First Covid-19 Death Linked To Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Reported In Minnesota

People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

Well we know where the false Catholic Colbert stands. They will get theirs someday. Its always good to get the comedy shill's views. I am so glad that none of the rioters have come down with anything. Its a miracle I tell you.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

One death confirmed out of how many people who attended?

How about condemning all the protests/riots out there as spreader events?

How about you get Biden's dick out your mouth?
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

Washington post article.
Might as well be The Enquirer.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

did you read it? hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha can't make it up. HEY STUPID FK, IT SAYS UNDERLYING CONDITIONS, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? fk, can't make up your kind of stupid or theirs. you really hate your fellow man. you're full of spite.

BTW, did his underlying condition offend you? did it reach out and destroy your life? what was it that offended you so much? You let spite affect you.

I saw that you dumb fuck, something he has probably lived with for years and could have lived many more year. . Covid killed him. You stupid fuckers can't get this through your pea brains. Who did he spread it to when he got back from Sturgis?

One death out of how many people attending?

So we should all hide in our basements until 20 years from now it's not a threat anymore?

What a fucking chicken little you are. FOAD
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

One death so far out of how many attendees?
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

Just One death? From an elderly man with other issues? This doesn't help your case dear--this is actually proving that the virus isn't as deadly as the dems have been screaming that it is. All those people exposed and 1 death-----------so this also makes me wonder why so many deaths in the dem controlled nursing homes and not in the republican ones? Cuomo and crew must have worked really really hard to get people to die from this disease that they were purposely spreading around.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

Yep, and how many will die from the RNC.

Yup and the many other events that trump is having around the nation.

He is going to cause the virus to keep spreading uncontrolled.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

So total and unlimited lockdown?

How about you hide in your basement for 2 years and don't come out?
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

Yep, and how many will die from the RNC.

Yup and the many other events that trump is having around the nation.

He is going to cause the virus to keep spreading uncontrolled.

Yet protests and riots don't spread it...

Fuck off you lying hack. FOAD.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

Especially if they are jews, right you Nazi bitch?
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

Especially if they are jews, right you Nazi bitch?

I could careless even if they are black, like Herman Cain.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

I have sympathy for those they infect. For those they leave behind. For the lives that are destroyed.

I feel sympathy for all of us who are kept under shutdowns because the stupid people can't put the nation before their own selfishness.

I feel sympathy for all of us who are banned from going to any other developed nation in the world. We are cut off from the rest of the world. We can't leave America. We can't even go to Hawaii without facing a 2 week quarantine.

None of it had to happen.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

Yep, and how many will die from the RNC.

Yup and the many other events that trump is having around the nation.

He is going to cause the virus to keep spreading uncontrolled.

So what's your thoughts on protests and lack of social distance?

Hint: You're digging your own grave
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

C'mon Dana - In Trumptardia, Mo Death = Mo BETTA!!
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

Especially if they are jews, right you Nazi bitch?

I could careless even if they are black, like Herman Cain.

I kinda liked Pizza Guy - And SO DID RUMP!!

People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

Especially if they are jews, right you Nazi bitch?

If Jews were stupid enough.
People were warned. It was being called a super spreader event at the time.

Now the first death from it has been reported. There will be more. How many more have to die?

People got the virus there, went home and spread it all around where they live. Great. Just the thing to keep this virus alive and killing people needlessly.

The first of many and entirely predictable. I mean, what could have possibly gone wrong?
Colbert explains:

trump has and is still having his own super spreader events.

It will guarantee that the virus stays alive, killing many more American needlessly. It will also guarantee that our economy doesn't recover. It also guarantees that no American can travel internationally for a long time.

These stupid people keep making this worse.

I have no sympathy for anyone going to these events if they get hospitalized or die. Sorry but they themselves deserve whatever they get.

Especially if they are jews, right you Nazi bitch?

If Jews were stupid enough.

Lol, FOAD you nazi twat.

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