Sturgis Motorcycle Group dares antifa to counterprotest........


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
This is really funny stuff..........

So the notorius Sturgis Motorcycle group is daring antifa to show at their 2018 rally. No antifa group has responded yet.:popcorn:

Sturgis has provided a "Survival" guide for them in case they do show up!!:2up: Just hysterical......

I would pay to be a spectator at this event if some antifa guys showed!!
Antifa will always be a small group of anarchists, well funded by Soros and the like, but small. They will only attack where it is safe for them. Where the cops have been already ordered to stand down. They are really pussies and cowards.

Everyone in the US thinks they are unlawful terrorists except for the alt-left and the left wing media. They have no real support from anybody.
This is really funny stuff..........

So the notorius Sturgis Motorcycle group is daring antifa to show at their 2018 rally. No antifa group has responded yet.:popcorn:

Sturgis has provided a "Survival" guide for them in case they do show up!!:2up: Just hysterical......

I would pay to be a spectator at this event if some antifa guys showed!!

Yo...............Skooter the Ass DO realize that Sturgis is actually a gathering of a whole bunch of different motorcycle clubs and groups, as well as independent bikers, right? It's not "the notorious Sturgis Motorcycle Group". What's even funnier is that you are posting this as a fact, when your own link says that it's false.

Besides.................I can tell you from experience (been at Sturgis in 2001, 2002, and 2003), that even if they DID show up, there would be damn little room for them to do anything because there are bikes and people EVERYWHERE, with very little room to park or ride, unless you get out of Sturgis itself and go riding in the mountains. And, if one of them was stupid enough to knock over a bike, they would have their asses handed to them rather quickly.

Nope, not gonna ever happen, but keep dreaming if that is what makes you happy.;
This is really funny stuff..........

So the notorius Sturgis Motorcycle group is daring antifa to show at their 2018 rally. No antifa group has responded yet.:popcorn:

Sturgis has provided a "Survival" guide for them in case they do show up!!:2up: Just hysterical......

I would pay to be a spectator at this event if some antifa guys showed!!

Yo...............Skooter the Ass DO realize that Sturgis is actually a gathering of a whole bunch of different motorcycle clubs and groups, as well as independent bikers, right? It's not "the notorious Sturgis Motorcycle Group". What's even funnier is that you are posting this as a fact, when your own link says that it's false.

Besides.................I can tell you from experience (been at Sturgis in 2001, 2002, and 2003), that even if they DID show up, there would be damn little room for them to do anything because there are bikes and people EVERYWHERE, with very little room to park or ride, unless you get out of Sturgis itself and go riding in the mountains. And, if one of them was stupid enough to knock over a bike, they would have their asses handed to them rather quickly.

Nope, not gonna ever happen, but keep dreaming if that is what makes you happy.;

s0n......gotta read my post more carefully!! You echo my sentiments exactly...........if the snowflakes show up, its going to be a slaughter!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they wont............
This is really funny stuff..........

So the notorius Sturgis Motorcycle group is daring antifa to show at their 2018 rally. No antifa group has responded yet.:popcorn:

Sturgis has provided a "Survival" guide for them in case they do show up!!:2up: Just hysterical......

I would pay to be a spectator at this event if some antifa guys showed!!

Yo...............Skooter the Ass DO realize that Sturgis is actually a gathering of a whole bunch of different motorcycle clubs and groups, as well as independent bikers, right? It's not "the notorious Sturgis Motorcycle Group". What's even funnier is that you are posting this as a fact, when your own link says that it's false.

Besides.................I can tell you from experience (been at Sturgis in 2001, 2002, and 2003), that even if they DID show up, there would be damn little room for them to do anything because there are bikes and people EVERYWHERE, with very little room to park or ride, unless you get out of Sturgis itself and go riding in the mountains. And, if one of them was stupid enough to knock over a bike, they would have their asses handed to them rather quickly.

Nope, not gonna ever happen, but keep dreaming if that is what makes you happy.;

s0n......gotta read my post more carefully!! You echo my sentiments exactly...........if the snowflakes show up, its going to be a slaughter!! Dollar to a thousand stale donuts they wont............

Um................not only do you need to read MY posts more carefully, you should also read your own links that you post a bit more carefully as well. The link you posted about this happening has been rated "false".

Wanna try again?
Why would antifa, jackasses that they are, show up in Sturgis?

They wouldn't unless there were a group of NAZI shitheads holding a rally. Is that what happens at Sturgis? I don't think so.

I don't recall seeing any nazis either time I went to Sturgis. Saw some folks having a great time. Saw big crowds. Saw plenty of bare titties at some of the parties. But no nazis.
Why would antifa, jackasses that they are, show up in Sturgis?

They wouldn't unless there were a group of NAZI shitheads holding a rally. Is that what happens at Sturgis? I don't think so.

I don't recall seeing any nazis either time I went to Sturgis. Saw some folks having a great time. Saw big crowds. Saw plenty of bare titties at some of the parties. But no nazis.

That's my impression of the type of crowd who shows up there. Same down here in Daytona.

For some reason, Trombies believe that bikers are all racists and bigots. Maybe it's all the tatoos and skull imagery? Trombies are, after all, imbeciles.
Why would antifa, jackasses that they are, show up in Sturgis?

They wouldn't unless there were a group of NAZI shitheads holding a rally. Is that what happens at Sturgis? I don't think so.

I don't recall seeing any nazis either time I went to Sturgis. Saw some folks having a great time. Saw big crowds. Saw plenty of bare titties at some of the parties. But no nazis.

That's my impression of the type of crowd who shows up there. Same down here in Daytona.

For some reason, Trombies believe that bikers are all racists and bigots. Maybe it's all the tatoos and skull imagery? Trombies are, after all, imbeciles.

Yeah, the tatts are probably why they think they are racists. Laughable once you get to know the bikers.
Antifa will always be a small group of anarchists, well funded by Soros and the like, but small. They will only attack where it is safe for them. Where the cops have been already ordered to stand down. They are really pussies and cowards.

Everyone in the US thinks they are unlawful terrorists except for the alt-left and the left wing media. They have no real support from anybody.

Like when they attacked a defenseless statue in Durham, NC. That was safe for them because the statue couldn't fight back.
This is really funny stuff..........

So the notorius Sturgis Motorcycle group is daring antifa to show at their 2018 rally. No antifa group has responded yet.:popcorn:

Sturgis has provided a "Survival" guide for them in case they do show up!!:2up: Just hysterical......

I would pay to be a spectator at this event if some antifa guys showed!!
What is there worth protesting at Surgis?
Why would antifa, jackasses that they are, show up in Sturgis?

They wouldn't unless there were a group of NAZI shitheads holding a rally. Is that what happens at Sturgis? I don't think so.

I don't recall seeing any nazis either time I went to Sturgis. Saw some folks having a great time. Saw big crowds. Saw plenty of bare titties at some of the parties. But no nazis.

That's my impression of the type of crowd who shows up there. Same down here in Daytona.

For some reason, Trombies believe that bikers are all racists and bigots. Maybe it's all the tatoos and skull imagery? Trombies are, after all, imbeciles.

Yeah, the tatts are probably why they think they are racists. Laughable once you get to know the bikers.
Some of the nicest people...
Antifa are a bunch of cowards! Sure they'll throw punches at girls and throw piss at cops.
I'd LOVE to see some of them walk into a biker bar and start running their mouths!
Why would antifa, jackasses that they are, show up in Sturgis?

They wouldn't unless there were a group of NAZI shitheads holding a rally. Is that what happens at Sturgis? I don't think so.

The defenseless statue ILLEGALLY torn down in Durham NC was hold a rally?

Hey, retard! That wasn't Antifa. That was a group of kids who said "fuck this shit" and tore that fucker down.

Oh, the they weren't BLM they were just at the BLM rally mindset?

If it quacks like a duck.

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