Submit to power?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I read 1984 and Brave New World in school. Did I get what those warnings were? No. They were scary stories from literature fantasy beyond any capacity of a 15-year-old mind to comprehend. Now I am living in a single dystopian world distorted and twisted by the forecasts of Orwell and Huxley that exist like opposite sides of a coin.

It is a coin of the realm that fosters thought slavery. If what we think is what we are, then today we are nothing. We in the United States have seen what the fruits of labor can bring. We have listened to the music of democracy. We have danced to that beautiful music. But somewhere in the back of the orchestra some dissonant notes were ignored.

George Orwell and Aldous Huxley saw this coming in slightly different ways but they both concluded that serfdom to a central master was an unavoidable destination without constant vigilance of assaults on mind and spirit. The corruption of power is a ubiquitous dark energy surrounding the human condition.

There is a wickedness among us that elevates some to control the rest. Good intentions and altruism are missing from the recipe. It is all about the power. Many years ago, it would have been unthinkable that groups would form to blame people for the weather-it would have been laughed at. Today that laughter is muted as “green new deals” emerge from power brokers seeking power.

One of America’s largest states, California, is burning under the negligence of officialdom preoccupied with the power of persuasion pushing a narrative to control the people with regulatory oppression. It is about future power not future progress. This happens right before the eyes of the slaves, but they see only what they are told to see. Their anger is stage managed by the oppressors to blame “deniers and unbelievers”.

Orwell and Huxley were way ahead of their time. They correctly predicted that the people would march in lockstep to throw away their freedoms. The people are pleasured with promises of managed equality and enforced fairness. The foolishness is embraced wildly with Molotov Cocktails and bullets.

Is this our destiny? Maybe. We still have more power than they think we have. Technology is at our beck and call and we should use it to fight fire with fire. We have to do it or we must submit to the masters.
George Orwell wrote his dystopian novel as a warning, but the democrats have adopted it as a "how to" manual.
I think it more the human condition

The vast number of people who have walked the earth were either a slave or fought for a despot. In fact, there are now more slaves today in the world than at any other time in human history.

The US revolution was unique, in that a country was founded by people seeking religious freedom and, as a result, had the moral fiber to create a relatively free nation. But as the nation drifts towards secularism, which is the great abyss of serfdom, then the revolution results begin to look more like the French revolution which was only about killing off the rich folk and taking their money, in which the despot Napoleon promptly filled the void.

Today the democrats want a French revolution all over again.
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George Orwell wrote his dystopian novel as a warning, but the democrats have adopted it as a "how to" manual.
I think it more the human condition

The vast number of people who have walked the earth were either a slave or fought for a despot. In fact, there are now more slaves today in the world than at any other time in human history.

The US revolution was unique, in that a country was founded by people seeking religious freedom and, as a result, had the moral fiber to create a relatively free nation. But as the nation drifts towards secularism, which is the great abyss of serfdom, then the revolution results begin to look more like the French revolution which was only about killing off the rich folk and taking their money, in which the despot Napoleon promptly filled the void.

But today, the democrats want a French revolution all over again.

The goal of the democrats is to return America to what they view as the natural state of masters and slaves. democrats want to roll back the enlightenment and undo the renaissance. The goal of the left is to place all land back in the hands of the king (state) so he can appoint barons and earls to do his bidding. Marxism is feudalism with a bow wrapped on it.
The Dems have a lot of Orwellian characteristics:
political correctness
blind fanaticism
one party press
politicized entertainment
political violence
smear tactics
politicized education
totally corrupt
totally dishonest
epic demagoguery
fake news
culture eradication
erasing history
I too read 1984 in school, but, I honestly don't remember if I was 15 or 16 since my birthday is in the middle of the school year. (I'll turn 73 in Dec)

My thoughts were negligible in that I thought "wow! that's a cool story"- it now seems, in the blink of an eye, "big brother" is everywhere- (that reminds me of the Ray Stevens song, "Santa Claus is Watching You" and the line, he's everywhere, he's everywhere) and that's not to make light of the subject, it's just what came to mind.

On topic; there is a natural progression in the scheme of things that cannot be avoided. When havoc is created, chaos ensues and catastrophe is inevitable. Of course, each word is subjective, and the most important is catastrophe. Time lines are assigned by historians. Historians aren't noted for their objectivity, so, it is encumbent on the living to do as Ray has done here- document. Through out History documentation has been burned- and ignored. There is too much documentation, thanks to the internet, to destroy it all- that's a good thing as it will provide those with the wherewithal, up close and personal information for future documentation.

I see the story 1984 as a periodical writing, and in retrospect, mostly prophetic. A question I posit to myself is; had I known then what I know now would I be a different person? I doubt it.
But a key is retrospect. It's a reflection of Historical significance- significant to who is a question? Man kind is the answer. Notice I said above, catastrophe is inevitable- it can't be avoided. It can be minimized though. With Truth.
"We the stinky tourist" are learning the Truth.

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