
But what happens to them when single payer starts and you no longer are the one supplying their choices of coverage?
If you are paying a portion of their insurance now, will the amount you help them with be put into their paychecks to help them with their single payer rape?

But what happens to them when single payer starts and you no longer are the one supplying their choices of coverage?
If you are paying a portion of their insurance now, will the amount you help them with be put into their paychecks to help them with their single payer rape?

I doubt that's going to happen.
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.


Why? So people don't walk into a medical facility giving them fake names and addresses to skate the bill, that's why.
yes there are MILLIONS of American citizens that do not have a gvt issued photo id....


How Voter ID Laws Are Being Used to Disenfranchise Minorities and the Poor

Even though the Justice Department acted first in December in blocking a South Carolina voter-ID law, election law experts seem to agree that the Texas case is going to be the tip of the spear. Here's how the Justice Department responded when it reviewed Texas' new voter-ID law. Federal lawyers wrote:

[W]e conclude that the total number of registered voters who lack a driver's license or personal identification card issued by DPS could range from 603,892 to 795,955. The disparity between the percentages of Hispanics and non-Hispanics who lack these forms of identification ranges from 46.5 to 120.0 percent. That is, according to the state's own data, a Hispanic registered voter is at least 46.5 percent, and potentially 120.0 percent, more likely than a non-Hispanic registered voter to lack this identification. Even using the data most favorable to the state, Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver's license or a personal identification card issued by DPS, and that disparity is statistically significant.

There's more. As Brentin Mock wrote earlier this week at Colorlines, the practical reality of life in Texas makes it difficult, if not impossible, for people who want to comply with the new ID law to do so. Mock wrote:

Texas has no driver's license offices in almost a third of the state's counties. Meanwhile, close to 15 percent of Hispanic Texans living in counties without driver's license offices don't have ID. A little less than a quarter of driver's license offices have extended hours, which would make it tough for many working voters to find a place and time to acquire the IDs. Despite this, the Texas legislature struck an amendment that would have reimbursed low-income voters for travel expenses when going to apply for a voter ID, and killed another that would have required offices to remain open until 7:00 p.m. or later on just one weekday, and four or more hours at least two weekends.

The article was dated four years ago.

And let's be honest here: If you told anyone of these supposed people with no ID to vote that there was a $800.00 check waiting for them across the state, and all they needed was a valid ID to accept the check and cash it, it would take them less than 24 hours to obtain one and find transportation to get there.

The truth of the matter is that a good percentage of Democrat voters don't really care about voting. It's not a serious thing for them. If it's convenient, sure, they might vote, but it's not a priority or major concern.

It's my opinion that the biggest problem with our elections is we have too many uninformed voters. We have people that don't know left from right, conservative from liberal, or taxes and no taxes, and it's those people that vote Democrat.

Democrats heavily rely on uninformed voters. Don't believe me? Just check out how all inner-city voters vote. These are low educated people, many with low or no income, most who couldn't tell you who the vice-President is yet alone Speaker of the House.

Because these people are typically Democrat, of course Voter-ID affects them more than informed voters who take voting seriously.
see, you WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE citizens of their vote...

thanks for agreeing with what I said was republican's GOAL with all of this and being honest...:rolleyes:

How are you disenfranchising anybody if they are too lazy to comply with rules; if you don't make it overly convenient for them?

You see, disenfranchisement happens when you have two sets of rules. This is one set that everybody has to abide to regardless of age, gender, race or anything else.

so there's nothing intended to disenfranchise certain types of voters by allowing gun licenses to be acceptable ID but not college ID?

care to delude yourself further? or is it that you're just ok with lying?
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?

If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.


It was required as part of providing my personal information into the system. It's common practice whenever you initially go in to set up an appointment to establish your primary Doctor or require emergency care. Why are you so fearful of photo IDs? It's not like social security, you can't use any of that information towards any financial benefit.
If you don't drive do you need a photo ID?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

I've never shown my ID to see a Doctor. EVER.

1.3 million Americans live in nursing homes. How many need photo ID's?

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.

I have been required to show a photo ID as well as my insurance card when initially establishing a primary Doctor. I was even required to do so with an express care medical service.


Why? So people don't walk into a medical facility giving them fake names and addresses to skate the bill, that's why.

Exactly !!! Also, how else are they going to obtain an accurate medical history if you are acting shady about providing any personal information about yourself. Do you actually HAVE something to hide?
QUOTE="ShaklesOfBigGov, post: 13631163, member: 26151"]How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access.

Really? Like what? Please name these government facilities that require an ID for entrance. Typically, the kind of facility that requires an ID is not the kind of facility that most people ever need to enter.

The common types of government facilities that people ever have to use are court houses, police departments, Motor Vehicle Administration buildings, Social Security Administration offices, VA facilities, and things like that. I've never seen one of these require an ID to get into.

Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency.

Usually, yes. So what? What makes you assume that all people obtain library cards?

Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID.

Again, there is no reason to assume that all people are going to doctor's offices. Most poor don't have primary care doctors. On the other hand, someone may have had the same primary care physician for the past 15 years and subsequently lost their ID card last month when their wallet was stolen. So your argument here says exactly nothing.

You do realize of course that Obamacare has made it a mandate for everyone to have insurance, don't you? I know you're not that unintelligent. Why don't you show me where it is not necessary for a doctor to use a photo ID to obtain accurate personal information in establishing the need for medical care. How do you obtain a medical history that identified YOUR need to have prescription medications from a previously diagnosed medical condition, and you're not simply an addict seeking narcotics, without a photo ID accurately determining you are the individual you "claim" yourself to be? Are you honestly going to tell me that a highly trained physician with malpractice insurance, is simply going to hand you prescription medication because you bat your eyelashes, blow a kiss, and look honest enough? :lol:

Oh, and let's not forget those security measures implemented at schools today. If you are a relative that needs to pick up a child for a parent who is unable to do so due to work, you need to produce a Photo ID to determine you are who you say you are when putting your information into the database that allows you to pick up that child from school.

Sorry, you just can't escape it bud. Photo ID is here to stay!
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How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Democrats are stopping Blacks and Hispanics from the following.........

Prescription Drugs
Unemployment Benefits
Access to Government Buildings
Getting on Board an Airplane

By your own logic, you need to remove the ID requirement.
How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds
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Yes I'm sure many would say the same thing about red light cameras leading to suppression of an individual's driving rights, or gun regulations that inhibit an owners Constitutional rights. If people could be trusted and honest with respecting those rights, there wouldn't be a need to place measures to guarantee those rights are used responsibly.

It's interesting to see the party that loves to impose regulations and conditions on everyone else, has a whole different attitude when they see it from the other side.

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