Stupidity Of Hillary.Claims That Republicans Are Blocking Democrats From Voting?,Well,Explain How?

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.

You know, just when I think I've seen the dumbest post that can ever exist, someone on USMB goes and proves me wrong.

Pro tip: This isn't about Obamacare.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
You're right. One would have to be pretty brain dead to believe your claim that Clinton was ranting about Republicans stopping dead people, illegal aliens, and house pets from voting.

Got a link? Of course you don't.
So tell me something, rubes.

Since Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, what is the REAL purpose of Voter ID?

if Hillary had her way, she would allow dogs and cats to register as democrats in all swing states,,,hey,,,pets are people too!

Straw man fallacy. Manufactured bullshit. In short, a lie.

Ironic, coming from someone who just said you have to be brain dead to believe whatever that shit was in the OP.
Hillary is a coward, she could at least name the republicans who are stopping democrats from voting. then again,,all rats are coward when it comes to naming names when they make false accusations,,,like reid and pelosi!
I dont know how they do it in China when u probably have 250,000 people with the same name
Hillary is a coward, she could at least name the republicans who are stopping democrats from voting. then again,,all rats are coward when it comes to naming names when they make false accusations,,,like reid and pelosi!

False accusations? You mean like claiming, "If Hillary had her way, she would allow dogs and cats to register as democrats in all swing states"? Like that kind of cowardice?
You see what I mean when I say the Right has been hijacked by hypocrites. And liars. And retards.

This topic was started by someone who is all three!

You've shown one. Can you show two?

You're relying on an isolated case as basis for large scale plans. You might not be aware of this, but Wendy Rosen was actually reported to authorities by Democratic party leadership. When they got wind of it they turned her in. Clearly they don't support those behaviors.

Sure, there are isolated cases where voter fraud exists, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. There are isolated cases of gun violence, and we have laws to prosecute offenders. You want to make sweeping gun law changes just to go after isolated events?

Clearly there is nothing wrong with liberals supporting government mandating everyone carry health care, so we have individuals who normally would choose for themselves not to carry health insurance now having to budget their income to allow for premium costs. Nothing over reaching or wrong with the government forcing its position there. The left also doesn't see it as "suppression" when it's a discussion about government enforcing even further gun regulations on Americans. Yet despite health care premium costs, you and right winger don't believe an individual (by comparison) can afford $50 for a photo ID. That in fact voter IDs is the one government regulation enforcement that would break the camels back of an individual's rights. We can afford the government to enforce health care premiums on ALL Americans, but a $50 photo ID card is somehow government overreach. Please tell me you are kidding.

You know, just when I think I've seen the dumbest post that can ever exist, someone on USMB goes and proves me wrong.

Pro tip: This isn't about Obamacare.

Is that because the discussion is too complex for you to follow, or you can no longer find a strong enough response as to why voter ID amounts to voter suppression? Surely you know what a government enforced mandate is? Did that term stump you ??
what? something wrong with needing photo ID to vote?
Why do you want one? What's the purpose for it? The voter has already registered to vote, impersonating another voter at the polls just doesn't again, what is the purpose for needing a govt issued photo id at the voting booth, vs. using ones work or student id and an electric bill, or phone bill with your name and address on it to identify yourself?

YOU know the answer...your Party KNOWS WHY, simply to disenfranchise the people who are too poor or too young to own a car, or too old and too disabled to drive a car.... there is no other purpose.,,,BUT to keep primarily Democratic voting citizens from casting their vote.

So there are no poor or physically disabled Republicans; no Republicans that can't drive a car?

I think I'll stay a Republican. Imagine my savings on healthcare!!!!
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How do you obtain a library card, enter a government facility, schedule a visit to see your doctor, purchase alcohol, prove you are legal guardian to a child requiring state health insurance coverage, board a commercial airliner, all without a photo ID ?

1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds
Mobile Site Preview

Yes I'm sure many would say the same thing about red light cameras leading to suppression of an individual's driving rights, or gun regulations that inhibit an owners Constitutional rights. If people could be trusted and honest with respecting those rights, there wouldn't be a need to place measures to guarantee those rights are used responsibly.

It's interesting to see the party that loves to impose regulations and conditions on everyone else, has a whole different attitude when they see it from the other side.

Total bullshit

From your link......Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by

That does not mean that people vote twice. It means people move to another state and register in the new state and the old state does not remove them from the voting list

It is not voter fraud
That literally means my dad could vote in Indiana and then make a 1 hour drive to Louisville, Kentucky to vote again.

You think people don't do this?
1 - You don't typically need an ID to enter a government facility.

2 - What makes you think that one does any of those things in the first place?

How many people do you know that are able to enter a government base carrying no photo ID and gain access past security? All government facilities that include security, must have a photo ID to gain access. Every library where I wanted to obtain a card required a photo ID, and in some cases a piece of mail to establish residency. Take a flight or travel outside the country, sorry you need a phot ID there too. Need to make an initial visit to establish a primary Doctor provider, they need to see a photo ID. What about a drug test your employer requires? Yes, you need to produce a photo ID. Showing a photo ID has become a part of your personal identification in providing proof of who you are in preventing opportunities of fraud or eliminating security concerns, only those with something to hide seem to make a big issue with producing one.

You have a point

Lets provide every American with an iron clad photo and biometric ID first...and then require it for voting

But requiring it to vote while in some communities, 10% lack a photo ID is pure voter suppression

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds
Mobile Site Preview

Yes I'm sure many would say the same thing about red light cameras leading to suppression of an individual's driving rights, or gun regulations that inhibit an owners Constitutional rights. If people could be trusted and honest with respecting those rights, there wouldn't be a need to place measures to guarantee those rights are used responsibly.

It's interesting to see the party that loves to impose regulations and conditions on everyone else, has a whole different attitude when they see it from the other side.

Total bullshit

From your link......Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by

That does not mean that people vote twice. It means people move to another state and register in the new state and the old state does not remove them from the voting list

It is not voter fraud
That literally means my dad could vote in Indiana and then make a 1 hour drive to Louisville, Kentucky to vote again.

You think people don't do this?

Especially when they don't make an effort to notify their prior state. However, what's to stop you from utilizing a relative that lives in another state and making use of their address as part of your own in an attempt to establish another ballot residency? Without a driver's license, what verification process is in place to clearly identify and trace back which is your home residency?

Take that away. The left most often will simply state that government can't make everyone possess a driver's license in order to vote, such an action they say constitutes "suppression" of an individual's rights. That response is enough to make you chuckle, when you have to remind them that it's that same government which already forces all American's to carry health care. People who would desire the same "choice" NOT to have to pay premiums and carry insurance for whatever their reason, are now being forced into that decision by their government. So where is this "suppression" of one's individual rights exactly? They can't afford it? Those premiums liberals fully support through the establishment of Obamacare are higher than the $50 voter ID card the left is complaining about. It goes against an individual's Constitutional rights? Well the government is once again involved with that, through the enforcing of even more extensive background checks and cost from gun regulations than what's being proposed through voter IDs. When faced with those two facts, opponents like SwimExoert realize they have no viable argument, and so it basically shuts them up without much of a response.... outside of some insignificant remarks.

To be honest, there is no viable hindrance in obtaining a state voter ID or driver's license to establish a traceable means of residency, with a photo that accurately confirms their identity. Just when they think they have an argument, like the poor which can't afford one, you just have to remind them of that free cell phone they have tax payers footing the bill for.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.

Who is pushing for voter ID, so that the black and disadvantaged cannot vote? Who is the party that is continually being taken to court for drawing racist congressional boundaries?
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.

Who is pushing for voter ID, so that the black and disadvantaged cannot vote? Who is the party that is continually being taken to court for drawing racist congressional boundaries?
You are forcing people to buy healthcare, you have no argument against IDs anymore.
There are plenty of cases that could be taken to court in regards to Democrats destroying white voter districts, but unlike the Democrats the GOP is not a racialist party.
:stupid: By now we have all heard one of her most recent rants regarding how Republicans are blocking/stopping dead people, Hispanics, the disabled, black and brown people, illegal aliens, trans-gendered, the terminally stupid, house pets, etc. etc. from either registering to vote or just attempting to vote in the primaries. :eek-52::laugh2:

So how brain dead would anyone have to be to believe this?
Maybe Hillary needs to start naming the Republicans who are standing in front of precincts with baseball bats, and also explain how an individual is capable of preventing any legal American from either registering to vote, or just wait in line to vote? :poke:

Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.

Who is pushing for voter ID, so that the black and disadvantaged cannot vote? Who is the party that is continually being taken to court for drawing racist congressional boundaries?
You are forcing people to buy healthcare, you have no argument against IDs anymore.
There are plenty of cases that could be taken to court in regards to Democrats destroying white voter districts, but unlike the Democrats the GOP is not a racialist party.

Yes, they ALWAYS get the minority vote, huh?
Is that because the discussion is too complex for you to follow, or you can no longer find a strong enough response as to why voter ID amounts to voter suppression? Surely you know what a government enforced mandate is? Did that term stump you ??

Since Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, what is the REAL purpose of Voter ID?
Isn't the GOP number one in voter suppression?

Precisely! The GOP owes its very existence to Voter Suppression. That and Gerrymandering has kept them alive.
Democrats owe their party's existence to never ending racist politics, and they invented gerrymandering.

Who is pushing for voter ID, so that the black and disadvantaged cannot vote? Who is the party that is continually being taken to court for drawing racist congressional boundaries?
You are forcing people to buy healthcare, you have no argument against IDs anymore.
There are plenty of cases that could be taken to court in regards to Democrats destroying white voter districts, but unlike the Democrats the GOP is not a racialist party.

Yes, they ALWAYS get the minority vote, huh?
You are aware that is racist to assume "minorities" can't be racist, right?

As racial demographics change so does the demographics of racism and bigotry...
If only the GOP could keep the "Darkies" from voting, they may be able to win back the WH.

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