Suburbanites....get guns, the democrat party is sending their antifa, blm, black bloc thugs into residential neighborhoods now......

It certainly is ignorant to compare the 30-06 with the .35 Remington.

This isn't a thread in which you should be trying to impress others with your fascination on your guns. Nor should you be touching your guns in places that make the guns feel uncomfortable.
fk off and mind your own business pissant, this isn't America. It's a useful discussion when you aren't spamming it.
It ain't a useful discussion when you try to advance bald faced lies duck. BTW, your ignorance is showing again. The diameter of a 30.06 bullet is .355". The diameter of .35 caliber bullet is .358" -- kind of negates any kind of bullshit point you were trying to make as the .35 caliber bullet is .003" larger in diameter. Minuscule in any discussion. And yes it is America and the discussion is very clear in the OP that it is dealing with suburbanites in America. You're an idiot duck, run along.
Instead of your anger and unnecessary spamming,
Not at all angry--you narcissistic morons give yourselves too much credit. You are a commie canuck moron who hasn't got the ambition to substantiate the lies you post. The exact definition of a spamming troll. If you really want to get into a discussion, lets talk about the Canadian Truckers--you won't provide any proof of anything you post regarding them either. Now stay on topic duck.

Suburbanites....get guns, the democrat party is sending their antifa, blm, black bloc thugs into residential neighborhoods now......​

You're a bit confused and you need to read the OP, duck. Poaching doesn't happen in the suburbs. Try again, fucking moron.
Wellllll.....I know a guy who lives in a very affluent subdivision in Fairfax County in NOtVA. The lots are a half acre and his place butts-up against a Fairfax Co. park......Lets just say he never lacks for deer meat.

Now I'm not sayin' that I condone the practice but given that they can't even plant flowers without the deer eating them the King is not going to miss a few deer taken for food....So yeah, poaching does happen on a limited scale in the blue-burbs.
BTW, your ignorance is showing again. The diameter of a 30.06 bullet is .355".
Now that's really dumb! The diameter of a 30-06 bullet is .308 and hardly anybody who claims to know something about guns or ammunition wouldn't know that !! Dohhhhhhhhh!

As is true of most calibers that are just referred to as 30 caliber, .308, 30-06, 30-30, and a bunch of others.
But not the .303 British of course. You really stuck your foot in your mouth this time!
Yes...the criminals have guns....the normal people do not...the normal people obey the law and the democrats have created gun control laws that keep normal, in particular poor people, from being able to own and carry guns....

Every Democrat gun law is to disarm the victims in favor of the Democrat's constituents.
For the longest time, the democrat party would only send their brown shirts....blm, antifa, black bloc, into black neighborhoods....knowing that the normal Americans in those neighborhoods would likely not have guns, since these were democrat party controlled guns allowed. Now, they are sending out scouting parties into residential see what the reactions will be when the brown shirts of the democrat party start targeting non-black neighborhoods........

A report from one of those scouting parties.......

Get guns, learn how to use them...the democrats will not allow dissent or freedom...

A independent reporter...not a democrat party agent.........managed to infiltrate a black bloc, antifa, democrat party terrorist action....

The democrats once again kept the police from stopping their brown shirts.....

wasn't sure what to expect but about 100 black bloc and Antifa marched in residential streets and blocked traffic on Lake for two hours, ransacking whatever they could and graffitied numerous businesses along the way.

No police ever showed up or were seen except for a helicopter hovering overhead the entire time.

For over two hours Minneapolis businesses were vandalized up and down Lake Street by Antifa. Traffic was blocked both ways - motorists were frustrated.

Protesters chanted throughout residential streets past 9pm creating barricades wherever they could in the Streets.
Outside the Minneapolis Police 5th Precinct where protesters spray-painted & threw rocks at the building, cracking windows. Phones & cameras weren't allowed so it was difficult to capture. Police never appeared. The precinct has been barricaded with fences since 2020.

Trash cans, bike racks, and construction barriers were dragged into the streets for two hours as black bloc Antifa disrupted traffic all up and down Lake Street both ways. No police ever responded or intervened.

The democrat party is following the play book that leftists created back in 1930s Germany..........take control of the police......keep the police from stopping your brown shirts, target your political enemies specifically, let the general population know the police won't protect them........classic 1930s left wing terror tactics...

The difference, at this point?

Americans can buy, own and carry guns for when the democrat party unleashes their brown shirts...............
Them truckers blocking the highway were sent by the Democratic Party also.
Wellllll.....I know a guy who lives in a very affluent subdivision in Fairfax County in NOtVA. The lots are a half acre and his place butts-up against a Fairfax Co. park......Lets just say he never lacks for deer meat.

Now I'm not sayin' that I condone the practice but given that they can't even plant flowers without the deer eating them the King is not going to miss a few deer taken for food....So yeah, poaching does happen on a limited scale in the blue-burbs.

I would say that is an exception and not really pertinent to​

antifa, blm, black bloc thugs in residential neighborhoods--but who knows?​

Wellllll.....I know a guy who lives in a very affluent subdivision in Fairfax County in NOtVA. The lots are a half acre and his place butts-up against a Fairfax Co. park......Lets just say he never lacks for deer meat.

Now I'm not sayin' that I condone the practice but given that they can't even plant flowers without the deer eating them the King is not going to miss a few deer taken for food....So yeah, poaching does happen on a limited scale in the blue-burbs.
I take it you're conceding my point on the 100 line up.
Pass it on to the pissant maybe?

And can you believe he doesn't know that the 30-06 bullet isn't .308 in diameter??
Now that is gatepost stupid on the topic!
Now that's really dumb! The diameter of a 30-06 bullet is .308 and hardly anybody who claims to know something about guns or ammunition wouldn't know that !! Dohhhhhhhhh!

As is true of most calibers that are just referred to as 30 caliber, .308, 30-06, 30-30, and a bunch of others.
But not the .303 British of course. You really stuck your foot in your mouth this time!
OK, I stand corrected on my misreading. However if you go back to the point that was pertinent to the discussion--you stated that 200 grain bullets for those calibers was a stretch. YOU were wrong as usual and I proved it with three different sites. Keep grasping duck.
I take it you're conceding my point on the 100 line up.
Pass it on to the pissant maybe?

And can you believe he doesn't know that the 30-06 bullet isn't .308 in diameter??
Now that is gatepost stupid on the topic!
Feller, that's between you and him.....You certainly failed on the whole .35 Remington thing.
I doubt the AR-15.
But then it's an indication of the mindset issue you introduced, as opposed to the mindset in countries where that sort of weapon is no where nearly as popular.

Can you perhaps combine all of your thoughts into one or two posts. I can't keep up to replying to your messages when you're trying to get your point across every two minutes.
Doubt it? If you knew my neighbors you could ask them. I don't it take on the streets. Hasn't left the house except for range work.
Get my point across every two minutes? Dude, it't 5:07, I haven't even passed the time on here since about 1:30.
Difference between Americans and idiot commie ducks--we can admit when we have made an incorrect statement--as I did--when are you going to own up to your myriad lies?
You're allowed a mistake but you can't crawl out of being stupid on the topic of ammunition.

I've never lied even once to you.
I've never lied even once to you.
That ^^^ is a lie, duck. You have played fast and loose with the truth every day that you have posted. The way to tell is that you won't provide substantiation even when called on it. On the rare occasions that you do, the source is questionable or out of date. Now get back on topic.

Suburbanites....get guns, the democrat party is sending their antifa, blm, black bloc thugs into residential neighborhoods now......​

Better yet, just STFU, American firearm policy is not in line with your communist beliefs--we get it and disregard it.

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