Subway founder: Obama has created oppresive regulatory environment

Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

So no doubt then if up to you a company like Subway wouldn't be allowed to exist, right ?
DeLuca had $1000 bucks when he started his first store, what kind of business could you start now with that much money?

$1.00 in 1965 had the same buying power as $7.36 in 2013.

Annual inflation over this period was 4.25%.

$1000 bucks in 1965 = $7,360.00

Anyway, I really have no idea. I would imagine it would depend largely upon where you started the business, what sort of credit rating you had, collateral, business partners, etc.etc.

Frankly, based on the number of Pakistani Immigrants running their own little motels in BFE, I cannot imagine it being too terribly difficult to open a business.

Fine, I will give you $10,000. Guess what, it takes two years to open a ice cream shop in San Francisco, and you have to pay utilities and rent the entire time, as well as apply for the permits, and actually eat. My guess is you couldn't start a business with $50,000 in this city.

I would agree that SF is an expensive city.

If I wanted to start a business, it would be cheaper to move to Oakland.

Good example: Southwest Airlines. Their first flights into the Bay Area were into Oakland. Now they can afford higher priced SF International.
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You do understand that, if you own more than one Subway, you have to count all the employees together, don't you? Lots of franchisees own more than one store, and anyone that sells food and employs more than 50 people has to comply with the menu regulations of Obamacare, not just the insurance regulations. Lots of progressive business owners have said that it would be impossible to comply with the new labeling requirements and still offer the menu choices they currently do.

NYCarbineer knows this, don't let him fool you into thinking he is telling the truth.

Just curious, if I were to open each separate store under a completely separate entity (ie an entirely new business) would that mean I could count each company's tally of employees separately for purposes of Obamacare or would the thief in the White House call that a loophole and close it?

Ask a lawyer, not me.

Fair enough.
The menu labeling requirements are going to require every business that sells prepared food to post nutritional content for everything on their menu. This applies to restaurants, pizza shops, delis, and grocery stores. The way they are currently written every business that sells food will have to list each possible sandwich, with each possible variation of the contents, separately, and they will have to have their food items tested periodically to make sure their menu is accurate.

This will cost thousands of dollars, and inconvenience the retired guy running a couple of stores to supplement his income a lot more than it will the fatcat franchisee who spread the cost over a larger customer base. Even then, quite a few pizza places and grocery stores have said they will have to offer fewer choices unless the rules are changed.

Perhaps DeLuca is complaining because he actually understands the problems.

DeLuca, who you speculate "actually understands the problems," made no mention of "menue labeling requirements" that you claim to be a significant cost barrier to business growth.

Frankly, this is no surprise: Subway, a franchise that advertises its healthy menue, would reasonably benefit from a regulation requiring their competitors to display nutricianal information on their menues.

Thus, Deluca and Subway Franchisees are actually BENEFITING from this regulation that did not exist in 1965!

Did you miss the part where he said it would be impossible to start a business like Subway now?

Wanna change the subject, huh.

Ok, we'll ignore the part where Delcua conveniently avoids mention of regulations that helped Subway, and only discusses regulations that make it more difficult for him to sell his franchise to multiple-store owners.


You seem to believe, without question, whatever anyone says, as long as it fits your narrow dogma.
DeLuca had $1000 bucks when he started his first store, what kind of business could you start now with that much money?

$1.00 in 1965 had the same buying power as $7.36 in 2013.

Annual inflation over this period was 4.25%.

$1000 bucks in 1965 = $7,360.00

Anyway, I really have no idea. I would imagine it would depend largely upon where you started the business, what sort of credit rating you had, collateral, business partners, etc.etc.

Frankly, based on the number of Pakistani Immigrants running their own little motels in BFE, I cannot imagine it being too terribly difficult to open a business.

Fine, I will give you $10,000. Guess what, it takes two years to open a ice cream shop in San Francisco, and you have to pay utilities and rent the entire time, as well as apply for the permits, and actually eat. My guess is you couldn't start a business with $50,000 in this city.

Two years huh? In every case? Or is that just one case that was made famous by outraged nutters last year? Hmmm?

Nutters always being nutty.
And this is bad, why?

OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

I'd rather pay $5.00 and make sure that the money went to the people who did the work, not a greedy corporation.

That wasn't one of the answers to the question, asshole. It's simple multiple choice.

You obviously don't want to answer it.
Europeans also pay a much higher price for the same sandwich. Subway also employs far fewer people than it could in Europe.

And this is bad, why?

Because inflation means you have less purchasing power on the same income?

Except that hyper-inflation never happens because of wages... In fact, quite the reverse, the only time we had serious hyper-inflation in my lifetime was in the 1970's, and wages didn't keep up with inflation.
OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

I'd rather pay $5.00 and make sure that the money went to the people who did the work, not a greedy corporation.

That wasn't one of the answers to the question, asshole. It's simple multiple choice.

You obviously don't want to answer it.

It's not one of the answers YOU want. It is an answer, though.

Labor is such a minor component in industry that it isn't even funny.
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

And, the founder of Subway has amassed a great fortune by producing fat and salt-laden, mass produced, artificially flavored sandwiches handed out by underpaid teenage workers which even the Earl of Sandwich would refuse.

What's your point?

You've never looked at their sandwiches, have you...
Anyone else see a pattern here? All of the successful entrepreneurs who went from rags to riches admit they wouldn't have been able to start or build their businesses in the current climate that Obama and the communist liberals have created....

The founder of Subway says there’s no way he could start the sandwich chain today, thanks to the oppressive regulatory environment and Obamacare.

Subway Founder: Subway Would Not Exist If Started Today Due to Government Regulations | Washington Free Beacon

We do notice the trend...Papa Johns saying they were about to go belly-up (then proceeded to give away 2 million of them:

Papa John's: Two Million Free Pizzas from PapaRewards

I'd rather pay $5.00 and make sure that the money went to the people who did the work, not a greedy corporation.

That wasn't one of the answers to the question, asshole. It's simple multiple choice.

You obviously don't want to answer it.

It's not one of the answers YOU want. It is an answer, though.

Labor is such a minor component in industry that it isn't even funny.

Labor accounts for over 70% of the cost of every product, numskull. Your brain is totally pickled in labor union propaganda.

There's a very good reason those are the only two answers to the question: you asked what difference the cost of the sandwich made. It obviously makes a difference, even to someone as stupid as you.

Labor accounts for over 70% of the cost of every product, numskull. Your brain is totally pickled in labor union propaganda.

There's a very good reason those are the only two answers to the question: you asked what difference the cost of the sandwich made. It obviously makes a difference, even to someone as stupid as you.

No, it really doesn't.

But you keep telling yourself it is, and how cool it is to cheat working people out of a fair wage and work them harder because that's the REpublican way.
And this is bad, why?

Because inflation means you have less purchasing power on the same income?

Except that hyper-inflation never happens because of wages... In fact, quite the reverse, the only time we had serious hyper-inflation in my lifetime was in the 1970's, and wages didn't keep up with inflation.

We didn't have hyper inflation in the 70s, moron. You don't even know what hyper-inflation is. Check out Zimbabwe where the goverment issues 100 trillion notes.

Labor accounts for over 70% of the cost of every product, numskull. Your brain is totally pickled in labor union propaganda.

There's a very good reason those are the only two answers to the question: you asked what difference the cost of the sandwich made. It obviously makes a difference, even to someone as stupid as you.

No, it really doesn't.

But you keep telling yourself it is, and how cool it is to cheat working people out of a fair wage and work them harder because that's the REpublican way.

Even you weren't willing to admit that you would prefer a $10.00 sandwich to a $5.00 dollar sandwich, yet here you are claiming it doesn't make any difference.

You are officially a moron.
Subway is a franchise.

Obviously they have a Headquarters and currently there are 32 openings for these positions. DAI is a privately held company and is not traded on any stock exchange. Each franchise is individually owned and operated.

DeLuca had $1000 bucks when he started his first store, what kind of business could you start now with that much money?

$1.00 in 1965 had the same buying power as $7.36 in 2013.

Annual inflation over this period was 4.25%.

$1000 bucks in 1965 = $7,360.00

Anyway, I really have no idea. I would imagine it would depend largely upon where you started the business, what sort of credit rating you had, collateral, business partners, etc.etc.

Frankly, based on the number of Pakistani Immigrants running their own little motels in BFE, I cannot imagine it being too terribly difficult to open a business.

What you DON't know is that the Feds had a 'government program' that gave low-interest loans to 'qualifying immigrants' to build those hotel/motels, and after 3-5 years the loan became a GRANT.

IOW, you paid for those Pakistanis to emigrate, and then they brought 16 family members over to work the place instead of giving jobs to Americans.

Way to go, America!!
OK, numskull. I'll put it in terms as simple as I possibly can:

Which amount would you rather pay for the same exact sandwich, $5.00 or $10.00?

Think carefully, now. Your answer will determine whether you are a moron.

Can you post evidence a $5 US sandwich costs $10 in Europe?

Can you provide evidence that he said that?

He doesn't have to say it when the fact that it was brought up speaks for itself. Of all the things in the universe, why was that particular thing brought up?

How does it feel to be right-wing scum without the backbone to even try to support your lies?
I'd rather pay $5.00 and make sure that the money went to the people who did the work, not a greedy corporation.

That wasn't one of the answers to the question, asshole. It's simple multiple choice.

You obviously don't want to answer it.

It's not one of the answers YOU want. It is an answer, though.

Labor is such a minor component in industry that it isn't even funny.

You folks say this until it's used against you, and then you argue the opposite.

Case in point...

One of the BIG leftist talking points about illegal immigration is that if we deported all the illegals the price of a head of lettuce would be $10.

Can't have it both ways, Bro...
That wasn't one of the answers to the question, asshole. It's simple multiple choice.

You obviously don't want to answer it.

It's not one of the answers YOU want. It is an answer, though.

Labor is such a minor component in industry that it isn't even funny.

You folks say this until it's used against you, and then you argue the opposite.

Case in point...

One of the BIG leftist talking points about illegal immigration is that if we deported all the illegals the price of a head of lettuce would be $10.

Can't have it both ways, Bro...

Pick a corporation and show us how much the cost of labor is as a percentage of doing business!

Labor accounts for over 70% of the cost of every product, numskull. Your brain is totally pickled in labor union propaganda.

There's a very good reason those are the only two answers to the question: you asked what difference the cost of the sandwich made. It obviously makes a difference, even to someone as stupid as you.

No, it really doesn't.

But you keep telling yourself it is, and how cool it is to cheat working people out of a fair wage and work them harder because that's the REpublican way.

Even you weren't willing to admit that you would prefer a $10.00 sandwich to a $5.00 dollar sandwich, yet here you are claiming it doesn't make any difference.

You are officially a moron.
You still haven't shown anything to back up you $10. sandwich theory.

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