Subliminal manipulation: "the best words"

“Trump has simply tapped into…the feeling that many white males have long held about being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country.”

Not ‘tapped into,’ rather, he’s exploiting those unwarranted feelings.

What people might feel or perceive may seem real to them, although such feelings and perceptions have no basis in reality and are devoid of fact or merit.

Trump knows this perception is false as well, as no one is treating white males as “2nd class citizens,” hence the exploitation.

And that minorities and women are no longer subject to discrimination and given equal opportunities in the workplace and classroom likewise does not manifest as white males being treated like “2nd class citizens,” which represents the fear, ignorance, and bigotry that exists among many of Trump’s supporters, and that Trump is also seeking to exploit.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.
You're right, of course, about Trump speaking to us like we're third graders. I have often wondered if some of Obama's unpopularity is because he is so "the professor" and speaks to us as if we understand from whence he speaks, at his level. A lot of people haven't got a clue what he's going on about. He'd be a great professor, but I wonder if he overestimated the intelligence of the American populace--or just decided he didn't give a damn about the ones who don't get it?

Or setting an example by elevating the conversation.
Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.

Well I thought about making this point in the OP but refrained, knowing it would manifest itself ---- check out the reading level in this post above. 'Nuff said.

You can always count on Red or one of his cohorts to provide timely examples from the discussion at hand.
Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.

Well I thought about making this point in the OP but refrained, knowing it would manifest itself ---- check out the reading level in this post above. 'Nuff said.

screw yourself, you pompous asshole. My reading level is so far above yours that we are not on the same planet.

You talk good Red.
Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.

Well I thought about making this point in the OP but refrained, knowing it would manifest itself ---- check out the reading level in this post above. 'Nuff said.

screw yourself, you pompous asshole. My reading level is so far above yours that we are not on the same planet.

You talk good Red.

Thanks, and I tell it like it is. You fricken libs live in some kind of fantasy universe, but your universe in imploding, its over, we tried your bullshit and it failed. Time to get back to reality.
“Trump has simply tapped into…the feeling that many white males have long held about being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country.”

Not ‘tapped into,’ rather, he’s exploiting those unwarranted feelings.

What people might feel or perceive may seem real to them, although such feelings and perceptions have no basis in reality and are devoid of fact or merit.

Trump knows this perception is false as well, as no one is treating white males as “2nd class citizens,” hence the exploitation.

And that minorities and women are no longer subject to discrimination and given equal opportunities in the workplace and classroom likewise does not manifest as white males being treated like “2nd class citizens,” which represents the fear, ignorance, and bigotry that exists among many of Trump’s supporters, and that Trump is also seeking to exploit.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.
Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.
Not only are you a tedious rightwing blind partisan hack completely devoid of objectivity, but like most cowards on the right rather than address the topic you try to hide behind a red herring fallacy.

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.

The topic has nothing in the world to do with "Obama". I have been noticing whenever Rump is the subject in a critical light, his sycophants fall all over themselves to change the subject to "Hillary", "Obama", "Democrats" or even "Bill Clinton" who isn't even running. Anything to take the spotlight off Rump.

Ad that's eloquent, since it demonstrates that deep down these sycophants know the criticism is valid, they would rather not face it, and they'd prefer that nobody else face it either, therefore let's hurry up and change the subject because the golden idol is tarnished.
“Trump has simply tapped into…the feeling that many white males have long held about being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country.”

Not ‘tapped into,’ rather, he’s exploiting those unwarranted feelings.

What people might feel or perceive may seem real to them, although such feelings and perceptions have no basis in reality and are devoid of fact or merit.

Trump knows this perception is false as well, as no one is treating white males as “2nd class citizens,” hence the exploitation.

And that minorities and women are no longer subject to discrimination and given equal opportunities in the workplace and classroom likewise does not manifest as white males being treated like “2nd class citizens,” which represents the fear, ignorance, and bigotry that exists among many of Trump’s supporters, and that Trump is also seeking to exploit.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.

then why do you support her?
Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.
Not only are you a tedious rightwing blind partisan hack completely devoid of objectivity, but like most cowards on the right rather than address the topic you try to hide behind a red herring fallacy.

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.

The topic has nothing in the world to do with "Obama". I have been noticing whenever Rump is the subject in a critical light, his sycophants fall all over themselves to change the subject to "Hillary", "Obama", "Democrats" or even "Bill Clinton" who isn't even running. Anything to take the spotlight off Rump.

Ad that's eloquent, since it demonstrates that deep down these sycophants know the criticism is valid, they would rather not face it, and they'd prefer that nobody else face it either, therefore let's hurry up and change the subject because the golden idol is tarnished.

The OP is about Obama, fool. Its about how wonderfully brilliant he is and how his rhetoric is above the common people who are too ignorant to comprehend what the Kenyan messiah is actually saying.

Let me put it is simple language for you: Obama is a traitor and a liar.
I don't remember any more where I read it, maybe ten years ago, but the point was made that George W. Bush knows perfectly well how to pronounce the word "nuclear" and the "nukyulur" line was contrived by Karl Rove as another emotional persuasion tool.

And yeah that is sad in its profound cynicism.
Cynicism? I always have hope for us. Not so sure about Bush and 'nukyulur,' though. Southerners have a hard time with some of 'dem words. Ever hear Paula Dean pronounce "oil?"

No. Does she say "earl"?

Ah well that's the Coil-Curl Merger, a speech form found around various regions especially in the South. You can't live in New Orleans or Brooklyn without hearing it...

>> The coilcurl merger is a vowel merger that historically occurred in some dialects of English. It is particularly associated with the early twentieth-century (but now extinct or moribund) dialects of New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Charleston, South Carolina.[16] In fact, in speakers born before World War I, this merger apparently predominated throughout older Southern U.S. speech, ranging from "South Carolina to Texas and north to eastern Arkansas and the southern edge of Kentucky."[17]

The merger caused the vowel classes associated with the General American phonemes /ɔɪ/, as in choice, and /ɝ/, as in nurse, to merge, making words like coil and curl, as well as voice and verse, homophones. The merged vowel was typically a diphthong [əɪ], with a mid central starting point (though sometimes [ɜɪ]), rather than the back rounded starting point of /ɔɪ/ of choice in most other accents of English. The merger happened only before a consonant; stir and boy never rhymed.[18]

The merger is responsible for the "Brooklynese" stereotypes of bird sounding like boid and thirty-third sounding like toity-toid. The songwriter Sam M. Lewis, a native New Yorker, rhymed returning with joining in the lyrics of the English-language version of Gloomy Sunday. << --- Wiki: History of English Diphthongs

I saw a particularly memorable example of this in a New Orleans convention, where an A/V tech was advising his company that a presenter wanted, either a laser pointer or a laser printer. In the New Orleans "Ninth Ward" expression of the Coil-Curl Merger, "pointer" is pronounced "pernter" and "printer" is pronounced "pernter". In other words they're homonyms, no difference. This poor tech kept repeating "laser pernter" over and over and no one could figure out which one he meant.

But that's a regional speech pattern, doesn't sound like it's an intentional put-on. On the other hand we'll often hear a musician playing blues music intentionally put on the same thing "Ah woik so hahd...." in an effort to sound authentic, mimicking the same speech pattern of the blues originators in the Mississippi Delta. Even if said singer is from England.

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

"ah aint no ways tarred" translation: I am not tired.

Sure. Been here before.

That myth comes from a dishonest Fox Noise edit. The part they cut off was the intro to what she was saying at the time:
0:33 here ---

----- it's the exact lyric of a gospel song, word for word. Hillary didn't write the lyric; Curtis Burrell did. And James Cleveland made it famous --- at least among those who follow gospel music.

Recited verbatim, even down to the redundant "from where I started from". It's exactly how the song is written. I linked the lyrics just above; you can read it along with her. Literally.

Now Fox Noise cut the intro off and made it look like Hillary was contriving something. Knowing what you see above, here's how Fox Noise set it up:

They're playing their audience like a cheap banjo. But there it is, and that's what it always was. After this she quotes a Bible passage --- shall we conclude she's "contriving an Aramaic dialect"?

Anybody who looks at this with the required critical eye can see the bullshit a mile away, or rather hear it. Listen to how she pronounces the word "far". That's a Chicago twang she can't get rid of --- not in any way a "Southern drawl". You would literally have to have no idea what a "Southern drawl" is to hear that and buy the way Fox Noise tried to sell it. By deliberately cutting out the context and dishonestly setting it up as an "accent" --- they create a myth.

In an apparent desperation edit they even spliced in another passage from a completely different part of the speech, apparently trying to sell the glottal stop in "Trenton New Jersey" as if it's a Southern drawl. I grew up in that area and I already know "Trenton" IS pronounced locally with a glottal stop. But again, Fox Noise counts on viewer ignorance.

So it's actually on the topic here of subliminal psycho-manipulation that Fox Noise would deliberately misrepresent what would otherwise be a forgettable recitation as if it were some "fake accent". The purpose of this is to stir emotions, for the purpose of amassing ratings. And those of you who buy it are the pawns.

Thanks for bringing this up -- not only does it tie in with the whole pshycho-manipulation, it says far more about how the mass media engages in it for its own profit.
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“Trump has simply tapped into…the feeling that many white males have long held about being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country.”

Not ‘tapped into,’ rather, he’s exploiting those unwarranted feelings.

What people might feel or perceive may seem real to them, although such feelings and perceptions have no basis in reality and are devoid of fact or merit.

Trump knows this perception is false as well, as no one is treating white males as “2nd class citizens,” hence the exploitation.

And that minorities and women are no longer subject to discrimination and given equal opportunities in the workplace and classroom likewise does not manifest as white males being treated like “2nd class citizens,” which represents the fear, ignorance, and bigotry that exists among many of Trump’s supporters, and that Trump is also seeking to exploit.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.

then why do you support her?

And while we're at it have you stopped beating your wife?

I didn't correct the record above because it's Hillary Clinton. I corrected it because it's a classic and easily-exposed example of subliminal media manipulation and because that manipulation is deliberately dishonest. By demonstrating that we advance the whole point of this thread, which is to launch a critical eye to what those who mass-communicate are saying, exactly WHY they're saying it the way they are, and what they have to gain from saying it that way. In other words --- what's in it for them.
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Trump talks like the majority of americans talk. He is not PC. He says things using the terms that average americans use.

You can deride that if you like, but its called communicating and its very effective. Sanders is doing the same thing from the far left side, and its working for him too.

Why is that? Could it be that our educational system and our media and entertainment industries have produced a generation of functional illiterates? Probably.

But as ignorant as many americans are, they do understand lying and corruption-------------and will not vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a proven liar and a corrupt human being.
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.
Not only are you a tedious rightwing blind partisan hack completely devoid of objectivity, but like most cowards on the right rather than address the topic you try to hide behind a red herring fallacy.

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.

The topic has nothing in the world to do with "Obama". I have been noticing whenever Rump is the subject in a critical light, his sycophants fall all over themselves to change the subject to "Hillary", "Obama", "Democrats" or even "Bill Clinton" who isn't even running. Anything to take the spotlight off Rump.

Ad that's eloquent, since it demonstrates that deep down these sycophants know the criticism is valid, they would rather not face it, and they'd prefer that nobody else face it either, therefore let's hurry up and change the subject because the golden idol is tarnished.

If you had paid attention you would know that I was responding to this post from old lady

" I have often wondered if some of Obama's unpopularity is because he is so "the professor" and speaks to us as if we understand from whence he speaks, at his level. A lot of people haven't got a clue what he's going on about. He'd be a great professor, but I wonder if he overestimated the intelligence of the American populace--or just decided he didn't give a damn about the ones who don't get it? "
Cynicism? I always have hope for us. Not so sure about Bush and 'nukyulur,' though. Southerners have a hard time with some of 'dem words. Ever hear Paula Dean pronounce "oil?"

No. Does she say "earl"?

Ah well that's the Coil-Curl Merger, a speech form found around various regions especially in the South. You can't live in New Orleans or Brooklyn without hearing it...

>> The coilcurl merger is a vowel merger that historically occurred in some dialects of English. It is particularly associated with the early twentieth-century (but now extinct or moribund) dialects of New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Charleston, South Carolina.[16] In fact, in speakers born before World War I, this merger apparently predominated throughout older Southern U.S. speech, ranging from "South Carolina to Texas and north to eastern Arkansas and the southern edge of Kentucky."[17]

The merger caused the vowel classes associated with the General American phonemes /ɔɪ/, as in choice, and /ɝ/, as in nurse, to merge, making words like coil and curl, as well as voice and verse, homophones. The merged vowel was typically a diphthong [əɪ], with a mid central starting point (though sometimes [ɜɪ]), rather than the back rounded starting point of /ɔɪ/ of choice in most other accents of English. The merger happened only before a consonant; stir and boy never rhymed.[18]

The merger is responsible for the "Brooklynese" stereotypes of bird sounding like boid and thirty-third sounding like toity-toid. The songwriter Sam M. Lewis, a native New Yorker, rhymed returning with joining in the lyrics of the English-language version of Gloomy Sunday. << --- Wiki: History of English Diphthongs

I saw a particularly memorable example of this in a New Orleans convention, where an A/V tech was advising his company that a presenter wanted, either a laser pointer or a laser printer. In the New Orleans "Ninth Ward" expression of the Coil-Curl Merger, "pointer" is pronounced "pernter" and "printer" is pronounced "pernter". In other words they're homonyms, no difference. This poor tech kept repeating "laser pernter" over and over and no one could figure out which one he meant.

But that's a regional speech pattern, doesn't sound like it's an intentional put-on. On the other hand we'll often hear a musician playing blues music intentionally put on the same thing "Ah woik so hahd...." in an effort to sound authentic, mimicking the same speech pattern of the blues originators in the Mississippi Delta. Even if said singer is from England.

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

"ah aint no ways tarred" translation: I am not tired.

Sure. Been here before.

That myth comes from a dishonest Fox Noise edit. The part they cut off was the intro to what she was saying at the time:
0:33 here ---

----- it's the exact lyric of a gospel song, word for word. Hillary didn't write the lyric; Curtis Burrell did. And James Cleveland made it famous --- at least among those who follow gospel music.

Recited verbatim, even down to the redundant "from where I started from". It's exactly how the song is written. I linked the lyrics just above; you can read it along with her. Literally.

Now Fox Noise cut the intro off and made it look like Hillary was contriving something. Knowing what you see above, here's how Fox Noise set it up:

They're playing their audience like a cheap banjo. But there it is, and that's what it always was. After this she quotes a Bible passage --- shall we conclude she's "contriving an Aramaic dialect"?

Anybody who looks at this with the required critical eye can see the bullshit a mile away, or rather hear it. Listen to how she pronounces the word "far". That's a Chicago twang she can't get rid of --- not in any way a "Southern drawl". You would literally have to have no idea what a "Southern drawl" is to hear that and buy the way Fox Noise tried to sell it. By deliberately cutting out the context and dishonestly setting it up as an "accent" --- they create a myth.

In an apparent desperation edit they even spliced in another passage from a completely different part of the speech, apparently trying to sell the glottal stop in "Trenton New Jersey" as if it's a Southern drawl. I grew up in that area and I already know "Trenton" IS pronounced locally with a glottal stop. But again, Fox Noise counts on viewer ignorance.

So it's actually on the topic here of subliminal psycho-manipulation that Fox Noise would deliberately misrepresent what would otherwise be a forgettable recitation as if it were some "fake accent". The purpose of this is to stir emotions, for the purpose of amassing ratings. And those of you who buy it are the pawns.

Thanks for bringing this up -- not only does it tie in with the whole pshycho-manipulation, it says far more about how the mass media engages in it for its own profit.

she was pandering, deal with it.
“Trump has simply tapped into…the feeling that many white males have long held about being treated as 2nd class citizens in this country.”

Not ‘tapped into,’ rather, he’s exploiting those unwarranted feelings.

What people might feel or perceive may seem real to them, although such feelings and perceptions have no basis in reality and are devoid of fact or merit.

Trump knows this perception is false as well, as no one is treating white males as “2nd class citizens,” hence the exploitation.

And that minorities and women are no longer subject to discrimination and given equal opportunities in the workplace and classroom likewise does not manifest as white males being treated like “2nd class citizens,” which represents the fear, ignorance, and bigotry that exists among many of Trump’s supporters, and that Trump is also seeking to exploit.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.

then why do you support her?

And while we're at it have you stopped beating your wife?

I didn't correct the record above because it's Hillary Clinton. I corrected it because it's a classic and easily-exposed example of subliminal media manipulation and because that manipulation is deliberately dishonest. By demonstrating that we advance the whole point of this thread, which is to launch a critical eye to what those who mass-communicate are saying, exactly WHY they're saying it the way they are, and what they have to gain from saying it that way. In other words --- what's in it for them.

did you just figure that out?

by the way, are you still on crack cocaine? yes or no.
No. Does she say "earl"?

Ah well that's the Coil-Curl Merger, a speech form found around various regions especially in the South. You can't live in New Orleans or Brooklyn without hearing it...

>> The coilcurl merger is a vowel merger that historically occurred in some dialects of English. It is particularly associated with the early twentieth-century (but now extinct or moribund) dialects of New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Charleston, South Carolina.[16] In fact, in speakers born before World War I, this merger apparently predominated throughout older Southern U.S. speech, ranging from "South Carolina to Texas and north to eastern Arkansas and the southern edge of Kentucky."[17]

The merger caused the vowel classes associated with the General American phonemes /ɔɪ/, as in choice, and /ɝ/, as in nurse, to merge, making words like coil and curl, as well as voice and verse, homophones. The merged vowel was typically a diphthong [əɪ], with a mid central starting point (though sometimes [ɜɪ]), rather than the back rounded starting point of /ɔɪ/ of choice in most other accents of English. The merger happened only before a consonant; stir and boy never rhymed.[18]

The merger is responsible for the "Brooklynese" stereotypes of bird sounding like boid and thirty-third sounding like toity-toid. The songwriter Sam M. Lewis, a native New Yorker, rhymed returning with joining in the lyrics of the English-language version of Gloomy Sunday. << --- Wiki: History of English Diphthongs

I saw a particularly memorable example of this in a New Orleans convention, where an A/V tech was advising his company that a presenter wanted, either a laser pointer or a laser printer. In the New Orleans "Ninth Ward" expression of the Coil-Curl Merger, "pointer" is pronounced "pernter" and "printer" is pronounced "pernter". In other words they're homonyms, no difference. This poor tech kept repeating "laser pernter" over and over and no one could figure out which one he meant.

But that's a regional speech pattern, doesn't sound like it's an intentional put-on. On the other hand we'll often hear a musician playing blues music intentionally put on the same thing "Ah woik so hahd...." in an effort to sound authentic, mimicking the same speech pattern of the blues originators in the Mississippi Delta. Even if said singer is from England.

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

"ah aint no ways tarred" translation: I am not tired.

Sure. Been here before.

That myth comes from a dishonest Fox Noise edit. The part they cut off was the intro to what she was saying at the time:
0:33 here ---

----- it's the exact lyric of a gospel song, word for word. Hillary didn't write the lyric; Curtis Burrell did. And James Cleveland made it famous --- at least among those who follow gospel music.

Recited verbatim, even down to the redundant "from where I started from". It's exactly how the song is written. I linked the lyrics just above; you can read it along with her. Literally.

Now Fox Noise cut the intro off and made it look like Hillary was contriving something. Knowing what you see above, here's how Fox Noise set it up:

They're playing their audience like a cheap banjo. But there it is, and that's what it always was. After this she quotes a Bible passage --- shall we conclude she's "contriving an Aramaic dialect"?

Anybody who looks at this with the required critical eye can see the bullshit a mile away, or rather hear it. Listen to how she pronounces the word "far". That's a Chicago twang she can't get rid of --- not in any way a "Southern drawl". You would literally have to have no idea what a "Southern drawl" is to hear that and buy the way Fox Noise tried to sell it. By deliberately cutting out the context and dishonestly setting it up as an "accent" --- they create a myth.

In an apparent desperation edit they even spliced in another passage from a completely different part of the speech, apparently trying to sell the glottal stop in "Trenton New Jersey" as if it's a Southern drawl. I grew up in that area and I already know "Trenton" IS pronounced locally with a glottal stop. But again, Fox Noise counts on viewer ignorance.

So it's actually on the topic here of subliminal psycho-manipulation that Fox Noise would deliberately misrepresent what would otherwise be a forgettable recitation as if it were some "fake accent". The purpose of this is to stir emotions, for the purpose of amassing ratings. And those of you who buy it are the pawns.

Thanks for bringing this up -- not only does it tie in with the whole pshycho-manipulation, it says far more about how the mass media engages in it for its own profit.

she was pandering, deal with it.

You just moved your own goalposts, deal with it.

She was pandering in citing a popular gospel song lyric that the audience would respond to, sure. As all politicians or for that matter all inspirational speakers or even sports play-by-play announcers do. But that wasn't what you invited me to comment on. You said, and I quote ---

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

So I put that to rest, and proved my case. Now you want to change your question after the answer's already been laid out.

Indeed. And clearly Rump, a white male (well, to be accurate, an orange one) is not treated as a "second class citizen". Actually the problem is that he's treated as the very opposite of that. On the basis of absolutely nothing but incessant attention-whoring.

Which boggles the mind, that those on the lower rungs are so steeped in self-delusion as to entertain the thought, "hey, this guy thinks like I do". :lol:

Wellllllll no he doesn't. Not even remotely close.

Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.

then why do you support her?

And while we're at it have you stopped beating your wife?

I didn't correct the record above because it's Hillary Clinton. I corrected it because it's a classic and easily-exposed example of subliminal media manipulation and because that manipulation is deliberately dishonest. By demonstrating that we advance the whole point of this thread, which is to launch a critical eye to what those who mass-communicate are saying, exactly WHY they're saying it the way they are, and what they have to gain from saying it that way. In other words --- what's in it for them.

did you just figure that out?

by the way, are you still on crack cocaine? yes or no.

I asked you, and I quote, "Where?". Haven't seen an answer yet. A quote. A link. A thread. Anything you got, bring it.

Ah well that's the Coil-Curl Merger, a speech form found around various regions especially in the South. You can't live in New Orleans or Brooklyn without hearing it...

>> The coilcurl merger is a vowel merger that historically occurred in some dialects of English. It is particularly associated with the early twentieth-century (but now extinct or moribund) dialects of New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Charleston, South Carolina.[16] In fact, in speakers born before World War I, this merger apparently predominated throughout older Southern U.S. speech, ranging from "South Carolina to Texas and north to eastern Arkansas and the southern edge of Kentucky."[17]

The merger caused the vowel classes associated with the General American phonemes /ɔɪ/, as in choice, and /ɝ/, as in nurse, to merge, making words like coil and curl, as well as voice and verse, homophones. The merged vowel was typically a diphthong [əɪ], with a mid central starting point (though sometimes [ɜɪ]), rather than the back rounded starting point of /ɔɪ/ of choice in most other accents of English. The merger happened only before a consonant; stir and boy never rhymed.[18]

The merger is responsible for the "Brooklynese" stereotypes of bird sounding like boid and thirty-third sounding like toity-toid. The songwriter Sam M. Lewis, a native New Yorker, rhymed returning with joining in the lyrics of the English-language version of Gloomy Sunday. << --- Wiki: History of English Diphthongs

I saw a particularly memorable example of this in a New Orleans convention, where an A/V tech was advising his company that a presenter wanted, either a laser pointer or a laser printer. In the New Orleans "Ninth Ward" expression of the Coil-Curl Merger, "pointer" is pronounced "pernter" and "printer" is pronounced "pernter". In other words they're homonyms, no difference. This poor tech kept repeating "laser pernter" over and over and no one could figure out which one he meant.

But that's a regional speech pattern, doesn't sound like it's an intentional put-on. On the other hand we'll often hear a musician playing blues music intentionally put on the same thing "Ah woik so hahd...." in an effort to sound authentic, mimicking the same speech pattern of the blues originators in the Mississippi Delta. Even if said singer is from England.

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

"ah aint no ways tarred" translation: I am not tired.

Sure. Been here before.

That myth comes from a dishonest Fox Noise edit. The part they cut off was the intro to what she was saying at the time:
0:33 here ---

----- it's the exact lyric of a gospel song, word for word. Hillary didn't write the lyric; Curtis Burrell did. And James Cleveland made it famous --- at least among those who follow gospel music.

Recited verbatim, even down to the redundant "from where I started from". It's exactly how the song is written. I linked the lyrics just above; you can read it along with her. Literally.

Now Fox Noise cut the intro off and made it look like Hillary was contriving something. Knowing what you see above, here's how Fox Noise set it up:

They're playing their audience like a cheap banjo. But there it is, and that's what it always was. After this she quotes a Bible passage --- shall we conclude she's "contriving an Aramaic dialect"?

Anybody who looks at this with the required critical eye can see the bullshit a mile away, or rather hear it. Listen to how she pronounces the word "far". That's a Chicago twang she can't get rid of --- not in any way a "Southern drawl". You would literally have to have no idea what a "Southern drawl" is to hear that and buy the way Fox Noise tried to sell it. By deliberately cutting out the context and dishonestly setting it up as an "accent" --- they create a myth.

In an apparent desperation edit they even spliced in another passage from a completely different part of the speech, apparently trying to sell the glottal stop in "Trenton New Jersey" as if it's a Southern drawl. I grew up in that area and I already know "Trenton" IS pronounced locally with a glottal stop. But again, Fox Noise counts on viewer ignorance.

So it's actually on the topic here of subliminal psycho-manipulation that Fox Noise would deliberately misrepresent what would otherwise be a forgettable recitation as if it were some "fake accent". The purpose of this is to stir emotions, for the purpose of amassing ratings. And those of you who buy it are the pawns.

Thanks for bringing this up -- not only does it tie in with the whole pshycho-manipulation, it says far more about how the mass media engages in it for its own profit.

she was pandering, deal with it.

You just moved your own goalposts, deal with it.

She was pandering in citing a popular gospel song lyric that the audience would respond to, sure. As all politicians or for that matter all inspirational speakers or even sports play-by-play announcers do. But that wasn't what you invited me to comment on. You said, and I quote ---

care to comment on Hillary's attempt at black dialect when speaking in a black church?

So I put that to rest, and proved my case. Now you want to change your question after the answer's already been laid out.


yes, your reply is lame, thanks for acknowledging that.

She was not singing the song, she was reciting the words in full pander mode.

If she had been singing along with the congregation, you might have a point. But that's not what was going on---------------------it was a panderfest of the first degree.
Does Hillary Clinton think like you do? Just curious.

From what I gather I don't get that impression.

then why do you support her?

And while we're at it have you stopped beating your wife?

I didn't correct the record above because it's Hillary Clinton. I corrected it because it's a classic and easily-exposed example of subliminal media manipulation and because that manipulation is deliberately dishonest. By demonstrating that we advance the whole point of this thread, which is to launch a critical eye to what those who mass-communicate are saying, exactly WHY they're saying it the way they are, and what they have to gain from saying it that way. In other words --- what's in it for them.

did you just figure that out?

by the way, are you still on crack cocaine? yes or no.

I asked you, and I quote, "Where?". Haven't seen an answer yet. A quote. A link. A thread. Anything you got, bring it.

are you saying that you don't support the hildebeast?
Yes. We grasp lying at an early age. It isn't the words so much. I spend my days explaining (trying anyway) abstract ideas in the simplest, clearest language I can. It is the sad difference between the concrete thinking (I understand what I can see and touch) Trump uses and the higher order thinking the president frequently uses.
Right after San Bernardino, when Obama made the address calling for gun control, he was up in the philosophical stratosphere referring to Donne and begging for some degree of societal sanity. Same with his talk at Hiroshima. His intent flies straight over people's heads. No one in their right mind could disagree with what he is saying if they understood what he was saying. It's sad. I guess we have learned our lesson about electing someone smarter than we are.

You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.
Not only are you a tedious rightwing blind partisan hack completely devoid of objectivity, but like most cowards on the right rather than address the topic you try to hide behind a red herring fallacy.

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.

The topic has nothing in the world to do with "Obama". I have been noticing whenever Rump is the subject in a critical light, his sycophants fall all over themselves to change the subject to "Hillary", "Obama", "Democrats" or even "Bill Clinton" who isn't even running. Anything to take the spotlight off Rump.

Ad that's eloquent, since it demonstrates that deep down these sycophants know the criticism is valid, they would rather not face it, and they'd prefer that nobody else face it either, therefore let's hurry up and change the subject because the golden idol is tarnished.

If you had paid attention you would know that I was responding to this post from old lady

" I have often wondered if some of Obama's unpopularity is because he is so "the professor" and speaks to us as if we understand from whence he speaks, at his level. A lot of people haven't got a clue what he's going on about. He'd be a great professor, but I wonder if he overestimated the intelligence of the American populace--or just decided he didn't give a damn about the ones who don't get it? "

Read your own post still sitting above. It says, and again I quote, in full:

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.
And as I just pointed out, it is not at all the topic at hand. As I've also observed, this is another flailing attemtp to change the subject whenever the topic is Donald Rump, unless of course the topic is slobbering over him, then it's full speed ahead. I also observed why that might be.
You are a total idiot. Praising obozo the traitor? On memorial day weekend the asshole goes to Hiroshima and apologizes for the USA winning the war--------after Japan killed thousands of americans in an unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor. That traitorous bastard should have been at Pearl Harbor recognizing the americans who died defending this country in WW2. Your bullshit about his speech being "over people's heads" is crass and a total lie. No one is fooled by your America hating Kenyan messiah. And shove your patronizing " we are so much smarter than you are" up your fat Obama loving ass.

You and Obama can kiss my ass.
Not only are you a tedious rightwing blind partisan hack completely devoid of objectivity, but like most cowards on the right rather than address the topic you try to hide behind a red herring fallacy.

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.

The topic has nothing in the world to do with "Obama". I have been noticing whenever Rump is the subject in a critical light, his sycophants fall all over themselves to change the subject to "Hillary", "Obama", "Democrats" or even "Bill Clinton" who isn't even running. Anything to take the spotlight off Rump.

Ad that's eloquent, since it demonstrates that deep down these sycophants know the criticism is valid, they would rather not face it, and they'd prefer that nobody else face it either, therefore let's hurry up and change the subject because the golden idol is tarnished.

If you had paid attention you would know that I was responding to this post from old lady

" I have often wondered if some of Obama's unpopularity is because he is so "the professor" and speaks to us as if we understand from whence he speaks, at his level. A lot of people haven't got a clue what he's going on about. He'd be a great professor, but I wonder if he overestimated the intelligence of the American populace--or just decided he didn't give a damn about the ones who don't get it? "

Read your own post still sitting above. It says, and again I quote, in full:

I addressed the topic at hand. I discussed Obama and his disingenuous hate-America, fundamentally transform America bullshit. I am fed up this this pretend American, and with you who kiss his ass 24/7.
And as I just pointed out, it is not at all the topic at hand. As I've also observed, this is another flailing attemtp to change the subject whenever the topic is Donald Rump, unless of course the topic is slobbering over him, then it's full speed ahead. I also observed why that might be.

it was the topic of the post I was responding to, posted by old lady.

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